Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2470 2474 [Ireland: Alliance? ]

Vodka was muttering to himself when suddenly there were two knocks on the car window and someone knocked on it.

He raised his head, thinking that someone who was blocking the road came over and asked him to move the car. However, when he saw the face outside through the car window clearly, Vodka felt a thump in his heart.

……Ireland? !

Wasn't this guy on a business trip recently? Why did he suddenly come back? ? ... Just come back when you come back. If you don't go to Uzo, why do you want to come to me, who is innocent? !

"Wait, if I remember correctly, because Brother Gin killed Pisco with one shot, this guy has been resentful of him for a long time. And when Pisco died, I was smashing the wine bottle and setting it on fire...

"According to the police's classification method, in the case of Pisk's death, people like me should be called 'accomplices'... So why did Ireland suddenly come to the door? Could it be that he can't touch Brother Gin, and he can't fight Uzo, so Do you want to take your anger out on me, a weakling?"

This guess made the alarm bells buzz in Vodka's head.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he quietly stepped on the accelerator. However, at this time, he discovered that Ireland was obviously well prepared - the guy's parking position blocked his escape route.

Vodka: "..." Damn it, you were so careless! He thought that after today's tiring medical treatment, the day's persecution was over... But he didn't expect that it was over on Uzo's side, and Ireland actually came to visit him again.

Brother! ! Brother, where are you? ! If it doesn't work, Uzo can do it. Someone should come and punish this guy in front of you!

Vodka silently clutched her phone, feeling the urge to send a group email to call for help. Suddenly, there were two more beeps, and someone knocked on the car window again.


"Calm down." Vodka was sweating profusely. "If you think about it carefully, this guy from Ireland's revenge plan should be to kill me and my eldest brother plus Uzo on the basis of protecting himself, instead of desperately dying with us, otherwise he would have been killed long ago. We have started purchasing bombs in large quantities, there is no need to hold back until now.”

After many days of battles of wits and courage with Uzo, Vodka quickly calmed down his suddenly frightened mood.

He adjusted his expression, rolled down the car window a little, and then tried hard to maintain the dignity that a black-clothed cadre should have, and asked in a cold voice: "What do you want?"

Unexpectedly, Ireland did not mock or threaten him, nor did he suddenly take out a gun and give him a bullet.

The people outside the car window just grinned and gave Vodka a friendly smile.

Vodka: "..."

...Did this person have his head smashed by Uzo during a business trip? ! It's better to just threaten him!

Under the slightly horrified gazes of his colleagues, Ireland seemed to realize that his attitude was a little strange.

He cleared his throat, suppressed his smile as if nothing had happened, and then said hello as usual: "I heard that you have been treated badly recently."

Vodka looked at the unlucky man outside the car who was sometimes chased and smashed by people who jumped from buildings, and sometimes trapped in a sealed explosion site: "...Huh?"

Ireland laughed: "You've been spending an unusual amount of time alone recently. Let me guess - that Uzo has become more and more useful around Gin recently. Are you being squeezed out?"

Vodka: "..." Although it's not what your boy said at all, but for some reason, these words are really sad to hear.

Wait, think about it carefully, it seems like this is really the case? Although Brother Gin is not crazy enough to ask Uzo to be his assistant, he has indeed become less and less willing to listen to complaints recently. If this continues...

Vodka's complicated expression could not escape Ireland's keen eyes.

He deliberately sighed and said with great sympathy: "It is indeed difficult to win against a guy who is not weak in ability and is good at provoking people's hearts. Right now, we are just asking you to go out to work more, and if you continue like this, wait He has completely formed an alliance with Gin. What will happen to you who failed in the competition and lost your powerful companion? "

Vodka really followed his words and thought about the bleak future.

But he soon came to his senses, and under the guidance of the "Anti-Cat Crow Manual", he saw through Ireland's purpose.

"Does this kid feel that there is a gap between me and Brother Gin, so he wants to take advantage of it and make me his ally? And then use me to deal with Brother and Uzo?"

Vodka snorted in his heart: "This method of winning people's hearts cannot be compared with Uzo. It's okay to use it to deceive children, but use it to deal with me, who passed five levels and killed six generals in Uzo's death level. The anti-crow genius is simply fantastic.”

He wanted to declare loudly that the other party's plan was bankrupt...but looking at the strong Ireland outside the car window, and then looking at himself who was weak, Vodka finally just asked in a low voice: "...So?"

Ireland: "Idle time is idle. Why don't you come with me recently? I'll help you solve your difficult tasks. You tell me some news related to Uzo - don't worry, I won't intentionally pry for too confidential information." , you just need to tell me some 'rumors'."

Vodka: "..." This kid is quite measured. He knew that I would not leak the information about Brother Gin, so he settled for the next best thing and only asked me to deal with Uzo... But why should I deal with Uzo!

"As we all know, battles are all about back and forth. Now that I am motionless, that little Yinbi has nothing to do and comes over to poke me a few times. If we really form an alliance with Ireland, we will form an alliance with Ireland. Uzo's hostile attitude... Then all the scripts about Ireland are shared with me? Could it be that this guy from Ireland wants me to help him attract firepower and use me as cannon fodder?"

Vodka touched his chin warily: both reason and intuition told him that he should stay away from Ireland at this time, but...

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Glancing at the menacing Ireland outside the car window, Vodka said reservedly: "It's a very important matter, I have to think about it first." Think about how to say no safely without causing hatred.

Ireland was not embarrassed at all. He nodded: "I look forward to cooperating with you soon."

As soon as Ireland's car left, Vodka immediately stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

After he was sure that he was out of pursuit, he stopped in a safe place and dialed Gin non-stop: "Brother, I just met Ireland, and he actually planned to make me his accomplice. It's such a wishful thinking - I will always be loyal to brother!"

He had to admit that Ireland's proposal struck a chord with him in some ways - such as the indictment of Uzzo's evil deeds.

…But that doesn’t mean he really wants to jump into this pit of fire.

And based on past experience, Vodka has no doubt: if he is really moved and agrees, it won't be long before Gin receives the tip-off from Uzo.

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