Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2483 2487 [Familiar way of silencing]

The female boss who had just woken up opened the door in a daze and happened to meet the gangster holding tools outside the door.

They looked at each other for a moment, but the experienced gangster reacted faster. He knocked down the civilian staff in front of him with one blow, tied her up, asked her where she kept her money, and then began to search the house for money. Because his face was seen, he stabbed her a few more times before leaving and killed her on the spot.

Amuro Toru: "..."

Although this disaster is sympathetic, it must be admitted that his current predicament was solved just like that.

"I'm so lucky." Amuro Toru's heart, which had been hanging for the past few days, finally relaxed, and then he felt something was wrong, "Why does this way of solving the problem look so familiar..."

A shadowy code jumped out of his mind, and Amuro Toru's eyes jumped, and his heart, which had just been relieved, tightened again.

He immediately opened his mailbox and carefully checked the inbox and trash box of each mailbox account...but he couldn't find any news.

“I must have thought too much.” Amuro Toru thought all the way until today, and finally he slowly put his mind at ease when he saw that everything around him was calm. “Think about it carefully, although home robbery and murder are not so common, they are not uncommon. And if it was really that guy who did it, he should have come to the door a long time ago…”

Just thinking about it, footsteps approached, and a figure stopped in the corridor in front.

Amuro Toru suddenly came back to his senses. At the same time, he heard a surprised greeting: “Boss?”

Amuro Toru: “…?”

He raised his head silently, and then saw his outstanding detective employee at the corner a few meters away.


For a moment, the tired worker wanted to turn around and leave.

But thinking calmly, he had already encountered it, and he couldn’t really pretend that he didn’t see anything: he just felt that the detective employee who was involved in murder cases was a headache, and he didn’t intend to really turn a blind eye to a high school student.

Amuro Toru: “…” Of course, if he encountered it from behind, he could pretend not to hear it. But this time, it was head-on...

He had no choice but to stop the courier cart in his hand and sighed tiredly: "What are you doing here?"

Jiang Xia shook the bag in his hand: "I borrowed a uniform from this courier company when I solved the case yesterday, and I just came here to return it today."

Amuro Toru nodded, and suddenly he remembered something, and a flash of inspiration came to him. He lowered his voice with a serious face: "Don't talk to me when I work part-time in the future-I am infiltrating to collect intelligence. You are too famous now, and it is easy to attract unnecessary attention to me."

Jiang Xia: "..." Although this is not completely wrong, I always feel that you are just making excuses...

"By the way, the boss seems to be in a good mood?" Jiang Xia muttered to Matsuda Jinpei who was floating next to him, "He doesn't even have the murderous intent anymore. Do you have any clues about this?"

Matsuda Jinpei thought seriously for a while, and shook his head helplessly: I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

Jiang Xia looked at Amuro Toru a few times, and sighed with regret and condemnation.

On the other side, Amuro Toru felt guilty and his conscience ached. At the same time, he felt that he had underestimated Jiang Xia: Could this excuse that he came up with on the spur of the moment really fool a sharp detective like Jiang Xia?

He was about to change the subject abruptly, but at this moment, Jiang Xia glanced behind him from a distance, his eyes slightly fixed.

The next moment, this clingy employee actually took the initiative to say: "In that case, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Jiang Xia really left him and walked away quickly.

Amuro Toru looked at the corridor that became empty in the blink of an eye: "......?"

... There is a problem, a lot of problems! Rather than being persuaded to leave by him, Jiang Xia just saw something, and then he took a step to chase after him.

So what did he see?

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru, who successfully persuaded people to leave, couldn't sit still.

After hesitating for a moment, he handed the work in his hands to other colleagues, and then hurriedly chased after him.


Two hours ago.

Ayumi Yoshida tossed and turned all night in her soft little bed, still not deciding whether to be a lackey, her conscience was struggling fiercely.

Perhaps staying up late reduced her immunity, or perhaps she did not dodge in time when someone sneezed yesterday, Ayumi Yoshida only felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, and her throat began to ache.

When it was time to go to school in the morning, she failed to sit up successfully at the sound of the alarm clock.

Her mother noticed something was wrong, came over to take the temperature of the child who was hot all over, and then sighed and took the cold medicine.

"You don't have to go to school today, mom will ask for leave for you." The mother touched her forehead apologetically, "I have something urgent to do in the morning, and I can't come back until noon-you go to bed first, and when you wake up, the cold medicine will take effect."

Ayumi Yoshida huddled in the quilt, nodded weakly, and soon fell asleep again.

After sleeping for an unknown period of time, the landline in the living room suddenly beeped.

Yoshida Ayumi did not answer the phone. After a few rings, the phone automatically switched to voicemail. Yoshida's mother's recorded voice came out gently: "Hello, this is Yoshida's house. If you have anything to say, please leave a message after the 'beep' sound. I will contact you as soon as possible."

The phone then switched to recording mode.

However, the caller on the other side of the receiver did not say a word, but just hung up the phone silently.


Not far from Yoshida's apartment.

A man in a courier uniform and a rider's helmet covering his face smiled grimly and put the receiver of the public phone back on the landline.

Then he went back to the car to get a courier box, put the box under his arm, and walked into the building in a pretentious manner.

This apartment is quite high-end and is equipped with automatic doors that require resident permissions to open.

The courier recalled the information he had received, strode to the door, and pressed the doorbell of one of the households.

"Excuse me, is this Mrs. Inoue?" He leaned close to the connected intercom and said in a professional and polite voice, "Here is your package. I'll deliver it to you now. Can you open the door for me?"

"Oh, okay!" The resident did not doubt him and clicked the door-opening button, "Thank you."

The security access control that was better than nothing was easily passed. The courier entered the elevator, but did not go to find Mrs. Inoue who opened the door for him, but went straight to another household.

When he reached the door, he was about to take out the trick tool, but before he did it, he remembered the previous experience, the "courier" paused, and pressed the doorbell first.

Dingdong sounded in the house.

Yoshida Ayumi rubbed her eyes and sat up from the bed. After a moment of confusion, she successfully distinguished the sound of her own doorbell, and suddenly she was surprised: Could it be that her mother came back?

Thinking of this, she threw off the quilt, jumped out of bed, and ran straight to the door.

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