Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2433 2437 [Catching the

"By the way, didn't the detective become smaller? But why did he appear in the form of a high school student just now? Could it be that he can change his size anytime and anywhere?"

Kuroba Kaito walked out of the alley and looked at this city full of mysteries. He was thinking: "This technique is very good. If I can master it, then there will be no blind spots in my disguise... No, no, no, calm down. This kind of change is very dangerous!"

The thief walked away with a beep. Although he was very interested in this case and the transformed detective who appeared during the murder, he had something else to do tonight.


On the other side.

In a van with a thick sunscreen film on the windows, several figures sat together, silently watching a surveillance video on the laptop.

The scene of the incident was an exhibition hall filled with smoke. A group of police officers from the second investigation section were wandering around in the smoke like headless flies.

From the accompanying eavesdropping device, the angry voice of Inspector Nakamori was heard: "Kid has mixed into the crowd!... What? He has already left from the sky on a hang glider? Idiot! That is his usual stand-in dummy. His real body must still be among the crowd in the exhibition hall - stop everyone in the hall immediately and let them go after a body search!"

Off the screen.

The leading man in black looked deeply at Inspector Nakamori in the surveillance video, his eyes meaningful.

After a few seconds, he looked away and switched to another video: this time, it was the image of the entrance of the venue where the incident occurred.

——Faced with the sudden blockade by the police, the guests in the venue obviously could not accept it, and were now angrily confronting the police who were blocking them.

During the stalemate, a pink figure full of youthfulness passed through the crowd and walked past the police as if they were nothing.

"Wait!" A young police officer turned around and grabbed the cute girl in a pink dress, "The commander said that we can't leave now!"

"Really?" The girl turned back in surprise, "But I'm Nakamori Aoko, I just came to deliver lunch to my father, I really can't leave?"

The old police officer next to him noticed the movement here and hurriedly said to the young police officer: "Don't you know? This is the daughter of Inspector Nakamori."

"?!" The young police officer didn't expect to catch a relative at random, he quickly let go, "Sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay, you've worked hard." "Nakamori Aoko" smiled sweetly at him and turned away. A large number of reinforcements passed by her, but no one thought of stopping them.

With a "click", the man in black outside the screen pressed the pause button: "The following are the photos taken by our people."

He exited the video playback page and clicked on several photos in turn: "This woman received the notice letter we posted on the gem, and then rushed to the nearby mailbox, put the gem in an envelope and posted it out."

He seriously asked the brothers in the car: "Do you know who the recipient is written on the envelope?"

The brothers shook their heads blankly.

The black-clad boss lit a cigarette and exhaled faintly. His vicissitudes of life seemed to see through the darkness of the Metropolitan Police Department: "It was Inspector Nakamori. And as far as I know, this is not the first time Inspector Nakamori has received such a letter - do you know what this means?"

The brothers continued to shake their heads.

"Stupid!" The black-clad boss snorted coldly and crushed the cigarette fiercely, "This shows that there must be some kind of connection between the international thief Kaito Kidd and the seemingly ordinary Nakamori father and daughter!"

"Uh..." One of the younger brothers pushed his glasses and asked in a low voice, "I heard that the reason why Kaito Kidd is so difficult to catch is because he has a thousand-fold ability and can disguise himself as various people he has seen at any time-could it be because the identity of "Inspector Nakamori's daughter" is more convenient, so he deliberately disguised himself like that?"

The black boss shook his head: "No matter how useful other people's identities are, he can only disguise himself once or twice at most, but Nakamori Aoko has sent stolen goods to Inspector Nakamori at least five times."

The younger brothers still couldn't believe it: "But Inspector Nakamori is a police officer who specializes in catching Kidd. He has been tracking down Kaito Kidd for more than 20 years. How could such a person..."

"Nothing is impossible Maybe. "The black-clad boss waved his hand solemnly, "Don't forget, Kaito Kidd is an excellent magician. And magicians like to tease the audience and make the impossible possible."

"And Kidd didn't want the precious treasures that he had finally obtained, but returned them to the police one by one - don't you think there is something fishy about this?"

The loyal younger brother suddenly realized: "It is indeed a bit strange to say that. He didn't return the things to the victim, nor to other policemen, but only stared at Inspector Nakamori to return them..."

Another smart younger brother pushed his glasses: "If it is returned to the owner, the owner may conceal the return of the gems and continue to use the fact that Kidd stole from him to defraud insurance, which will damage Kidd's reputation.

"And if it is returned to other policemen, the salary of the police may not be as much as a gem in his lifetime. If the police can't resist the temptation and steal the gems, it will also destroy Kidd's reputation."

The last younger brother listened in silence for a long time and concluded: "In other words, Kidd actually trusts Inspector Nakamori? "

The black-clad boss smiled mysteriously: "Rather than trusting, I prefer another truth - that Inspector Nakamori is actually the mastermind behind the Kaito Kid!"

The younger brothers: "? !"

The black-clad boss said coldly: "Whether it is Aoko Nakamori or Kidd who is active at night, they are just pawns in the hands of this policeman. The reason why Kidd has to return the stolen things to Inspector Nakamori again and again is because without his secret help, this so-called thief would not be able to steal the gems from the police's encirclement!"

The younger brothers seemed to have opened a new door: "?!!"

"For example, the recent case." The black-clad boss was surrounded by the admiring eyes of the younger brothers, and secretly raised his chin, "Inspector Nakamori deliberately left a gap in the encirclement downstairs, just to let his daughter slip away smoothly."

"In other words, the legendary thief Kidd is just a plastic substitute that does not exist in the world at all, so no one can catch him. The real thief is actually the girl on the screen!"

The black-clad boss looked at Aoko Nakamori on the screen, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Over the past ten years, Kidd has continued to cause us losses, and now it is finally time for us to take revenge."

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