Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2471 2475 [Car Accident]

"Ireland?" After not seeing each other for a while, Gin was so busy that he had forgotten about this colleague who he didn't often contact. When Vodka mentioned it, he remembered that he seemed to have such an enemy.

Unexpectedly, this guy hasn't given up yet... Gin frowned: Although he thought he didn't leave any handle, there was always a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, which was definitely not a pleasant experience.

Thinking that Vodka was idle, and Ireland could also help this little brother distract the attention from Uzo, Gin said: "Then agree to him and see what waves he can make."

Vodka: "Okay, I'll refuse..."

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "?!!"

Gin thought about it and reminded him twice: "He should know that you won't regard him as a real ally, so you don't have to be polite-be smart, it doesn't matter if you sell him when necessary."

Vodka remembered Ireland's terrible aura and eyes: "But big...!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a beep, and the busy Gin hung up the phone.


Vodka stared at his phone, his eyes wide open, lost in thought.


On the other side.

Ireland looked at the direction where Vodka left from afar. When the car disappeared in a hurry, he retracted his gaze and sneered.

"Although Vodka will not betray Gin for the time being, since I have taken the initiative to extend an olive branch, Gin should not mind sending him here as an undercover."

Ireland touched his chin and thought: "No matter what Vodka's purpose is, as long as he is by my side, his usefulness has been achieved - Bourbon, me, and Vodka... The three of us have formed an alliance, and Uzo's attention will have to be divided into three parts. Even if he wants to deal with three people alone, he may have to think carefully."

He analyzed calmly: "Of course there are some risks in this, such as my two allies may be turned into weapons against me by Uzo, but it's not a big problem. I just need to keep in touch with Bourbon. Just enough distance, as for Vodka... Gin is not next to him now, even if he dares to attack me, he will definitely ask Gin before doing it. When I am on guard, this guy poses no threat to me. "

"In addition, according to the information of my police informant, Akai Shuichi seems to have returned to Tokyo."

Thinking of this chaotic situation, Ireland's mouth corners rose: "There are enough baits, if you want to lure the snake out of the hole, this will be a great opportunity-to put it another way, even if I can't lure that guy out, I can catch Gin's flaws by observing Vodka, an insider."


In the long-term high-pressure busy life, the organization cadres have developed a high efficiency.

Therefore, although they used the excuse of consideration, it didn't take long. After a communication with ulterior motives, the two false allies soon got together again.

Vodka sat in the car, glanced at the fierce-looking guy next to him, and silently comforted himself in his heart: "Brother Gin must have seen that I have been tired from seeing the doctor these days, so he specially found Ireland to help me attract Uzo's attention... Yes, it must be like this, brother is still reliable!"

Next to him, Ireland was concentrating on driving the car, following the route he had calculated in advance, trying to get rid of the secret watch from Uzo's minions.

He changed transportation several times on the way, put on a wig, and asked Vodka to change a set of clothes together.

When they returned to Tokyo, the two of them were already ordinary citizens wearing ordinary casual clothes and driving ordinary cars.

However, there seemed to be a slight flaw...

Ireland frowned and looked at Vodka: "Can't you take off your broken sunglasses?"

Vodka pushed the dark brown glasses on his nose and corrected dissatisfiedly: "These are not sunglasses."

Ireland: "..." Forget it, taking it off might attract more attention.

He no longer cared about this detail and planned to find out the news first: "What is your next schedule?"

Vodka couldn't reveal that the boss asked Gin to see a psychiatrist, nor did he want to reveal that Gin asked him to see a psychiatrist, so he had to vaguely say: "Interview an informant in the hospital."

Ireland nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder we got rid of the pursuit so easily-Uzo knew that you had a fixed destination, even if you ran away now, you would go back sooner or later... If I had known this, I wouldn't have taken you on the detour just now."

Vodka looked a little embarrassed, and snorted coldly with a stern face: "Do you think you really got rid of that guy's pursuit?"

"Of course, do you think I am you?" Ireland sneered, he remembered the embarrassing appearance of Vodka who was easily blocked by him not long ago, "Not everyone's anti-reconnaissance ability is as poor as yours, and you only know to look up when you are blocked by a car at the door..."

Crack-! !

Bang-! !

A sharp brake sound interrupted their conversation. The two looked up in shock and saw a shadow suddenly enlarged and smashed straight into the front window of their car. Next to them, a speeding motorcycle jumped out of the alley and hit a car that was looking out from the corner. Both sides turned in panic, but it was too late to dodge. With a violent bang, the motorcycle took off and crashed into the innocent car on the road.

No matter how good the driving skills are, there is no way to avoid this sudden steel human cannonball when stationary. In a flash, Vodka only had time to hold his head tightly and block his eyes with the leather bag in his hand.

The next moment, the motorcycle slammed into the front window of their car, and the rider hit the motorcycle, and then rolled down the front hood.

Vodka quietly looked out from behind the bag and saw this scene through the broken glass. He shuddered in his heart: "..." If I'm not mistaken, the rider who rolled down had twisted his neck and was about to die.

After a moment of stunned, he finally came back to his senses amid the screams of passers-by.

Vodka couldn't help but turn to Ireland: "Is this what you said about getting rid of the pursuit?!"

-Although he didn't think Ireland would be a match for that thing from the beginning...but he didn't expect this guy to be so useless that he couldn't even survive the first move of the game.

Ireland obviously didn't expect the current development, and his face turned blue and purple and very ugly. Suddenly he gritted his teeth and said, "Get out of the car, leave here immediately!"

Vodka: "..."

While cursing in his heart, he followed Ireland to push the door and get out of the car, preparing to run away in shame - obviously this was not an ideal way to deal with it, but it was much better than watching Ireland run away while he stayed behind to face the police's questioning.

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