Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2455 2459 [Corner]

The woman called "Xiaohui" by Maori Kogoro was wearing a casual dress, standing at the door of the garage, directing the car to reverse.

Hearing this slightly familiar voice, she turned her head in confusion.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and you have grown so big." Maori Kogoro looked at this student and ran closer with surprise, looking like he wanted to hug this old friend who had been reunited for a long time.

Tanaka Hui took a step back in fear, but he recognized the person: "Teacher, wait a minute."

Seeing Maori Kogoro stop running, she turned her head and continued: "Okay! Back out."

In the car, a fashionable woman looked back through the window, then she smiled slightly and started to reverse.


The whole car exploded without warning, and the garage was filled with flames in the blink of an eye.

"..." Tanaka Hui was stunned, "...Kanmei?"

The few people who came to visit her were also stunned. It's just that compared to ordinary people, the experienced detectives always react faster. Maori Kogoro realized something, rushed forward, and threw Tanaka Hui to the side.

At the same time, it seemed that the flames burned the fuel tank, and there was another "boom" that was much louder than the previous explosion. The scorching flames rushed out of the garage, barely brushing Maori Kogoro and his students, and finally dissipated in the air after burning for a moment.

"... Dad!" Maori Ran came to her senses and ran towards them in fear.

"Kuan, Kuanmei?!" Tanaka Hui also came to her senses, struggled to stand up, wiped the blood from her head, and wanted to rush to the garage in a daze.

Maori Kogoro hurriedly grabbed her, and at the same time, he obviously remembered who the "Kuanmei" in the students' mouths was, and said in astonishment: "Your sister is in the car?!"

Beside him, Jiang Xia looked around and his eyes fell on the fire extinguisher that was always available on the street.

He was about to put out the fire like a detective, but suddenly noticed something and looked back.

The road behind him was empty, but there were two fresh tracks on the road, as if someone had made a sharp turn.

Jiang Xia looked at the tracks: "......?"


A dozen seconds ago.

After carefully recalling the areas where Wuzo often appeared, Vodka chose a completely opposite area and planned a rough route.

Then he emptied his mind and changed the path at will to move towards his destination. As he walked, he came to a harmonious and peaceful residential area.

Then, the residential area exploded.

Vodka: "?"

He braked the car at the intersection, looked sideways in disbelief in the direction of the explosion, and then saw a frightening back more than ten meters away.


Vodka turned his head numbly, numbly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and numbly drove away.

It was not until he drove one kilometer that he realized belatedly that this kind of speeding behavior was actually very dangerous, so he numbly stepped on the brakes again and silently stopped the car on the side of the road.

"...Wait, I seem to be still alive?"

A minute later, Vodka finally came to his senses and was at a loss for a moment. He looked down at his healthy and intact self: "Did I see it wrong just now? The person standing in the middle of the road admiring the explosion was not Uzo, but someone else who looked very similar to him?"

After hesitating for only a second, Vodka ruled out this idea: "No, I can't be wrong about this matter. The person just now was definitely Uzo!...So why is he there? Did that guy even predict the route I would take to avoid him?! If that's the case, wouldn't he have already known that my brother had found a doctor for me?"

Vodka's fingertips trembled slightly, and he took out his mobile phone to tell Gin this shocking news, so that his brother Gin would cancel this dangerous plan to see a doctor.

However, he had just typed the beginning of the email when he realized sadly that this might not succeed.

"I just ran into Wuzo by chance, nothing else happened. Even if I tell this to my elder brother, I can't come to the conclusion that 'Wuzo intercepted the message', it will only lead to my elder brother's suspicion and disgust towards me." Vodka pressed his forehead with a headache, "But..."

He looked at himself and the intact car again, and his heart gradually wavered: "Maybe it's just an encounter like before? After all, this kind of thing is not without precedent... And I ran fast enough just now, and I didn't drive an ordinary car. Wuzo didn't have time to see me, and it's very likely that he didn't recognize me."

Vodka tried to adjust his mentality: "If this is true, then this means that now is a great opportunity! The explosion scene just now was not too small. I can take advantage of Wuzo's busy solving the case, see the doctor quickly, and come back quickly!"

Thinking of this, Vodka didn't dare to delay. He immediately changed a route, bypassed the block just now, and drove to the hospital where the destination was as if running for his life.

And next to Vodka, in a perspective that he couldn't see.

A Q-version ghost with wings on its back stared at his face for a moment and nodded slightly.

Mist Tengu: "..." The master was right, there must be something wrong with running so fast. But I didn't expect that the "problem" was vanilla ice cream.

In any case, this seems to be good news.

Mist Tengu did not leave, but sat in the co-pilot seat obediently, wanting to help the psychic master see where the dessert supplier went today.

When Mist Tengu was busy on a business trip.

On the other side.

The enthusiastic detective Jiang Xia was busy putting out the fire.

Although the vehicle was on fire, fortunately the garage of this family was well fireproofed and there were no flammable items in it. With the power of the foam fire extinguisher, the flames were extinguished successfully soon.

Maori Kogoro waved his hand, waved away the smoke in front of him, held his breath and ran to the driver's seat to take a look.

Seeing the scene inside, his expression changed slightly, and he shook his head regretfully at the others.

Tanaka Hui was stunned, and after a moment, she felt dizzy and fell down.

Jiang Xia happened to be standing next to the lady who had just lost her sister. He caught her and looked down.

- Although Maori Kogoro rushed people away in time during the second explosion, Tanaka Hui's arm was still burned by the flames. And when she fell to the ground, she hit her forehead, and blood was constantly flowing from the top of her head.

Jiang Xia sighed: "Let's send him to the hospital first."

Mouri Kogoro nodded anxiously: "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. I'll find a car, you wait here, by the way, Xiaolan..."

He was about to ask his daughter to call the police, but when he turned around, he found that Maoli Lan was already talking to the police officer.


The old father nodded with relief and mixed feelings, turned around and ran away.

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