Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2464 2468 [Case closed]

Jiang Xia politely raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no movement in the tool room.

After more than ten seconds, perhaps one of the cadres inside realized that it was a bit embarrassing to continue like this. Finally, the door was dragged open a crack.

Vodka took a deep breath and put on the airs of a formal member: "What do you want?" If you don't have anything, go away and don't disturb me at work!

The curly-haired man in black opposite said politely: "Mr. Uzo is very concerned about your health. Let me see your current situation and your doctor."

Vodka: "..." The first half of the sentence barely sounded like human words, but the last sentence completely exposed your sinister purpose... I don't mind introducing the doctor to you, but if I really take you there, your boss will probably complain to Brother Gin in a blink of an eye, saying that I leaked secrets.

Vodka, who was very clear, snorted coldly: "No need. I have important things to do, don't ask, just do your own thing."

The person opposite stopped talking and looked at him seriously.

Vodka frowned coldly: "..." What are you looking at? ...Okay, I admit that my tone just now was a little too tough. I apologize to you in my heart, so when are you leaving?

He muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say these words out loud. However, who knew that the other party didn't bother him anymore, just searched his pocket and took out a gorgeous business card from it as if he had heard his inner voice.

Vodka glanced at him disdainfully, and his eyes suddenly stopped: "..." Huh?

It turned out to be a new style he had never seen before?

...When did Wuzo get a new business card again, and he didn't even hear a word about it.

Vodka stared at the card with complicated thoughts. He didn't want to reach out at first, but reason told him that only by keeping abreast of the latest business card styles at any time could he timely infer the specific contact time between those passers-by A, B, C, and D and Wuzo, and then judge the other party's danger... It seems that this business card has to be taken.

Vodka stretched out his hand reservedly.

However, the fake Wuzo on the other side said "Hmm?" again, and took the business card back thoughtfully.

"You got the wrong one. This is it." He apologized and put the gorgeous new business card back into his pocket, took out a plain business card with "Hashimoto Maya" printed on it, and handed it to Vodka. "After the Haixin Theater opens, you are welcome to visit it. Contact the person on the business card, and he will personally receive you. If you are willing to bring other members with you, it is free of charge."

Vodka: "..."


Theater? ?

Opened by Uzo? ? ?

No matter which of these three words is picked out, it is enough to make the alarm lights of those who know the insider buzz. He would be crazy to take the initiative to go to such a place... Of course, if he unfortunately makes an enemy with someone, he will recommend this place to that person.

Speaking of which...

Vodka looked at the fake Uzo in front of him, and his eyes twitched wildly: "..." The scene of him and Brother Gin's assessment of this kid before was still vivid in his mind. At that time, this guy was such a taciturn and honest man... Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this guy has become so ugly, imitating everything from tone to expression vividly.

"No wonder Wuzo positioned him as 'Wuzo's substitute' at that time." Vodka had to admire Wuzo's ability to use people. "If I hadn't seen the real body of that little bastard a long time ago, I might really believe that he was Wuzo just by looking at this person in front of me."

Vodka: "..." I don't know whether Wuzo's teaching ability is too strong, or this fake Wuzo's imitation ability is strong, or he has some of Wuzo's personality in nature, so he has made rapid progress... But no matter what, this person's danger level must be raised to the next level.

In addition...

What's the matter with that new business card?

Vodka stared at the fake Wuzo's pocket, wanting to say something but stopping: He had obviously hacked into the computer of the printing shop that Wuzo often used, and should be at the forefront of business card updates, but now... Where did this new business card come from? Is it a trial version that has not yet been put into formal use?

It's not that I want to collect the business card of that ghost thing, but I already have everything else. According to his habit of chasing stars for many years, this one...

However, the fake Wuzo, who was considerate just now, did not express anything. He nodded to the nominally higher-ranking superior and turned away.

Vodka: "..."

Did this guy do it on purpose?

He actually dared to tease the cadres beyond his level... As expected, no one who has anything to do with Wuzo is a good person!


After cursing these troublemakers in his heart, Vodka's work finally got on the right track and he set out to see a psychiatrist.

It must be said that after experiencing a bunch of messes today, the task of "seeing a psychiatrist" that he had originally resisted very much suddenly became light and fluttery, as if it didn't matter.

"Meeting Wuzo, being treated as a suspect, being detained in the police station, and being forced to show my face in front of the police... I have really experienced too much, but these experiences have also successfully made me stronger. Now nothing else can knock me down."

Vodka took heavy steps and felt that he had been unprecedentedly strengthened. He clenched his fists in anger and decided to turn his grief and anger into courage: "I don't believe things can get worse!"

Thinking of this, he raised his head and stepped into the doctor's office, ready to examine the psychiatrist carefully, and then fiercely complete this task.

The next moment, he received bad news from his assistant.

"Doctor Shirai?"

The passing nurse sighed and apologized: "I'm so sorry, Doctor Shirai took a leave of absence today and can't see patients. I heard that his neighbor's garage suddenly exploded, causing his courtyard wall to catch fire. Now he is counting the losses at home..."

Vodka clenched his fists, and veins on his forehead throbbed: "......?"

As she spoke, she looked at Vodka and hesitated: "I remember that except for a few guests who canceled their appointments due to something, all other patients who had appointments with Doctor Shirai have finished their consultations. Did you not have an appointment? If so, I'll help you see which doctor is available now."

Vodka took a deep breath: "...No, I'll come back next time when I have an appointment."

Sending the nurse away, Vodka was silent for a long time facing the empty office, feeling the despair of finally arriving at the dragon's lair after going through so much hardship, but finding that the princess was out on vacation.

What's worse, this means he has to go back to the starting point and go through this terrible road again.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "..."

No wonder the fake Wuzo left so easily without any entanglement.

Vodka: "..."Wuzo and I are sworn enemies!

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