Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2463 2467 [Hide and seek is over, vodka]

"Legal advisor?" Mrs. Sakihara was at a loss, thinking of the job she had completely given up after getting married, "But I..."

"I just provide an extra way. As for where to spend the rest of your life, it's your own choice."

The man in black was obviously much younger than her, but his tone was like a kind elder: "Your father is a respectable lawyer. He has "helped" many people during his lifetime. I believe he doesn't want to see his two children all end up in a dead end."

Mrs. Sakihara, who had a dead look in her eyes, was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and suddenly seemed to have more vitality: "Do you know my father?"

The man opposite smiled at her without saying much.

Mrs. Sakihara felt that she understood.

She thought about it, carefully took the business card from the man, looked down, and saw four big characters on it, "Hashimoto Maya".

...It sounds like a foreigner who changed his surname after naturalization, or a mixed race of two countries.

In this case, things are right. My father did take over a lot of international business, and it should be at that time that he had an intersection with the man in front of him.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Sakihara's tense body finally relaxed silently. She said seriously: "Thank you for your help. I will seriously consider it."

The man in black nodded, not surprised by her answer.

Perhaps because she showed her intention to agree, the curly-haired man thought about it, lowered his voice, and said a few more words: "But if you want to be our lawyer, you still need to correct a few small shortcomings. First of all, you are too polite. In fact, you can refuse to answer all my questions just now.

"Secondly, your vigilance is too poor. When talking about important things, you must first confirm whether there are ears on the wall. For example-"

He suddenly opened the door of the tool room: "Maybe there is an eavesdropper hiding here."

Vodka, who suddenly exposed his figure and suddenly looked at the curly-haired man in the posture of "clinging on the door and trying to eavesdrop": "? ! ! ! "

Fear and embarrassment flew together, and Vodka almost jumped up on the spot. But before that, "Uzo" smiled at him, and closed the door as if he had seen nothing.

Then this hateful and terrible subordinate of Uzo turned around and said to Mrs. Sakihara, who was blocked by the wooden door and saw nothing: "Have you learned it?"

Mrs. Sakihara wiped the corners of her slightly wet eyes and couldn't help laughing: What a good person, knowing that she was nervous, he even made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

"I know." She also came over and opened the door of the tool room, and looked inside, "Like this? "

Before she opened the door, an idea suddenly occurred to Vodka, who hid in the narrow gap behind the door urgently: "@#¥%\u0026..."

The tool room had been checked by the reliable curly-haired man, and Mrs. Sakihara did not really enter the door to search, and quickly closed the door again.

Behind the door, Vodka, who was silently exhaling and trying to make himself thinner, had a pale face, and the murderous intent in his heart was quickly suppressed by his reason.

"Speaking of which, when that kid opened the door and saw me, he was not surprised or surprised at all... He knew I was here a long time ago!"

Vodka realized it later, and couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart: "My hiding ability has weakened? ... No, it's better to say that Wuzo is too good at picking people. He himself is scary enough, and the younger brothers he found are also capable. Damn, am I a cadre of the organization, and I have to pay more attention to his younger brothers in the future? By the way, how did that fake Wuzo find me? ! "

When Vodka fell into panic and deep thought.

Next to him, the ghosts who had just come in through the door picked up the fresh murderous aura on the ground and took them back happily.


The simple meeting ended quickly.

On the way back to the ward to pack her luggage, Mrs. Sakihara repeatedly looked at the business card with the name "Hashimoto Maya" on it, pursed her lips and thought.

"Sudden kindness is scary. But now it seems that my father and him have cooperated before, so he is willing to lend me a hand... This makes sense. "

Mrs. Sakihara walked in the quiet corridor of the hospital, holding the offer-like business card in her hand, and her mood suddenly became better.

She has always been a very planned person. Her former full-time housewife career did not wear away her sharp thinking in her student days, but instead gave her more experience. Once she had a new direction at this time, Mrs. Sakihara immediately began to seriously conceive her future.

"Although I had good grades in my student days, and I studied all the professional courses seriously. But I didn't review deliberately over the years, and I didn't accumulate enough work experience. ”

Mrs. Sakihara calmly assessed her own abilities: “Plus, with the laws and regulations that are constantly changing with the development of the times… Even if I start working now, I will not be able to do my job.”

“But it’s not a big problem. Half a year ago, the inheritance I inherited from my parents has not been touched, and I also know their connections… With this favor, as long as I give enough, it will not be difficult for me to find a suitable lawyer for Mr. Hashimoto’s Haixin Theater—I can let the lawyer teach me while working until I learn it.”

Thinking of this, Mrs. Sakihara paused.

As the eldest daughter in the family, her father actually intended for her to inherit the mantle of a lawyer, so he specifically asked her to take the law school exam that year and wanted to train her to be a great lawyer.

However, after she really started to work with her father, Kei Sakihara found that there were a lot of gray areas in it - her powerful father was actually not as righteous and bright as she thought when she was a child.

Suddenly seeing her father's true character and business, Kei Sakihara found it difficult to accept for a while, and inevitably developed an escapist mentality. Therefore, at that time, she not only did not follow her father's arrangement of "finding a live-in son-in-law", but married herself off early and retired from the world as a housewife.

"So, if you think about it carefully, my father's connections are more or less... uh, not righteous enough."

Mrs. Sakihara carefully considered the risks, and then nodded secretly: "But fortunately, lawyers, sometimes sticking to the bottom line will make it difficult to do various jobs - and judging from the attitude of the gentleman just now towards me, a criminal, his friends should not mind some gray means. I will introduce the person first. If it works, I will try it. If it doesn't work, I will discuss it with him again."


When Mrs. Sakihara began to work hard to get people for her new job.

In the tea room

Jiang Xia drove the Matsuda Jinpei puppet and returned to the door of the tool room.

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