Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2473 2477 [Handy Jiang Xia]

Ten minutes later, the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Ahaha, Brother Yamada, it's you again."

Memu Police Department looked at Mr. Yamada in front of him, a little surprised, but he didn't seem that surprised: "I've met you as often as I have met Jiangxia brother recently. Why don't you go find a shrine to pay your respects?"

Vodka: "..." Do you think I want this? Instead of making fun of me, who is innocent, it is better to ask your Jiangxia brother. Of course, after asking you whether you are still alive or not, it is none of my business.

The Memu Police Department failed to detect the dark thoughts of "Mr. Justice Yamada". The police officer was looking to the side expectantly: "Speaking of which, Brother Jiang Xia is not with you?"

Vodka realized it later and followed him to look around: "..." Huh? Uzo really hadn't come yet. He thought that guy would rush to the scene soon, but who knew he didn't... Is there such a good thing?

At this time, the eyes of the police department fell on the face of Ireland next to him.

"This gentleman is..."

"I'm a friend of Mr. Yamada." Ireland looked at his watch and frowned as if he was worried, "I have an important meeting later. Can you please let me finish the notes and leave as soon as possible?"

The Mumu Police Department always felt that this person looked familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while. Now that he heard that the innocent passerby who was hit would have something to do later, the considerate police officer did not make things difficult for him, and immediately arranged for the police officers to take the two of them to take notes - after all, it seems that whether it is a car accident or a kidnapping incident, it seems that It had little to do with these two unfortunate gentlemen passing by.

On the way to the interrogation room, Ireland glanced at the policeman walking far ahead, and whispered to Vodka: "I think you have been pretending to be a good person for too long, and everyone is stunned - if I don't ask to finish the transcript Leave as soon as possible, are you really planning to accompany them to solve the case? "

Before Vodka could reply, he suddenly remembered something and sneered: "I heard those police call you 'detective assistant'... You also thought of using Jiang Xia to deal with that person? I haven't seen you for a while, but you have made great progress. You actually followed I thought we'd go together - no wonder you survived these scenes."

Vodka: "...?"

Who are you using Jiang Xia to deal with?

What does "you also thought about" mean? What do you mean by "also"?

Vodka was lost in thought.

Vodka ends the thought.

Vodka quietly revealed a strange smile.

"Yes." Vodka sighed with emotion. Although he had already guessed that Ireland might have this idea, hearing this guy admit it now still made him feel happy.

Vodka said with emotion: "Heroes really see the same thing."

...Ask Jiang Xia for more help! Silly Ireland—that scene is so joyful to think about, and Uzo will love it when he sees it.

"And when Uzo is happy, he will focus more on Ireland, and let others take a breath..." Vodka thought about this wonderful alliance in his heart, "Tsk, think about it carefully, the people above I really shouldn't have sent Ireland on a business trip. If this guy had stayed in Tokyo, I might not have ended up in the situation I'm in now - what a 'righteous detective assistant Mr. Yamada'... This is a good guy who can be taken for granted!"

When Vodka secretly cursed his new identity.

On the other side, three children from the Junior Detective Team gathered together and looked at each other, feeling that something was missing.

"When you meet a dead person..." Finally, Ayumi Yoshida thought of it first, "It seems like you usually meet Conan! We actually forgot to tell him about it."

As she said this, she took out her phone and planned to inform her friend who could always come up with new insights.

However, just as she pressed the call button, a hand suddenly reached out from beside her and hung up the phone.

"No!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya analyzed calmly, "Conan, that little bitch, will definitely call brother Jiang Xia over if he finds out, so we won't be able to investigate the case in our own way!"

When Jiang Xia was mentioned, the three children all shuddered with hesitation on their faces.

"Then..." Yoshida Ayumi struggled for a moment, and suddenly found a compromise plan, "Then, let's inquire about the case first, and then decide whether to find Conan?"

Genta Kojima and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

When three children were secretly carrying out a plan to solve a crime.

the other side.

Conan was lying on the sofa at Dr. Ali's house. When he heard something coming from his cell phone, he put down the mystery novel in his hand and picked up the cell phone to take a look.

"Ayumi's phone...why did it hang up after just one ring?"

While Conan pressed the call back, he asked the almighty Dr. Ali: "Doctor, did the construction company I mentioned earlier find out anything about the construction company that is building the island?"

Dr. A Li turned around from the computer on the swivel chair and scratched his head: "There should be nothing wrong with that club. They are an old brand that has been around for nearly a hundred years. They have a wide range of businesses and the construction quality is guaranteed. To be honest, my house is blocked. The fence, and the garage behind—"

He pointed to the yard outside the window and praised with satisfaction: "I've asked them to repair it a few times. Although it will still be blown up by the new invention after repairing it, the dust splashed every time is very small, and the debris is not easy to hurt people. , it can be seen that they are not just patching up the wall, but they are working hard and very carefully!”

Conan was not interested in the broken and repaired wall of Dr. A Li's house, and quickly brought the topic back to the construction club. He touched his chin and thought thoughtfully: "In other words, there are two possibilities now - one is that the person who built the theater in the sea is related to this construction company, so he contracted the project to them, and the other is' that person 'You don't control this construction company, and you don't have any equity in the construction company, but you just ask them to help you build the island?"

He asked Dr. Agasa: "So who commissioned the construction company to do the construction?"

"This..." Dr. A Li scratched the keyboard, hesitating a little, "This is considered personal information, so it's not a good idea to check it randomly."

Conan turned over and sat up, sighing: "This is probably an important clue about that dark organization. It's not time to be moral! - And even if you don't peek at the internal information of the construction club, there must be a way. Find everyone on that island, such a big movement will not leave any traces. "

"...Okay." Dr. A Li was persuaded, "Then I'll try my best to check. Oh, I hope the other party won't care."

Hearing what he said, Conan was a little hesitant. He reminded: "Be careful when investigating, and you must not be discovered by the other side - those guys are very cunning. If this is a trap, we may be in trouble."

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