Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2432 2436 [Is Akai here? Check out the sniper rifle] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2432 2436 [Akai is here? Take a look at the sniper rifle】Please vote for me (づど)

Sakurako Tatsumi covered her mouth tightly, unable to believe the truth.

Ohba Satoru looked at her and laughed, still immersed in his script: "A protagonist who turned himself into a demon for revenge, and finally defeated the demon... Huh, I just didn't expect that he ended up in the end. The same fate as my father."

The Memu Police Department was a little confused about his last sentence: "What do you mean?"

Ohba Satoru looked at the elevator and sighed with emotion: "Twenty years ago, my father did not simply commit suicide - he deliberately created the scene to make it look like he died at the hands of President Tatsumi. However, it is a pity that those The trick was discovered by a passing detective at the time."

"?!" A flash of lightning flashed through the mind of Police Department Mu Mu, "I remembered it! No wonder I always feel that this case looks particularly familiar - the fake murder case that happened here twenty years ago. The person who solved the case at that time was Brother Yusaku who is passing by!"

While waving his hands for his subordinates to take the person away, he sighed a little: "It's a pity that little brother Kudo was, well, it's a pity that little brother Kudo had a little accident, otherwise the murder case of the father and son's reincarnation would be solved by another pair spanning twenty years. The father and son solved the case in 2007. Such a case will definitely make the headlines..." Alas, young people don't learn well. How come they got into the habit of tampering with witnesses at a young age.

...Speaking of which, where is Brother Kudo?

While the police were busy cleaning up the aftermath, Jiang Xia walked to the corridor window and looked down from a distance.

His eyes quickly fell on an ordinary car on the street through the night light stained by neon lights.

"Did he really put the sniper rifle somewhere else?" Jiang Xia glanced at it twice and asked the ghosts sent out just now, "Where is the pistol?"

Kiritengu, who had just returned from a business trip, flapped his wings and hovered in the air, shaking his head: none of them were nearby. They had been taken away by Akai Shuichi's accomplices.

"...I didn't plan to grab his gun, so why should I be so vigilant?" Jiang Xia sighed silently, "Forget it, I'll find another chance next time."

As a sniper with outstanding sniping ability, Shuichi Akai can never not carry a gun every time.

Jiang Xia thought about it casually and slowly looked away from the window.

Then he remembered something and walked towards the lounge: he almost forgot that there was another person, and he didn't know if Kudo-san's transformation was over.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the lounge, Jiang Xia paused and saw Conan.

But he soon recognized it: "Come back so soon?"

Huihara Ai, who finally escaped from Mao Lilan's hands: "..."

She sighed and touched the wig on her head with lingering fear: "Although this disguise is very effective, I always feel that it is a bit dangerous to dress like this... I won't use it in the future."

——If one day Conan's true identity is exposed, then the person pretending to be this identity will probably be beaten innocently... She is not that rough-skinned guy. With that kind of powerful fist, she will probably get punched casually. About to go to heaven.

While thinking about it, Haiyuan Ai tiptoed and handed Jiang Xia a small bag: "These are the clothes I brought for 'Conan'. You don't have to go out and buy them for him - how is he now? Can he move?" If he can move, hurry up and help her. When we go back, Miss Maori is still looking nearby.

"I gonna go see."

Jiang Xia carried her clothes into the lounge, opened the closet and took a look, and found that Kudo-san had indeed changed back. And once he became smaller, his health bar seemed to be filled up, and he was finally no longer in that half-dead state.

Jiang Xia handed the clothes in and soon found Conan who broke out of the door.

"Has the case been solved?" Conan said regretfully, then suddenly remembered something and slapped his forehead: "Oh no, I haven't paid the bill yet. I'll go to the restaurant first."

He swept away like a whirlwind.

At the door, Haiyuan Ai adjusted the wig that was almost knocked askew. She glanced back at the whirlwind that deserved a beating, yawned and walked to Jiang Xia's side: "It's getting late, do you want to go home?"

Jiang Xia looked at his watch: "I have something to do tonight, so I'll take you back first."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded, turned around and followed him downstairs.

On the way, she touched her not-so-full belly and sighed: "The main meal was interrupted before it was even served..." It seems that if you want to eat well in the future, you have to carefully choose a restaurant without detectives... But that way What should Jiangxia do? Forget it, just go home and make it yourself, so that you can have dinner when you want, and there won't be any additional murders at home.

The two took another elevator downstairs and happened to meet the police who were busy transporting evidence.

Jiang Xia looked at the box containing the murder weapon and sighed with regret: A few days ago, after Shuichi Akai entered the police station for illegally holding a gun, his gun should have been registered by the police.

It would have been a lot of fun if we had just piled up puppets and asked "Uzo" to bring the gun downstairs and replace it with the murderous gun in this case.

Jiang Xia: "..." It's a pity that this kind of fun is one-time. The gun was given to the police. Even if it is taken back and used again, it will not have the same effect... Compared with this kind of indifferent case, it is not as good as Use this fun gun somewhere else.

"For example, can you lend it to Kidd for one night? Just say it was picked up by the foggy dog ​​when he went out." Jiang Xia touched his chin and suddenly found another person to show off his gun to.

But of course this is not the point, the point is...

"I don't know how much extra murderous energy Akai Shuichi will be able to contribute when he sees the gun during the operation tonight." Jiang Xia is quite looking forward to it. "There is nothing wrong with this FBI ace, except that his mood is too stable, and he rarely has When murderous intent breaks out... he should really learn from his French french colleague, Teacher Judy is much more generous than him."

The police car, carrying the prisoners and evidence, drove away.

In a nearby alley.

A high school student thief pressed down the baseball cap on his head and looked at the colored police lights in the distance with lingering fear.

"Mika Town is really dangerous." Kidd sighed and realized later, "I thought I was unlucky before, but now I think about it, if I had replaced the president half a minute earlier... the one who got shot would have been Me?"

Who would have thought that when the elevator door opened, what walked in was not an ordinary passenger, but a bullet?

Even if his skills are much better than that of the president, if he is distracted for a moment, he, the Phantom Thief who has troubled the Second Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police for a long time, may be collected by the First Investigation Section.

"And it may not be able to be collected in my own name."

Kuroba Kaito thought of the guy who looked almost exactly like him, and muttered in his heart: "Compared to Kuroba Kaito, I always feel that the tombstone in this area is more likely to be 'Young Detective Kudo Shinichi'..." …”


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