Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2472 2476 [Vodka Ireland Cooperation] Ask for monthly ticket oo

Chapter 2472 2476 [Vodka·Ireland's Cooperation] Asking for monthly tickets o(〃'▽'〃)o

Vodka thought it was time to show his running skills. However, just after getting off the car, before he could take a step, something hit his leg with a bang.

"Ouch!" A child who looked like a triangular dumpling hit Vodka and bounced away, falling to the ground.

Vodka subconsciously lowered his head. Seeing the face of the kid on the ground, his heart skipped a beat and he felt something was wrong.

Before he could react, the next moment, three shouts suddenly rang out beside him - the three children looked at him in surprise and cheered in unison: "Uncle Yamada! It's the righteous Uncle Yamada!!"


This title...

Vodka turned his head stiffly and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw Ayumi Yoshida and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya standing on the side of the road, two steps slower than Kojima Motota who had just hit him.

The members of the Junior Detective Team arrived. The three guys were obviously very happy about his appearance. They ran over while shouting.

Vodka's eyes twitched wildly: "..."

... They showed up at this time, not too early or too late, and as soon as they showed up, they loudly revealed his identity... These hateful minions, they did it on purpose!

Beside him, Ireland was stunned when he heard the words "Uncle Yamada", and then realized who the three people were calling.

He was happy in his heart and wanted to walk away as if it had nothing to do with him. However, at this moment, a huge force grabbed his wrist.

"Long time no see." Vodka smiled at the three children with a twitching eye corner, and grabbed Ireland with his other hand, motioning to them, "Let me introduce you, this is my partner - Mr. Justice Edward."

He shook Ireland, who actually failed to shake him off: "..."


Anyway, since they happened to meet someone who knew them, there was no point in continuing to run away now, and they would be called back by the police sooner or later for questioning.

The only thing to be thankful for is that at present, it seems that the two of them are just innocent passers-by, and they can leave after taking notes without being questioned too much.

...But this doesn't mean they are out of trouble.

"Uncle Yamada, listen to me, the uncle on the motorcycle is a bad guy!"

"When we were playing in the park, we saw him sneakily take a suitcase and then leave with the suitcase."

"The suitcase must contain a large amount of cash, that's what they show on TV! - And the cash is so heavy, who would use a suitcase to carry cash for transactions, so he must be a bad guy, maybe a vicious kidnapper!"

Vodka was pulled by the corner of his clothes by three children, while suppressing his murderous intent, he listened to them with a headache.

As he listened, he felt that he was being scolded: "..." Why can't you use a suitcase to carry cash? Ignorant little brat, you don't understand how useful cash is!

However, no matter how cold he snorted in his heart, Vodka could only keep a friendly smile on his face and nodded repeatedly.

Finally, the nearby police came first. The children had a new target, and they quickly turned to the police uncle and reported to the police what they knew.

Ireland glanced at the police officers and walked to Vodka's side. He gritted his teeth and whispered sarcastically: "I didn't know you were so popular with kids, 'Justice Mr. Yamada'."

"Don't be envious, you are the same as me now." With the police next to him, realizing that Ireland didn't dare to take action, Vodka even straightened his back a little straighter than before. He imitated Uzo's weird look and called Ireland "'Justice Mr. Edward'."

Ireland: "..."

Although he knew that Vodka would not really become an ally with him, he couldn't help but harden his fist when he saw this guy's reaction at this time.

Vodka felt better when he saw that someone was more uncomfortable than him. But thinking of the possible revenge that might follow, he regretted it a little.

Mr. Yamada cleared his throat and took the initiative to ease the topic: "So what are you going to do next?"

Ireland snorted coldly: "Don't be too pessimistic. Car accidents are accidental events that happen frequently. It's normal to encounter them. If you hadn't been recognized by the passing ghosts, we could have left and found two peripheral members to replace us to go to the police station to handle the record."

Vodka felt sad: "..." Do you think I want to be entangled by these three ghosts? After all, you have already met them, and you can still stubbornly think that this is just an accident... huh?

Vodka suddenly realized something.

"Wait, Ireland doesn't know that Jiang Xia is Wuzo, so he naturally doesn't know that these three kids are Wuzo's "Beige version of Baker Street Guerrillas." Vodka's mind quietly became active, "In other words, the more familiar Ireland is with these three kids, the easier it is for him to be included in Wuzo's vision - Wuzo concentrates on dealing with him, and I will be much safer."

Thinking of this, Vodka was no longer in a hurry to leave: a mere policeman, he has come into contact with them many times, a mere record, he did more... As long as he can see a doctor while Wuzo is being held by Ireland, this risky alliance will not be a waste.


The police quickly handled the scene. They checked the condition of the motorcyclist, shook their heads regretfully, and then stood up and came to the side of the crooked motorcycle.

Compared with this ordinary motorcycle, the suitcase next to it is more concerning.

The police officer put on gloves, carefully opened the lid of the box and took a look inside.

The next moment, he exclaimed in surprise: "So much money!"

The three children hurriedly came closer. They looked over and showed pride: "Sure enough, it's the same as we guessed!"

Vodka: "..." How could it be different? Do you think you usually watch TV series? That's clearly Uzo's script! It's just that it penetrated into your mind in an imperceptible way.

"Here's another letter." The police officer reached out and took out an envelope from the scattered banknotes. He unfolded the letter and saw that it read:

[30 million.

We followed your request and did not call the police. Please release my father as soon as possible.

——Domoto. ]

"Someone really got kidnapped!" The three children were surprised again, "This is the same as we guessed!"

Vodka: "..." I know, I know, stop talking about your scripts, it's annoying.

Beside him, Ireland also frowned. He didn't expect that a car accident would be mixed with a kidnapping case. A familiar breath made his heart skip a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

The next moment, the police officer spoke seriously: "Since it is about kidnapping, this matter is troublesome - I will contact the Metropolitan Police Department and ask them to send someone from the First Investigation Division."


Thanks to the big guys for the [Monthly Ticket] (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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