Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2461 2465 [Uzo Recruitment Site]

The case seemed to have come to an end.

When the Megure Police Department saw Mr. Yamada who was innocently arrested, he walked over and held his hand, half apologizing and half gratifying: "I'm really sorry for wasting a lot of your time. But thanks to the keen detectives - congratulations, you're free!"

Vodka: "..."

He thought he would be happy when he heard the result. However, in reality, he was silently panicking: The process of solving the case was too smooth. Is there something missing in it?

When a wolf abandons its prey, it does not mean that it has a conscience, it just means that it has found something else that attracts more attention. so……

Vodka looked at Jiang Xia quietly.

Jiang Xia looked at him with a smile, and when the police department spoke, she clapped her hands and applauded, as if she was gratified and proud that Mr. Yamada was successfully cleared of suspicion.

"..." Vodka suddenly became alert, and he suddenly had the urge to speak and let the Memu Police Department investigate for a few more days. However, facing Jiang Xia's gaze, he could only try to show the smile that an innocent person should have when he is cleared of suspicion, "...Thank you!"

Conan glanced at him and realized later: "..." The case ended quickly, which meant that the time for the police to contact the members of the black organization was shortened... Damn it, if I had known this, I should have ignored the case just now. , but focused on looking for flaws in vodka.

However, the matter has come to this, and it is already too late to regret. Conan could only record this with regret in his heart, while praying that there would be such a wonderful opportunity next time for vodka to fall into the hands of the police.

Vodka: "...Sneeze!"

He turned away and sneezed, looked at Jiang Xia and Conan warily, then turned and left without daring to stay any longer.

Conan subconsciously wanted to follow him, but just as he quietly took a few steps towards the door, Vodka suddenly turned around and looked at him accurately.

Conan: "?!"

He quietly changed the angle of his feet, pretending to peek at the files on the table.

Vodka stared at him twice and turned away.

When the gaze moved away, Conan breathed a sigh of relief and was covered in cold sweat.

Conan: "..." Sure enough, this guy's anti-reconnaissance ability should not be underestimated... This is getting really difficult to deal with.

The primary school student did not dare to continue walking out the door and stopped reluctantly.

Mouri Kogoro had other clients in the afternoon. He went to the hospital to visit his red-eyed student, comforted him a few words, and left worriedly.

after his vehicle left.

In the shadow of the hospital, a black-clad organization cadre who was not wearing black quietly poked his head out.

Vodka: "..." Are Uzo and his companions gone? If I leave, I will go to the doctor.

He looked around, cursing in his mind why these people had to go back to the hospital, and planned to walk out of the tool room in the tea room.

However, at this moment, the sliding door opened and closed, and someone walked into this remote tea room.

Vodka: "!"

He stopped, quietly retracted, and secretly observed the outside through the ventilation hole under the wooden door.

Then from the reflection on the ground, I saw a set of clothes that looked familiar.

Combining the clothes and hairstyle, Vodka was quickly searched in his mind, and he quickly locked on the familiar source: "..." Isn't this the survivor who was betrayed by her husband and sister at the same time, and then luckily escaped from the explosion? Why is she here... Oh, right. She hit her head when the detective threw her to the side. She was too sad and is now hospitalized for observation.

"She should be here to drink hot water." Vodka nodded secretly, "She will leave after she finishes drinking. Then I will go out and leave...?!"

Vodka suddenly held his breath - someone else came through the door.

From his angle, he couldn't see the face of the person who entered the door, but he could vaguely see from the reflection on the side that the person was wearing a black suit and seemed to be wearing sunglasses on his face. And further up...

"This annoying curly hair..." Vodka suddenly thought of a person, "Is it Uzo's lackey? Why did he suddenly appear here! Is he here to trap me?"

A series of guesses flashed through his mind, and he held his breath and shrank deeper into the tool room.

In the tea room.

Sakihara Megumi didn't expect that she would bump into other people in such a remote place.

She had no choice but to suppress the weird half-crying, half-laughing expression on her face, pretending to be natural, mixed a glass of warm water with her, turned around and walked outside.

However, the man who entered the door stopped and blocked her way.

"...?" Mrs. Sakihara raised her head and carefully looked at the strange man in front of her, "Are you...?"

The curly-haired man pushed up his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled at her: "A passing mystery enthusiast."

When Mrs. Sakihara heard the word "reasoning", her heart skipped a beat for some reason. She also smiled, and then said softly: "I don't quite understand... why are you looking for me?"

The man in black glanced at her and said casually as if chatting: "I heard from my friends that when you were young and unmarried, your sister Miss Kanmei took away your boyfriend twice. So before marrying Mr. Sakihara, , you told her half-jokingly and half-warning that if there is a third time, you will not let her go easily. "

"Ah, this..." Mrs. Sakihara lowered her head, rubbing her fingertips vigorously on the hot water cup, but her tone was still unhurried, "I did say such words, but it was just a joke between sisters, and there was no other meaning... By the way, where did you hear this? Apart from a few old friends at the wedding, I only told the police about this when I was taking notes."

The "mystery enthusiast" on the opposite side did not answer her question, and continued to speak on his own: "In fact, you have long known about your sister and your husband's underground love affair, and also knew about their plan to kill his wife. So you took advantage of the situation and killed them with a borrowed knife, so that the two of them completely disappeared from your life.

"About two months ago, you noticed that your husband was cheating, so you went to the store to buy a bug and corresponding recording equipment, and installed them in your husband's study.

"Originally you just wanted to get evidence of your husband's infidelity, but you didn't expect that this action would bring you unexpected gains."

"You heard the strange communication between your husband and Takahashi Hiromasa - your husband would tell the other party the time and place you went out, and the other party would tell your husband the corresponding information about his wife."

Jiang Xia drove the Matsuda brand puppet and glanced at Noah who was diligently collecting information next to him: "At first you didn't quite understand what they were doing, until last week - at the time and place provided by Takahashi, a sudden robbery and murder occurred."

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