Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2454 2458 [I know Uzo well]

"Yes." Mouri Kogoro scratched his head, "Who told me to get married early? I was still in college at that time and had no fixed job, but I couldn't drink Mistral with your mother, so I had to work here and there to make ends meet. "

Mao Lilan couldn't help but sigh when she thought about that scene: "It sounds really hard."

Conan whispered to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "I didn't expect Uncle Maoli to be able to teach students with such a confused look. Is he really not going to teach a fool like him?"

Jiang Xia was about to speak when suddenly there was a flash of light and shadow in front of him, and Mouri Kogoro punched Conan on the head.

"You underestimate me, kid." Mouri Kogoro retracted his hand and raised his chin proudly, "I was a very good tutor back then - there was a student who I taught for three years and finally passed the entrance examination of Chengnan University. The law department of the university has a terrifyingly high admission threshold!”

As he was talking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and slapped his palm with his fist: "By the way, I remember that her home is in Miwa Town... I haven't seen her for a long time. It's better to choose a different day. I will take you to visit her today. My smart classmate Xiaohui is fine."

"Ah?" Mao Lilan was stunned, "Isn't this too sudden? What if I'm not at home?"

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand indifferently: "Then just think of it as a walk."


Mao Lilan was hesitating when she suddenly found that Jiang Xia had followed Conan with him.

Mao Lilan: "...?"

Could it be that in the detective world, randomly visiting people you know is a normal thing, and she is making too much of a fuss?

"That's right." Mao Lilan thought about it and nodded secretly, "If you think about it carefully, the detective and the client have a life-long relationship, and there is really no need to pay attention to these false etiquette, so dad and Jiang Xia will be more accustomed to this kind of directness. Their way of communicating... In this case, I have to learn to keep up with their thinking! After all, sometimes being too polite can hurt people."

Thinking this, she quickly trotted to keep up.

When four people were taking a leisurely walk.

the other side.

Vodka carefully inspected the new car that had just been delivered, and made news for the Nth time.

"Is there really no news that the doctor was killed..."

The organization cadre, who was not dressed in black, stared at the news page, secretly praying that the name of the psychiatrist would suddenly pop up on it - whether it was in the victim column or the murderer column, so that he would not have to risk his life. This is the door.

Unfortunately, it was as if he had deliberately avoided his prayers. The entire Miwa Town was peaceful and quiet. Not to mention murders, even small things like robberies and thefts did not happen.

"Looking on the bright side, this peaceful atmosphere is actually a good sign." Vodka took a deep breath, "Although I don't know why, the word 'calm before the storm' always pops up in my mind, but if it continues, I will We will not face an unknown storm, but the known muzzle of Brother Gin... It seems that we can only go on this trip today. "

While thinking about it, Vodka sat in the car and drove out cautiously, looking in all directions.

"It's not a big problem. Although the enemy is powerful and terrifying, I have already obtained enough information."

Vodka pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and comforted himself: "That guy Uzo can't predict the future, and I know his usual whereabouts very well. As long as I go around an area he rarely passes, I can naturally avoid him and his Eyeliner, arrive at the hospital safely.”

When a black organization cadre planned the route as accurately as a navigation system.

the other side.

"Although we are all in Mihua Town, I rarely go shopping here."

Mouri Kogoro checked his pockets and looked at this strange yet familiar neighborhood with emotion: "It seems that I will have to walk around more in the future, otherwise the precious memories of my youth will fade away."

Jiang Xia then looked aside and silently expanded his map of late-night racing.

Mao Lilan didn't pay much attention to these. She was obviously more curious about Maori Kogoro's former student than this street: "What kind of person is that? Have I seen him before?"

"Although she is my student, she is actually not much older than me. You were not born yet." Mouri Kogoro laughed loudly and patted his daughter on the head, "Her name is Tanaka Megumi, I remember her My father is a well-known barrister - Mr. Tanaka often invited me to stay for a beer after I tutored him on my homework. Thanks to this, I saved a lot of money."

A few people were chatting when suddenly, a car came towards them, approaching at a speed much higher than what should be expected on the sidewalk.

"What is this guy doing?!" Mouri Kogoro was startled. He pushed a few of his friends to the wall and brought Conan over. "Driving like this in broad daylight, you must have drunk too much!"

He spoke loudly as the car passed them by with the windows open. The driver seemed to have heard himself being scolded, but the man was obviously in a different state of mind. He did not even look at Jiang Xia and the others, but stepped on the accelerator and disappeared at the end of the road in the blink of an eye.

After the car left, Conan came to his senses in a daze: "..." The guy in the car had a broad chin and was wearing a pair of sunglasses... He was shocked! He thought Vodka had nothing to do, so he changed his clothes and came racing.

Next to them, the ghosts were also stunned for a moment, but they soon came to their senses and all murmured regret.

Similar, but not the same person.

This passing driver's chin was sharper than that of vanilla ice cream, and the genuine version probably wouldn't dare to accelerate towards a place where the master of the psychic medium was - turning 180 degrees on the spot and then stepping on the accelerator like crazy seemed to be more in line with him. behavioral patterns.

Of course, the more important thing is that although the driver also has murderous aura, it is just an ordinary murderous aura, which is completely different from the sweet vanilla ice cream.

The bland mass of murderous aura had already run away quickly, and it seemed that there was no need to pursue it. The ghosts all withdrew their sights.

The same goes for the humans next to them - they have seen so many murders, and now a driver who almost hit someone can no longer attract their attention.

Mouri Kogoro put down Conan, and the others didn't pay much attention to this episode and continued walking forward.

"Haha, did you see the cigarette shop at the corner?" Mouri Kogoro once again saw a familiar sight. He recalled happily, "After that corner, you will reach Xiaohui's house."

Jiang Xia followed him through the cigarette shop, looked up, and saw a middle-aged woman with a slightly weathered face standing on the quiet street in front of her.

When Mouri Kogoro saw her, he waved in surprise: "Xiaohui! I didn't expect you to be at home."

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