Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2437 2441 [Monster's Toy] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2437 2441 [Monster’s Toy] Please vote for me (づど)

A group of colleagues who received a message from Akai Hide: "..."

This is already the first important breakthrough! Could you please carefully screen the tasks before releasing them? !

Meanwhile, on the other side.

James looked at the newly received email with a confused expression.

After a while, he picked up the binoculars and looked at Mao Lilan, who was helping the police identify the "kidnapping location." Then he looked at the familiar Memu Police Department next to Mao Lilan, and he was even more confused.

"Why are you investigating the Megure Police Department?" James touched his chin, lost in thought, "Is this police officer with a mustache also an accomplice of Uzo?... That's not right. If that's the case, Akai would just mention Megure's name directly. No, that’s fine. Why bother talking about other people’s beards?”

"Are you busy? Have you lost your memory? Or is he hinting at something?"

Thinking of this, James frowned and cautiously reminded other colleagues: "Akai's condition is a bit strange. Please pay more attention and report to me immediately if you find any abnormalities."

Under the complicated gazes of colleagues scattered in various locations, Akai Shuichi followed the "father and daughter" and slowly walked upstairs.

As he walked, the tips of his ears twitched slightly, and he gradually felt something was wrong: Why did the middle-aged man call Miss Maori "Qingzi"?

And if you think about it carefully, Mao Lilan just encountered a kidnapping case and then appeared here again... Is this time really enough for her to finish writing the notes and change her hairstyle to rush over?

Because he had been exposed to similar things, Akai Shuichi finally came to his senses and changed his mind:

"Could this Miss Maori be someone in disguise?... Is it Belmod or Kaitou Kidd?"

Akai Shuichi: "..." So, if I remember correctly, a temporary exhibition is being held on the top floor of this high tower. Among the products are many antiques and some precious gems, which seem to be in line with Kaitou Kidd's preferences.


"That girl is Kidd dressed up as?"

"...An international thief like Kidd was also dragged into the script by that person?"

Ahead, Kuroba Kaito was pretending to be a father and daughter with his neighbor while raising his ears to listen to what was going on behind him.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Why is that knitted hat following them all the time?

Although the guy's movements were disguised very naturally, and he even avoided some angles that could be illuminated by reflective objects... but tracking is tracking. The higher you go, the fewer people there are, and the more obvious this trend becomes.

"Is this the person who sent me a mini notice letter and secretly tricked Aoko into winning the dinner experience ticket here?" Kuroba Kaito became silently wary, "I don't know what their purpose is... It's a pity that I He is a good law-abiding citizen, otherwise it would be easy to find a way to catch him and question him. "

While thinking, he turned the corner and passed the door of a restroom.

The next moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew through my ears, and my surroundings suddenly became empty.

Kuroba Kaito, whose attention was all behind him, was stunned: "..." Wait, what happened just now, where is Aoko?

Before he could recover, he rolled his wings again and Kuroba Kaito disappeared.

In the bathroom, the Phantom Thief was suddenly packed and pulled into the room: "???"

He looked at the foggy dog ​​in front of him with a confused look on his face: "Didn't you leave just now?"

The calm and reliable monster did not answer, but just put the recently stunned Nakamori Aoko into the compartment and set it up. At the same time, Kidd's phone vibrated and received a message.

Kidd opened the mailbox suspiciously and found that it was Jiang Xia who sent the email: [The exhibition hall on the roof tonight will be more dangerous than you expected - I will help you watch it, and you can go up with the person you are following. . ]

Kidd: "..."

What does the matter of the Phantom Thief have to do with you, a detective!

...However, looking at the foggy dog ​​next to him who was already acting according to Jiang Xia's words, and then weighing the difference in force value between himself, an ordinary human, and the monster, Kidd swallowed his words silently.

"Damn it, what kind of enchanting soup did that detective pour into the innocent monsters? All of them obeyed his words." Kidd muttered in his heart, but he had to admit that what Jiang Xia said made sense - if the roof of the building was indeed If there is an unexpected danger, it would be best not to let Qingzi go up.

"It's strange that this detective will help ordinary citizens think about it... But why should I go up to a romantic place like the top of the midnight tower with a sneaky uncle with unknown purposes?"

Kidd was crying silently in his heart, but he thought of the enemies outside who were hiding in the dark, waiting for "Aoko Nakamori" who had received the invitation to the dinner. He knew that now was not the time to be nagging - if he disappeared for too long, those people outside would If they come in with weapons and stage a game of catching turtles in an urn in this narrow bathroom, things will be troublesome.

After thinking about it, Kidd took out the disguise props and disguised himself as Aoko Nakamori in a familiar way.

Then he stepped forward and took off the "A"-shaped hairpin from the genuine Nakamori Aoko's head, and pinned it on his own head.

——This card was a gift sent by the "organizer" along with the letter when Aoko Nakamori won the "dinner experience coupon".

Kidd has long thought that this hairpin is beautiful, but it seems a little weird. After some observation, he quickly determined that this was not a simple hairpin. The gems dotted on it were actually a transmitter that could continuously provide the wearer's location.

So in the past few days after receiving the hairpin, Kidd found an excuse to persuade Nakamori Aoko to leave it at home and not wear it until tonight - because it was a gift from the organizer, and for courtesy, Nakamori Aoko pinned it on her head when she came to the banquet.

"The invited ones are 'Kid' who received the notice letter and 'Nakamori Aoko' who received the dinner experience ticket. I, 'Inspector Nakamori' who went upstairs with me, have something to do and leave temporarily, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Kid tidied his skirt and was about to go out, but suddenly remembered something: "..." Wait, although there is danger upstairs, is it safe here?

He turned around and looked at the Mist Tengu who was with Nakamori Aoko.

However, Mist Tengu didn't seem to have much appetite for the tender high school girl in front of him: compared with the legendary dried human meat strips that were loved by the Tengu clan, the monster brother was obviously more interested in Nakamori Aoko's hair - without seeing it, the monster rubbed a hair corner on Aoko's head. After the shape was finalized, he took a half step back and looked around. He seemed very satisfied with this shape and flapped his wings slightly with pleasure.

Kidd was silent for a while: "..." From this point of view, Qingzi is somewhat similar to Jiang Xia's female classmate who is quite strong... Has Mist Tengu seen her?


Thanks to the big guys for the [Monthly Ticket] (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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