Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2459 2463 [Angel Mao Lilan]

Vodka faced the police's suspicious gaze and made an indescribable cry in his heart.

He seriously considered the possibility of breaking out of the surroundings and climbing out of the window like Spider-Man. Then I discovered with great regret that I didn’t seem to have that kind of skill.

In the end, the ordinary Mr. Yamada skillfully chose to endure.

"Looking at the bright side, although this will expose my true appearance, it is just for others to take a look and will not be photographed."

Vodka only felt that his mysterious organizational image was being forced to collapse bit by bit. He tried to comfort himself: "And the eldest brother didn't wear sunglasses. He wasn't even afraid of losing his hair and leaving traces. What does this mean? It means that the real strong people don't need to use sunglasses." If you care about such details, you won’t be caught if you show your face.”

With this thought in mind, Vodka walked into the ward with a tragic face and took off his sunglasses towards the woman on the bed.

"!" Conan didn't expect to have such a harvest today. He stepped forward quickly, wanting to see this man's true face after taking off his sunglasses... However, when he finally squeezed through the narrow door of the ward and rushed to the bedside, the vodka was already there. He pushed his sunglasses back numbly.

Conan: "..."

He turned to look at the woman on the hospital bed: "..." Come on, tell me you didn't see it clearly and ask to see it again!

However, he only saw the woman's slightly shocked expression. It took a second for Sakihara Megumi to come back to her senses. She looked at the police and said firmly: "It's not him."

Conan: "..."

...So what does this guy look like! let me see!

He originally wanted to make a request loudly like this, but he was worried about exposing his identity, so he could only endure it.

Next to him, Mao Lilan looked at the vodka and then at the portrait, but hesitated to speak.

Jiang Xia, who was busy sorting out the murderous ice cream, noticed the strange movement of his classmates. He asked in a good mood: "What's wrong?"

Mao Lilan said hesitantly: "Speaking of which, when I went to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes last week, I saw a person who looked very much like Mr. Yamada in the file of the Chiba police officer - I was surprised to chat with Sonoko at the time. A few words, so I have a vague impression.”

Jiang Xia: "...take notes?" When did it happen? Did you get into another case behind my back?

But considering that he didn't go to school often, and his schedule didn't overlap much with his two classmates, he had no choice but to sigh and stop worrying about what had happened: "You mean..."

Mao Lilan nodded: "Actually, when the explosion just happened, I was standing relatively far back. At that time, I did vaguely hear the sound of an engine behind me. So... maybe that car belonged to Mr. Yamada, and it almost happened before. The person who hit us was the real suspect who planted the bomb? "

Vodka was stunned when he heard this, and was immediately moved: He didn't expect that there were still good people left around Uzo. He was indeed right about this female high school student!

Jiang Xia thought thoughtfully: "That said, I have some impressions."

Vodka turned to look at him: "...?" What's going on? Something's wrong, what's the plot of this little boy? !

"The case Chiba was responsible for last week?" Officer Takagi next to him heard Mao Lilan's words and suddenly thought of something, "Is it the robbery and murder case that happened in Shinjuku District?"

"?" Jiang Xia, "What was in Shinjuku last week?"

He suddenly realized that his level of development of Tokyo was still too low. In addition to Miwa Town, it seemed that he should visit more places.

Seeing Jiang Xia's interest in the case, Officer Takagi quickly explained: "Just last week, a knife robbery occurred in Shinjuku District. The lady who was robbed unfortunately died. She was the victim's family member who contacted the police at that time. The husband... Thinking about it carefully, the portrait of today’s bomb suspect does look very much like the victim’s husband.”

Vodka: "..." Then you damn thing didn't tell me earlier! You policemen have indeed colluded with that little yinbi, right?

The angry Mr. Yamada took a step back silently, and while the police had a new topic, he silently lowered his presence.

"In this case, why not retrieve the information on that case and see what's going on?" The righteous detective came forward to uphold justice. He then turned back to look at the vodka, "To be on the safe side, Mr. Yamada should also stay. It's not that I doubt you, but The sooner you figure out the cause and effect, the sooner you can escape suspicion.”

Conan nodded secretly: "..." That's right! It would be even better if we could use this period of time to find out about Vodka and keep him in the hands of the police forever...

Thinking of this wonderful scene, he couldn't help but smile. At this moment, the fake primary school student suddenly relaxed and noticed a hidden sight.

"?!" He raised his head and met Vodka's faint gaze.

Conan: "..."

Conan quickly pretended to be a fanboy: "Although I don't quite understand, what brother Jiang Xia said is right!"

Vodka: "..." This little bastard who is in cahoots with Uzo...

No matter how reluctant Mr. Yamada was, the police finally decisively adopted the plan proposed by Jiang Xia.

Not long after, the files related to the robbery and murder case in Shinjuku District were transferred.

"This is the husband of the murdered lady."

The photo of the deceased's husband was placed next to the sketch of today's bombing suspect. When compared with each other, the situation suddenly became obvious: "It's really similar! Unlike Mr. Yamada, the person in this photo even has the same hairstyle and eyes. Just like a sketch!"

Vodka pushed up his sunglasses and pretended not to hear the discussion about himself.

His low profile paid off, and the police's attention was indeed shifted to another person first.

Officer Sato looked through the files and introduced the case to everyone. She pointed to the man in the photo: "This gentleman is called Takahashi Hongchang, 33 years old, and works in a chemical pharmaceutical company.

"Last night, his wife went shopping at a convenience store. On the way home, she was stabbed by a gangster with a knife. She eventually died of excessive blood loss."

She took out another photo, which showed a woman with a bun and a gentle and quiet appearance: "This is the victim, Takahashi Sachiko, 27 years old, a full-time housewife."

As she spoke, Sato Miwako frowned: "Although we are currently investigating in the direction of robbery and night road murder, there is actually one thing that is very suspicious.

"——The deceased Mrs. Takahashi had a high-value insurance policy, and the beneficiary was her husband. According to our investigation, her husband, Mr. Takahashi, has recently owed a lot of debts."

Jiang Xia: "In other words, Mr. Takahashi has a motive to kill his wife to defraud the insurance?"

Officer Sato nodded, and then sighed helplessly: "But the problem is that when the case happened, Mr. Takahashi had a very solid alibi."

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