Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2482 2486 [Bourbon's Capture Operation] Request for monthly pass

Chapter 2482 2486 [Bourbon's Arrest Operation] Asking for monthly ticketsヽ(〃〃)~

"Qiu Cheng, why didn't you get on the ambulance?" On the opposite side, Mrs. Domoto, who had been away for a while, suddenly found that there was one less person around her, "Come here quickly. If Dad can be rescued, I hope he can see you first when he wakes up - then I will tell him how hard you have worked for him this time."

Mrs. Domoto became happier and happier: "In this case, he will definitely not be willing to deliberately make things difficult for you like before!"

Doumoto Qiucheng was stunned: "Deliberately make things difficult for me?"

Mrs. Domoto responded: "In fact, Dad has always admired you. He said that you are good in other aspects, but your personality is soft, and you can't stand up in front of the members, so he always treats you harshly. I hope you can be his successor in the future..."


A criminal suspect lost his brilliance in his eyes. The murderous aura around him rose and fell, and finally fell to the ground when he was taken to the police car by the police.

When leaving, Jiang Xia, holding the newly-acquired murderous aura, looked back at the abandoned factory.

After a moment, his eyes fell silently on Conan: There was no explosion, and there was no Vodka and Ireland hiding. The psychiatrist with average skills left alive... Kudo, you have regressed.

But on the other hand, I have indeed encountered many cadres of the Black Organization in the past two days. And Vodka is actually seeing a psychiatrist... This is really hard not to pay attention to.

"I have to bring a gift to visit him when I have time to express my kindness and care for my colleagues." While thinking, Jiang Xia got into the police car, "But before that, it seems that there is one more thing..."

When Jiang Xia was thinking seriously.

Outside the Metropolitan Police Department.

The three children who failed to sneak into the crime-solving team silently completed the record, silently waved goodbye to the police, and silently came to the street outside.

Then he hugged his head in pain: "Why did Jiang Xia and Conan suddenly appear here! Is there a traitor among us?!"

Ayumi Yoshida was a little angry when she heard what Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said: "What are you talking about! Do you suspect that Genta and I betrayed the Junior Detective Team?"

"No..." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was glared at by her, and his voice became smaller. He said hesitantly, "I just didn't expect things to turn out like this."

Ayumi Yoshida looked at the TV on the street that was broadcasting the news and sighed sadly: "If Conan and Jiang Xia were called here at the beginning, maybe we could also be on the news together, so that everyone can see the style of our Junior Detective Team."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "But with Jiang Xia here, we can't solve the case freely in our own way."

Genta Kojima scratched his head: "We haven't solved any cases in the first place."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya choked: "..."

Ayumi Yoshida: "And Conan always wanders around the crime scene, and he has never been beaten by Jiang Xia..." So, being a lackey is really effective, otherwise...or learn from Conan, and she will try it together next time?

In a corner that no one could see, the internal structure of the Junior Detective Team began to quietly disintegrate.

On the other side.

Not long after returning home, Jiang Xia received a Mist Tengu who had returned from a business trip. A ghost would also consume a lot of murderous energy if it ran too far, so it could only return it with regret if it tracked beyond a certain range.

Jiang Xia took the murderous energy it brought back, sorted it out and put it into the print space: "Not bad, continue next time." Although he didn't know what happened to Vodka, since this poor colleague needed to see a doctor, it would not be difficult to find an opportunity to visit him recently.

"Should I order a fruit basket? In addition, visiting a patient seems to require flowers." Jiang Xia carefully wrote down the preparations in his notebook, "It is said that illness is a good time to promote relationships. Vodka will definitely be very touched to receive these gifts."


The next morning.

Jiang Xia took the dry-cleaned clothes and went out to the commercial street.

On the way, he turned a corner and walked towards one of the stores.

- If I remember correctly, there is a branch of a courier company in this direction. In the kidnapping case yesterday, Inspector Megure and his team borrowed uniforms and freight trucks from there.

For Jiang Xia, compared to the uniform, another thing caught his attention: when he came to the branch station yesterday, he was bored and flipped through the shift list, and then he saw a familiar name - Amuro Toru.

Jiang Xia: "..." The boss is working part-time again. I'm idle anyway, so I might as well use the excuse of returning the uniform to come and see what he is busy with.



In the express warehouse, Amuro Toru sneezed because of the splashing dust.

He rubbed his nose through the mask, and the action suddenly stopped: "..." Wait, I'm wearing a mask, why am I choked by the dust?

"Maybe it's not choking, it's a sign of a cold? The recent flu is really a bit strong."

Amuro Toru didn't take it to heart, he just added "drink more hot water" to the schedule, and then started moving things again with dedication.

His life recently can be described as ups and downs - when he met with Yuya Kazami of the Ministry of Public Security two days ago, something went wrong and he was caught by an outside member of the organization.

Fortunately, Yuya Kazami usually moves in secret, and the member of the organization does not know him. But no matter what, this is a hidden danger. For this reason, Toru Amuro racked his brains and planned to plan an inconspicuous arrest operation that would not arouse Rum's suspicion, so that the peripheral member who had just had contact with "Bourbon" would disappear in a way that seemed completely unrelated to Bourbon. It happened that this peripheral member was a civilian staff member and had some information related to the organization. This arrest was a win-win situation.

But before he could figure out how to hide it from the suspicious Rum, Yuya Kazami suddenly called with mixed feelings and told him a good news: "Have you seen the news-a robbery and murder case that just happened in Haido Town."

Of course, as a good and responsible subordinate, when he asked this question, he had already sent the relevant news to Toru Amuro's mobile phone.

At that time, Toru Amuro was busy working. After receiving the message, he glanced at it and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

According to news reports, the female owner of the French restaurant le esccargot was killed half an hour ago - this female owner was the peripheral member he intended to arrest.

Kazami Yuya: "Our informants were worried that they would alarm her, so they were very far away when they were following her. I didn't expect that a robbery and murder would suddenly happen there..."

Combining the news and the information provided by the public security department, Amuro Toru quickly pieced together the situation at the scene: the female owner of the French restaurant followed the good work and rest schedule of the Black Organization and slept until noon, and as a result, some criminals mistakenly thought that no one was in the house and planned to break in.

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