Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2458 2462 [Major Suspect]

After providing the clues, before the police could react, Kazuo Sakihara left them and walked into the ward under the pretext of visiting his wife.

Inspector Megure touched his chin, stared at the door of the ward with suspicion, and whispered to his brother Jiang Xia: "This guy looks too weird, can the clues he provided really be trusted."

The reliable detective thought seriously: "No clues should be missed during the investigation stage, and the hospital parking lot is very close to here, so let's go and have a look for safety."

Inspector Megure sighed: "That's the only way for now."

Jiang Xia remembered something: "By the way, the hospital parking lot is not small. Since Mr. Sakihara met that person, why not ask him to help us identify the location."

So half a minute later, Kazuo Sakihara, who had just entered the ward, was pulled out again.

Five minutes later, Vodka, who was faintly smelling of ice cream, was taken upstairs by the police while staring at Kazuo Sakihara.

The next moment, seeing the person standing in the corridor, Vodka shuddered, and the murderous aura of ice cream on his body drifted away like cotton.

The ghosts cheered silently, surrounded him happily as if it was the New Year, straightened out the murderous aura, and carried it back.

"Mr. Yamada, why is it you?" Inspector Megure was stunned. After a moment, he hissed and suddenly realized, "No wonder I always feel that the person in the portrait is familiar... Wait, aren't you a fan of Brother Jiang Xia? Isn't your goal to become a justice assistant like Watson? Why do you do such a crazy thing!"

Vodka: "..." Who is that bastard fan! Instead of asking me, why not ask him why he did such a crazy thing to an innocent patient who just wanted to get medical treatment!

While angry, Vodka said honestly: "It's not me, I didn't kill anyone, there should be some misunderstanding."

"Huh? How strange." Conan, who was also looking for someone, never thought that his casual delusion just now would actually come true.

Although he was at a loss, he did not miss the opportunity and asked innocently in a child's tone: "The police uncle just asked Uncle Yamada to come and investigate. Why did Uncle Yamada directly say that he did not kill anyone? How do you know that a murder happened here?"

Vodka listened to the voice of this trumpet bastard, his forehead jumped, and a stream of ice cream flowed out again.

He restrained his murderous intention in time, and wrote down this mistake in his little notebook while learning from his mistakes, and made up for it: "Because the police chief said 'heartless' - even such a knowledgeable and powerful police officer as Inspector Megure used this word, which shows that it must be a brutal murder."

Inspector Megure was a little shy because of his praise, and laughed: "Don't say that, I just saw more cases, I can't say I'm powerful at all."

Conan: "..." The cunning member of the organization actually bribed the police with sweet words... No, since I'm here, I can't let him get away so easily. I must take this opportunity to dig out some information about Vodka.

He racked his brains to think about how to lead the topic, but under the gaze of Vodka, he didn't dare to show it too obviously.

Next to him, the cunning "Mr. Yamada" had already started chatting with the detective and the police.

Of course, the naive detective who was favored by "Mr. Yamada" was the first to bring up the topic.

Jiang Xia said kindly: "Don't be nervous, I still believe you - come to the hospital, why did you come? Are you feeling unwell?"

Vodka: "..." Originally, everything was fine, but when I saw you suddenly felt unwell, can you send me to the ICU for isolation immediately? I will come out after you leave.

He really wanted to speak out his demands like this... but he was worried that Uzo would give him a permanent ICU package as soon as he asked.

He also wanted to say that he was here to see a psychologist and sell the doctor out without hesitation... but he was worried that this matter would be heard by Gin elder brother later, and Gin elder brother would see through his intentions and punish him to see a doctor with Uzo.

After weighing it all in his mind like a whirlwind, the angry Vodka finally chose to use the mature way of "burying everything deep in his heart" to resolve his anger.

He laughed: "Nothing, just a little diarrhea recently."

The atmosphere between the two was harmonious. Beside him, Inspector Megure came back to his senses from the flattery and remembered the business belatedly.

He asked Vodka: "Speaking of which, where were you around 2:30 in the afternoon?"

Vodka looked at his watch, as if he had seriously guessed it, and then said: "On the way to the hospital."

"Is that so." Inspector Megure wrote down his answer, without saying whether he believed it or not, "Why don't you go into the ward first and let Miss Sakihara identify it..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a young police officer rushed up from downstairs.

"Inspector!" The young police officer waved the fresh materials in his hand with a kind of joy and excitement of going off work, "We compared the tire tracks left near the crime scene, and they are exactly the same as Mr. Yamada's car!"

Conan: "?!"

Inspector Megure: "?!"

"?!" Vodka, "Wait... I, I can explain!"


"You said you were just passing by, and you were startled by the explosion, so you ran away in a hurry?" Inspector Megure looked suspicious, "Why did you run? Aren't you a righteous detective assistant?"

Vodka was asked with a painful look on his face: "..." Why, why did things turn out like this? ...If time went back an hour, when he saw Uzo, he did not turn around and run, but followed the setting of "Mr. Yamada" and righteously rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to help, would things be completely different?

"Oh, I completely understand. This is Uzo's purpose." Vodka sneered in his heart, "After this experience, the next time I encounter him, I will foolishly go up and fall into his trap because of the lesson learned this time."

"... But what if the next encounter is not an encounter, but a deliberate design like this time?"

Vodka suddenly realized that this was an unsolvable dilemma: "By the way, how did this guy know my schedule today? Is there really a traitor among us?!"

"Mr. Yamada?" Inspector Megure looked at the dazed Vodka and suddenly felt that he seemed to be a bit morally kidnapped. He scratched his hat awkwardly, "Well, I didn't mean that you must go forward to put out the fire. After all, everyone is timid sometimes, especially when they are in poor physical condition, it is easy to have an evasive mentality... Anyway, you go to the ward first and let the victim identify it?"

Now there are portraits and wheel tracks. Mr. Yamada, who was once a partner of justice, is a serious suspect and must be investigated.

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