Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2462 2466 [New subordinate? ] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2462 2466 [New subordinate? 】Ask for monthly ticket(`)

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia turned her head and looked at Mrs. Sakihara opposite through her sunglasses: "The moment you saw the news, you suddenly understood the secret affair between your husband and Takahashi - your husband has been killed as promised. If the other party's wife is killed, then the next step will be Takahashi's turn to kill you.

"While you were shocked, you tried your best to analyze the timing of the other party's action from those phone calls. In order to avoid dying in the other party's sudden plot, you simply created opportunities for them yourself.

“You took the initiative to tell your husband that your sister’s car had recently been sent for repairs and the garage at home was empty, so you planned to drive back to visit your relatives.

"Your husband heard the news and realized that this was a perfect opportunity. He immediately contacted Takahashi and asked him to seize the time to install a bomb in your car.

"Takahashi went as promised. However, contrary to the expectations of the two husbands, it was not you who reversed the car and detonated the bomb, but your sister who reversed the car for you."

When the curly-haired man in black was talking casually, Mrs. Sakihara always lowered her head and listened, as calmly as if she was listening to someone else's story.

After a long time, she raised her head, still looking like a docile wife: "I did buy a bug, but it was just because I was worried about my husband cheating. Within two days of installing it, I realized that this behavior was not good, so I put it I took it apart and threw it away, and I didn’t hear about the plan to kill my wife.”

She said in a gentle tone that made Vodka sweat: "Taking a step back, even if what you said is true - I installed a bug and heard their plan, but what does this mean?"

Mrs. Sakihara clasped her fingers, as if patiently reasoning with him: "Look, it was Takahashi Hiromasa who planted the bomb, and it was my husband who encouraged him to do it, and what gave my husband this motive was the deepest part of his heart. greed, and my sister who told him how much inheritance I had and coquettishly asked him to help her open a clothing store... The only thing I did was to ask my sister to help me reverse the car because I didn't want to reverse it. Come out."

There were a little more tears in her eyes, but the smile on her lips gradually widened: "I neither committed a murder, nor was I an accomplice of the murderer, nor did I instigate a crime... What punishment should I receive for this?"

The man in black lowered his head to look at her and smiled: "As expected of a child from a family of lawyers, he has clear thoughts and is quite calm when faced with sudden questions.

"But since you graduated from the law school of a prestigious university, you should know that asking your sister to help you reverse the car will not violate any laws. But if you know that the car is equipped with a lethal bomb, but you still let Kuan Mei The lady sat on it... This is equivalent to murder. "

Mrs. Sakihara was startled, as if she remembered something, and the smile on her lips gradually became difficult to maintain.

Opposite, the man in black looked at her slightly stiff body and continued: "Your garage and warehouse are only separated by a wall, and there is a small window on the warehouse. Through that window, you can clearly see the garage. situation therein.

"If you guessed it correctly, when Mr. Takahashi committed the crime, you were standing in the warehouse, watching him quietly through a window as he finished installing the bomb."

Mrs. Sakihara's fingers trembled, and the water glass in her palm slipped and fell straight to the ground. But she had no time to care about the cup and opened her mouth to say something.

Jiang Xia caught it and looked at the cute porcelain cup: "Are you trying to say, 'You have no evidence'?"

Mrs. Sakihara, who was robbed of her words, choked: "You, you...!"

The man in black glanced at her and put the porcelain cup back into her hand in a friendly manner: "The evidence has actually been handed over by you yourself - do you remember the portrait of the suspect you described?"

Mrs. Sakihara was stunned and frowned: "...What's wrong with that portrait?"

Like a tolerant lecturer, the man in black shook his head and said patiently: "Theoretically, you should have only met Mr. Takahashi once when he was following you - and according to your description in the transcript, at that time He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, covering his eyes tightly. You should not know what his eyes look like. "

"But in the description of the portrait you provided to the police, you accurately stated the characteristics of Mr. Takahashi's eyes and eyebrows... Where did you see his face clearly?"

Sakihara Megumi's mind was filled with electricity as she recalled the scene at that time. She felt as if she had been hit hard head-on with a stick. She broke out in a cold sweat and froze in place.

Jiang Xia looked down at her: "You can see his face clearly because he was installing a bomb in your garage at that time. The lighting in the garage was not good, and he did not dare to turn on the lights, so he could only take off his sunglasses that would block his vision. , carefully carrying out the unmissable work of installing bombs.”

Thinking of this fatal mistake, Mrs. Sakihara's lips trembled, her knees became weak, and she had the urge to kneel on the ground.

She staggered to the side and held on to the water dispenser: "...How on earth do you know all this?"

"By reasoning." The curly-haired man laughed, "I just said that I am a passing reasoning enthusiast."

Vodka looked at this annoying guy coldly from the vent of the wooden door: "..." Hehe, he is obviously just a stage executioner who has read Uzo's script. Reasoning is all based on memorization, without any brains, and you dare to call yourself a reasoning enthusiast, which is simply shameless!

Vodka: "..." However, I have to admit that maybe this kid has had too much contact with Uzo and learned too much from him... When this guy was "reasoning" just now, he really felt like he was listening to Jiang Xia solve a case.

This annoying similarity made him snort in his heart while continuing to breathe lightly, wishing he could suppress his heartbeat, fearing that people outside would discover his whereabouts.

Outside, the two people really seemed to be unaware of his presence and continued their activities.

Mrs. Sakihara pressed her painful forehead and admitted defeat: "The information you said can be seen in the transcript. You must be a friend of the police officer in charge of the case... Although the act of leaking the files is suspected of violating regulations, it has come to this point. I lost. I will not pursue these. I will turn myself in in a while."

She was ashamed, as if she saw that her life finally came to a miserable end.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the opposite side: "Who said I came to persuade you to turn yourself in?"

"..." Mrs. Sakihara was stunned for two or three seconds, "What do you mean?"

She raised her head and met the gentle smile of the man in black.

The man took out a business card and handed it to her in an elegant and skillful manner: "It seems a bit of a waste to keep someone like you in prison - how about this, a friend of mine opened a Haixin Theater. As far as I know, they are still in need of a legal advisor."

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