Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2484 2488 [Increase in the number of internal traitors]

Arriving at the door, Yoshida Ayumi was about to open the door, but was stunned after realizing it.

Ayumi Yoshida: "..." Mom should take her keys with her when she goes out, why did she ring the doorbell suddenly? Moreover, she seemed to have said that she would not be back until noon, but now it is just after 10 o'clock...

She hesitated for a moment and did not open the door. Instead, she gently picked up the stool next to the door, climbed up and stood on tiptoe to look into the cat's eye.

In the slightly distorted field of vision, a strange man wearing a helmet and goggles was sneering and busy with something in the direction of the door lock.

Yoshida Ayumi: "..."

...who is this! !

The countless experiences of being in danger before made her feel a little bit in her heart, and she realized that she might be in danger again. She jumped off the stool and ran away, trying to find her cell phone.

However, before he could get the phone, the living room door clicked and someone opened it from the outside.

Yoshida Ayumi: "!!"

The "courier" quickly overcame the door lock. He proudly threw away the tools in his hand and pushed the door open.

At the same time as the door opened, there was a crunch on the ground. The courier was startled, looked down, and found a bench behind the door.

"?" He felt something was wrong, so he suppressed his smile and took off the goggles that slightly blocked his vision.

"Is there anyone? I'm here to deliver the courier." The courier closed the door with his backhand. He looked at the children's furnishings at home and showed a strange smile. "Kid, come out. Uncle saw you - you stepped on it just now. The bench looked at uncle through the peephole, right? Look at my uniform, uncle is working now and I need you to sign for the express delivery before I can leave."

After all, the apartment is not big. As he spoke, he looked around and soon came to Yoshida Ayumi's bedroom.

After a quick glance, the bed was covered with a soft pink quilt, and there were faint dents on the sheets. It looked like someone had just slept on it. On the other side, at the bottom of the wardrobe placed against the wall, a piece of yellow clothes was caught in the gap of the cabinet door.

"Haha..." The smile on the "courier's" lips widened. He walked to the closet and squatted down, "Come out quickly, uncle won't do anything to you."

As he spoke, he opened the cabinet door with force.

However, there was only an empty closet in front of him: there were a few pieces of clothing hanging in the closet, and a yellow T-shirt was thrown at the bottom. The corner he saw just now was the sleeve of this T-shirt.


"The courier" cursed, stood up, left the closet, and turned around to go to another room.

The sound of footsteps faded away. Under the bed, a pair of watery eyes watched this scene silently, trembling.

"The courier will not knock on the door with a sinister smile. This terrible person must be the guy that the police uncle and the others talked about yesterday!" Yoshida Ayumi's face turned pale and she sobbed in her heart, "He just killed a man not long ago. Poor female owner of the French restaurant, are you coming to kill me again? Me, I am still young, I am only seven years old, I don’t want to die..."

"But the family is only so big, and if it continues like this, that person will find it sooner or later... No, we have to think of other ways."

Ayumi Yoshida pricked up her ears and listened to what was going on outside. She was sure that the "courier" was rummaging through boxes and cabinets in another room. She quietly got out from under the bed and touched the cell phone beside her pillow.

"Send a message to ask brother Jiang Xia to come over!" She finally came to a conclusion about what she had been struggling with all night last night. "Although brother Jiang Xia can beat people, he will definitely attack gangsters first than me... Now is not the time to worry about it. It’s time to stop being beaten, you have to survive before you have a future!”

Ayumi Yoshida mustered up her courage and made up her mind.

However, the next moment, her movements froze.

The pillow was empty, and there was no mobile phone anywhere - thieves never leave anything empty. When the courier left the bedroom just now, he actually picked up her mobile phone.

Yoshida Ayumi: "..."

She, her brother Jiang Xia who is about to get her, and her hope of survival...

A newly rebellious mole girl stretched out her hands blankly, her eyes gradually losing their luster.

the other side.

Didan Primary School.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Conan yawned. Just as he was about to lie down and catch up on his sleep, he saw two classmates coming over while chatting.

——Although Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya and Genta Kojima despise some of Conan's dog-legged behavior, they have to admit that in addition to his love of informing Jiang Xia, this glasses classmate's flexible mind and stable mood really impressed his peers. , so if they dislike it, they will still find Conan to play with when it's time to play.

"Ayumi is actually sick at this time." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya also wilted, feeling that a beautiful scenery was missing in the classroom. However, he glanced at Haiyuan Ai, who was reading quietly beside him, and he became stunned again.

After thinking about it, he suggested: "After school, let's go to Bumei's house to visit her. She will definitely be very happy!"

Conan nodded without objection.

At this moment, his detective badge suddenly rang with a string of music.

This black technology badge made by Dr. A Li is similar to a walkie-talkie, allowing several children holding it to talk to each other.

When Conan heard the strange music, he was slightly startled. He instinctively looked at several classmates in the classroom, and then found that no one in the young detective team in his field of vision was holding a badge and singing. That is to say...

"Is this the voice from Ayumi?" Conan took out his badge, "Why did she suddenly play a song for us?"

Just when I was a little confused, suddenly, a sweet electronic voice came from the opposite side of the badge: "It is the 5th of this month, 10:30 am."

Conan: “?”

What happened? Did I touch it by mistake?

Every profession has its own specialty. Conan was still confused when Kojima Genta beside him suddenly said in surprise: “It’s the announcement of the Kamen Rider alarm clock! I have this alarm clock too, it’s very cool!”

He then laughed and made a few Kamen Rider gestures: “And as long as you press the switch on the top of your head, it will voice the date and time. With it, I will never miss the watch again!”

Conan: “I know that, but why did Ayumi play this?”

Graybara Ai frowned: “I remember that one of the characteristics of this flu is severe sore throat and loss of voice. Could it be that she can’t speak, so she wants to express something with the alarm sound?”

By the way, what kind of situation requires such a riddle? Ayumi is not a detective, she won’t have nothing to do to give her teammates riddles…

Graybara Ai thought more and more that something was wrong: “…” For some reason, thinking about the unlucky degree of these children, she always had a bad premonition.

After hesitating for a moment, she took out her phone and silently opened her email: If I remember correctly, Jiang Xia seemed to be free today. During breakfast, he asked her with interest what kind of gift she would like to give to the patient. If so, maybe she could ask him to go to Ayumi's place to check on the situation, so as to avoid any bad accidents.

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