Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2423 2427 [Adding Trouble to Sniper]

Ran Mao Li looked at the figure of her childhood friend running away, picked up the juice and drank it silently: I don’t know why, I always feel that this back is a bit similar to the one I saw in the amusement park before... and if I remember correctly, this guy has disappeared since the day in the amusement park.

"It should be an illusion." Ran Mao Li put down the juice cup and dragged another dessert closer. "The environment here is completely different from that of the amusement park. I shouldn’t encounter what he called "difficult cases that require long-term follow-up investigations." Anyway, I'll wait for a while... What exactly did he want to say just now?"


The originally spacious corridor was crowded because of too many onlookers.

Inspector Megure didn't expect that this group of well-dressed business people would be so brave when eating melons. He wiped his sweat and commanded his subordinates anxiously: "Pull up the cordon and don't let anyone in!"

As he was speaking, he saw his subordinates step back in unison, clearing the way and welcoming a bystander in.

"?" Inspector Megure's forehead jumped, but before he could get angry, he suddenly froze, "Brother Jiang Xia? Why are you here?" ... and this elusive kid with glasses.

Jiang Xia pulled the fake Conan through the crowd and came to the relatively less crowded elevator.

He looked around and his eyes fell on the elevator: "I heard that there was a shooting here?"

"Yeah." Inspector Megure sighed when he mentioned this, "I don't know where these guys got the guns from. They all ignore the law... Sooner or later, I will ask my colleagues to raid their gun buying channels!"

Jiang Xia nodded in agreement, and condemned the lawless lunatics who shot at will with the police officer.

However, no matter whether the criminals' dens can be raided in the future, the current case still needs to be solved.

Officer Takagi waited eagerly on the side. Seeing that his superior and Jiang Xia had finished their greetings, he breathed a sigh of relief and brought the clues over.

"The deceased is Taiji Tatsumi, 58 years old, and the president of a game company." He quietly gestured to Jiang Xia at the three people at the other end of the corridor, "Those three were the first to discover the body. According to them, they forgot something at the company and wanted to take the elevator back to get it. Who knew that when they opened the elevator, they found a body lying inside."

Inspector Megure looked suspicious: "Three people forgot to bring things at the same time?"

Officer Takagi: "Today is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of their company, so the deceased president booked this place and planned to hold an anniversary reception - the three first discoverers of the body were responsible for preparing the bouquets to be used at the scene, but they forgot to bring the flowers after get off work, so they had to go back to get them now."

Jiang Xia heard something: "Is their company very close to here?"

Officer Takagi Nodding: "This company is in this building. They rented 13 floors from the 24th to the 36th floor. The VIP elevator at the crime scene has actually become a special elevator for their company. It is basically not open to the public unless it is really busy."

"I asked the members of this company. Their president suddenly fell ill, so he did not attend the memorial reception tonight. Instead, he planned to go to the office downstairs to handle important matters and go home to rest."

Officer Takagi sighed sympathetically: "His clothes are very messy, as if he was robbed. I guess it's because the members are not in the company tonight. A thief sneaked in to break into the house, but he met the president who suddenly came back, so the other side panicked and shot him to death."

In the crowd, an ordinary young man silently pressed down the brim of his hat.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Nonsense, how can a thief be so cruel? This is obviously a murder case. Don't blame the thief for everything!

By the way, such a big thing happened downstairs, and I don't know if the sniper on the rooftop has left.

The wind on the rooftop was strong and the noise was loud. If the man was careless and didn't hear the noise, maybe he could still catch him if he went up now?

Thinking of this, Kuroba Kaito's eyes moved and fell on Jiang Xia.

"I didn't expect this detective to be here. If I had known this, I should have come to him directly. His words are more effective than the president of a game company..."

Kid thought of what happened in the elevator shaft just now, sighed silently, and his thoughts were a little divergent: "It would be better if I could disguise myself as Jiang Xia, but I don't know why this kid is very popular with monsters. What if I pretend to be him and get discovered by a group of monsters and caught as dried human meat strips, things will be troublesome..."

Kuroba Kaito was curious about what the monster's nest looked like, and at the same time he got goose bumps because of the brutal and bloody scene.

After a moment, he shook his head hard and threw the strange idea out of his mind: I will think about these things later. The key now is the two gunmen upstairs and downstairs. Especially the dangerous guy with a sniper rifle on the rooftop, he must tell Jiang Xia about this as soon as possible.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." But Jiang Xia didn't look at his phone, and there were policemen around him, and every policeman was listening to the detective very seriously... How could he get through?

The thief touched his chin and fell into deep thought.


In front of the elevator.

As a police inspector who has been dealing with murders for many years, Inspector Megure didn't notice that an international wanted criminal was trying to get closer in a sneaky way. His attention was all focused on the murder in front of him.

Jiang Xia's peripheral vision accidentally swept over him and found that this police inspector brother seemed to be thinking, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "What did you find?"

Inspector Megure stared at the bloody corpse in the elevator and scratched his head: "I always feel that I have experienced something very similar, but I can't remember it for a while... Oh, right! It should be a long time ago. At that time, I was a rookie who had just become a policeman. A strange young man sneaked into the scene and muttered a lot of things beside me... Hiss, what did he say?"

When Officer Takagi saw his boss looking at him, he looked embarrassed: "This... I don't know. Calculate the time, when you just became a policeman, I was still in elementary school."

The subordinates were useless, and Inspector Megure habitually looked at his most reliable younger brother.

Jiang Xia was looked at by him and blinked slowly: "..." I don't know either.

Sato Miwako, who was passing by, heard the conversation here and was speechless: "Why are you looking at him? He was not born yet." Hurry up and work, don't make trouble across time and space to exploit your baby brother.

"Well, okay." Inspector Megure sighed regretfully, "I just think these two cases are a bit similar, maybe what was said at that time can also be used as a reference now..."

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