Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2438 2442 [Tower]

Anyway, now is not the time to think about the environment in which Mist Tengu makes friends.

Kidd's mind quickly returned to business. He took a deep breath and walked out: Today's monster brother seems to be reliable, at least he is not interested in human flesh. In this case, let's entrust Qingzi to him for the time being. As for himself... he has to meet the suspicious guy who is following them first.


In the corridor.

Suddenly, Shuichi Akai, who was about to go to the bathroom to check, lost the person and paused, and fell on the high school girl who came out again.

"Who are you?" Before he could dodge, the high school girl walked straight over, "I saw you on the first floor just now. You followed me all the way here. What do you want to do?"

--According to the information supplemented by Jiang Xia's friendship, this sneaky knitted hat and the group that sent him the notice letter are not likely to be in the same group.

Having said that, Kidd knew what was going to happen next without the detective's reminder: since these two groups didn't look like good people, it was just right to invite them to join the game together, and it would be best if there was a wonderful scene of dog-eat-dog.

So although he exposed the suspicious knitted hat's tracking behavior, Kidd's tone was neither harsh nor serious, but rather a bit of fun, as if a lively female high school student was scolding the other party, providing an opportunity for communication and explanation.

Beside him, an innocent passing black cloud snow-walking cat was stimulated by the tone and shuddered.

Jiang Xia, who had just changed into a cat puppet: "..." Kidd really has his own unique insights on playing a girl... But when you think of this cute appearance and even cuter tone, it's actually a male high school student, it makes your toes numb.

In front, Akai Shuichi received the inexplicable meaning of peace talks from "Nakamori Aoko". He was silent for a while, as if trying to figure out the other party's intentions.

After a moment, he said half-truthfully: "It's not stalking, it's just a side trip - I received an invitation letter asking me to come to the top of this tower at midnight tonight. This letter is very confusing to me."

"Invitation letter?" Kidd, "What kind of invitation letter?"

Akai Shuichi looked at her, and with a little tentativeness, he read out the message sent by Uzo word for word: "'I will seal your treasure on the spotless pile on Saturday night when the moon is late.'"

Kidd, who was just asking casually, said: "?!"

...Isn't this the content of the notice letter he received? Not a single word is wrong, exactly the same!

Kidd: "..."So why can this knitted hat in front of him say this? Could it be that those guys lurking in the dark are not just targeting me, the Phantom Thief, but sending it to a group?

...A notice letter as important as this can also be sent to a group? It's absurd, this is simply an insult to the Phantom Thief industry!

A vein jumped out of Kidd's forehead, and he felt vaguely despised.

He took a slow breath and tried not to change his expression: "In that case, let's go up and take a look together."


Two people with their own ulterior motives went upstairs one after the other.

Half a minute after they left, a cat with a black body and only four white paws jumped out from the corner and tried to follow quietly.

However, just as he took a step, the dark cloud stepping on the snow cat suddenly noticed something. He paused and turned his head to look behind him.

He saw that behind him, a man in black who was also a stalker was startled by the sudden appearance of the cat and took two steps back.

The two sides looked at each other, and the black-clothed brother muttered in disgrace: "Where did the black cat come from? It's really unlucky!"

"...?" Jiang Xia looked down at the four white cat paws under him: How can the dark cloud stepping on the snow cat be confused with an ordinary black cat? Are you color blind?

After hesitating for a moment, the fake cat finally ignored this human who lacked murderous aura and taste. He stepped forward and chased after the source of murderous aura in front of him.

The black-clad younger brother was stunned in place, not expecting that he was actually ignored by a cat. He wanted to chase after it to get back at it, but he felt that it was a bit embarrassing to argue with a cat.

Just as he was struggling, a voice suddenly came from the headset. The black-clad boss probably found that his signal light had stopped at the same place, so he asked: "What happened?"

"No, nothing!" The black-clad younger brother came back to his senses and quickly threw the cat aside, finding an excuse for himself to be distracted, "I was worried that they would find me if I was too close, so I deliberately walked a little slower to keep a distance."

The black-clad boss was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't blame him: Obviously, the one-sided beating not long ago left a deep impression on him, which forced him to re-examine the abilities of his younger brothers and arrange the next tracking more carefully.

He said: "From the transmitter on the girl, they have already taken the elevator, hurry over."

"Yes!" The younger brother didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly followed.

A little further away, the black-clad boss hung up the intercom, stared at the signal dot on the screen, frowned, and looked a little puzzled: "By the way, how did that high school girl get here so quickly? Doesn't she have to take a statement? I thought she would be late."

Behind him, the glasses-wearing younger brother pushed his broken glasses and calmly recalled something: "When we ran into her before, her signal dot showed that she was somewhere else. I think there might be something fishy going on."

The black-clad boss waved his hand impatiently: "What's the trick? Our transmitter is installed on the hairpin, not on her. This cunning woman must have put the hairpin somewhere else to confuse us, so the signal and her position were deviated. Later, she ran into us by chance and realized that the plan had failed, so she put on the hairpin again, wanting us to think that the location of the hairpin was not hers, but I saw through it... Humph, he can actually fight me in strategy, worthy of being Kaito Kidd."

The glasses-wearing brother: "..." Really, is this really the case?

Suddenly, the surveillance screen on the laptop moved.

"!" The black-clad boss immediately came back to his senses, no longer paying attention to his stupid brother, and looked down at the screen.

On the screen, the surveillance reflected the circular exhibition hall on the top floor. At this time, the door of the elevator room slid open silently, and two figures walked out one after the other.

"Here he comes. Kidd has finally stepped onto the stage I carefully prepared for him." The black-clad boss sneered and was about to make a speech. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong. "Nakamori Aoko is still normal, but Inspector Nakamori...did he look like this before?"

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