Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2424 2428 [Two Kudo Shinichi]

"I don't know how past cases were solved." Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of police officers, a high school student strolled up and naturally integrated into their conversation: "But I know that in this case, the murderer was definitely not seeking money, let alone a thief who broke into the house."

As he said that, the high school student stopped in front of the elevator and pointed at the body lying inside: "As far as I know, most thieves are very principled and will not carry weapons with excessive lethality such as guns. To say the least, Even if they took it and shot the deceased in a panic, the panic of killing and the loud noise of the shooting would only make them panic and flee the scene instead of staying to search for money from the body. "

The young police officer next to the cordon was stunned for a moment, then turned back and looked over: "..." Wait, when did this person sneak in?

The Memu Police Department discovered that someone had entered the scene and planned to drive them away. However, when he saw the face of the reasoning officer, he was suddenly confused: "Ku... Brother Kudo?!"

My ex-boyfriend, who had been missing for so long, actually came back and got involved in a case as soon as he appeared on the scene!

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but feel excited about meeting an old friend: "Long time no see, where have you been recently?"

Kudo Shinichi walked closer to him and lowered his voice: "I have been busy investigating an important commission recently, and I finally found time to come back - and I have to ask you a favor, don't let your subordinates take me. spread the word about its existence.”

"It's easy to talk about." Mumu Police Department was very loyal and agreed.

Kudo Shinichi looked at the obedient police department and nodded with a smile, as if he was particularly satisfied with this situation.

Beside him, Jiang Xia glanced at him, then looked thoughtfully outside the cordon.

At the very back of the melon-eating crowd, Zhan Wuzha, who tried hard to squeeze in but failed repeatedly, stayed where he was. The man looked at "Kudo Shinichi" next to the policeman, and then at "Conan" next to Jiang Xia. ”, briefly falling into a philosophical daze.

Jiang Xia: "..."

The Phantom Thieves are becoming more and more bold now.

When the famous detective ponders the profound questions "Who am I? Where am I? Who are they? Who am I?"

Next to the elevator at the crime scene, "Kudo Shinichi" obviously couldn't stop feeling this novel feeling of being worshiped by the police.

He pointed to the slightly messy clothes of the deceased: "In addition, you see, the cuff of the shirt on the deceased's right hand was unbuttoned - his watch was on his left hand, and there was nothing valuable in his right hand. A normal thief would not Doing such unnecessary things.”

"Indeed." Police Department Memu scratched his head and began to doubt the murderer's motives. "It's really strange. What did the murderer do to unbutton his cuffs? Could it be that that person came to steal clothes? But no matter how famous the brand's clothes are, they can still wear them even if they are splattered with blood. No. And with the president’s figure...even if he steals the clothes, he won’t be able to find a buyer.”

"..." "Kudo Shinichi" glanced at him faintly, "Who said the murderer was trying to steal things? I mean, the cuffs should have been untied by the deceased himself for some reason."

The Mumu Police Department was even more confused: "You mean, the deceased was taking off his clothes in the elevator before he died?!" Doesn't this sound a little strange?


At this moment, a sad female voice came, interrupting their conversation that was gradually going off track.

Jiang Xia raised her head and saw a young woman wearing a dress and slender high-heeled shoes running excitedly towards her under the escort of several members.

"Dad...ah!!" Sakurako Tatsumi rushed to the elevator and was startled by the corpse inside. She had to close her eyes and look away, "Why is this happening!"

The Mumu Police Department looked at the few people who suddenly rushed into the cordon, and felt dizzy: "..." Who is responsible for guarding the cordon? Keeping it is the same as not keeping it!

But now that the victim's family members were in front of him, he couldn't completely ignore them and had no choice but to step forward to comfort them.

"Kudo Shinichi" saw this and took the opportunity to move next to Jiang Xia.

He was about to pretend to be Kudo Shinichi and tease the detective, but before he could speak, Jiang Xia said, "Get down to business, or I'll call the police."

Kidd: "..."

It’s simply heartless, unreasonable and vexatious! After all, we are comrades guarding the secrets of monsters together, and you actually betrayed me to the police? !

He grunted inwardly without daring to speak, and said honestly: "I saw a sniper on the roof just now. I don't know if he's gone now - tell the police to go up and have a look with enough weapons. That guy Maybe very dangerous."

Jiang Xia: "..." He left a long time ago. The lawless gangster didn't come alone. He had many FBI accomplices. As soon as chaos broke out here, the FBI group retreated.

But it’s not a big problem and we’ll see you again soon.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate on the various details of the Phantom Thief. Jiang Xia picked up the pockets of her windbreaker and played with the few French fries and colorless murderous aura she had just picked up. She turned to the Mumu Police Department and whispered a few words.

The expression on Mumu Police Department's face changed slightly, and he immediately ordered a few people and cautiously went upstairs.

Kidd looked at their backs and sighed with emotion: "It's great to be a detective - when I need to deal with the police again in the future, how about I disguise myself as you? You also know my reasoning ability. , I promise not to embarrass you."

The detective nodded generously: "Okay. But when you go out under my identity, if you encounter some strange people communicating with you, remember to run faster after being exposed. I will not be responsible if something goes wrong - you can write in advance to be on the safe side. It’s a good suicide note, it will be very convenient to handle later.”

Kidd: "..."

He thought of the black panthers, spiders, and foggy dogs that occasionally appeared around Jiang Xia, and the ability of those monsters to recognize people without being confused by their appearance. He shuddered silently, and was forced to give up this alluring identity for the nth time.

Not long after, the Mumu Police Department came back from upstairs with their men.

"There's no one on the roof." He said to Jiang Xia first, and then turned to "Kudo Shinichi" - according to Jiang Xia, the news about the outlaws on the roof was provided by Detective Brother No. 2. "Did you see it wrong?"

"Kudo Shinichi" frowned when he heard this, but in the end he could only nod helplessly: "Maybe." It seems that the sniper was not bad at alertness and ran away early... Or maybe that person had an accomplice, and the accomplice found the top floor There was a murder in the restaurant, and he was tipped off in time, so that he could escape?

Thinking this, Kidd suddenly paid more attention to his surroundings.

And after paying such attention, he suddenly discovered that outside the crowd, there was a face that was almost the same as his own.

Kidd: "?!"

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