Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2551 2555 [Gin's order of silence] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2551 2555 [Gin·Silencing Order] Asking for monthly votes (`)

Gin doesn't quite understand the actions of his two colleagues: actually breaking into the compartment of a truck, what's the difference between this and a turtle jumping into a jar?

If someone has bad intentions and closes the back door, Vodka and Ireland will have no way to escape - such poor vigilance is a shame for the dark world.

"Who knows, maybe they are looking for excitement?" Next to her, Chianti touched the gun in her hand, looking excited, and the blood-red butterfly tattoo at the end of her eye danced excitedly with her facial expression:

"In this case, why not do them a favor. The guys next to the truck must have seen Vodka and Ireland's faces clearly - it's time to silence them! Gin, choose one, kill them two, or kill the team driving the car?"

"Silencing?" As a sniper, Cohen's work attitude is not as positive as Chianti's. He recalled calmly, "I remember that Vodka and Ireland both have normal identities that can walk in society."

In other words, these two people are not wanted criminals. If only their faces were seen, there would be no need to rush to deal with it - after all, with the help of Uzo recently, Vodka and Ireland's social circle has become wider and wider, and even the police have gradually become familiar with them.

Chianti understood his partner's words and said in boredom: "It's really boring... Anyway, why are they so idle that they have to get into the truck on the side of the road."

Cohen adjusted his goggles on his face: "From the current situation, Vodka rented a bomb car, this should be a rescue."

Gin's eyebrows jumped: when he was checking the news of the bus robbers just now, he did see a news report about "unlucky citizens mistakenly renting a bomb vehicle"... Could that unlucky citizen be Vodka?

Speaking of which...

Gin looked at Cohen meaningfully: "You are well-informed."

Cohen seemed to take this as a compliment, and his calm wooden face blushed slightly: "We are all in Tokyo, so watching the news more often is responsible for your own safety."

"..."Gin knew very well why an organization cadre would suddenly pay attention to the news, "Not bad, keep it up."

Next to him, Chianti, whose mind was jumping, remembered another thing. She looked at Gin: "When you called us over just now, didn't you say you wanted to kill Vodka? Why did you change your mind now?"

Gin: "I just said it's to be observed."

Chianti leaned on the back of the chair and turned to the back. She pointed the gun through the window: "So how did you observe? - Vodka and Ireland came out of the truck together. Now it's the right angle to kill him."

"Let's talk about him later." Gin more or less guessed the reason why Vodka was chased by the police car. Compared with this unpromising younger brother, his attention was more focused on another thing at this time.

——Thinking of the call to Uzo just now, Gin said calmly: "Let's deal with the robber who answered my call first."

He stared at the bus that was gradually showing its outline in front of him with a dead look, then reached out to take the gun next to him and slowly wiped the barrel: "Cohen, drive the car more steadily later."

"You want to do it yourself?" Chianti was curious, "How can the priority of just two robbers be higher than vodka-is it an undercover sent to Tokyo by some force?"

Gin interrupted her divergent thinking: "My call to Uzo was answered by them."

"That's it?" Chianti was at a loss for a moment, and suddenly understood something, she laughed, "Haha, the robbers' mouths are all dirty, you only pick when the vehicle is robbed to call, you got scolded-you really still hold grudges!"

"Hold grudges?" Gin sneered, "He heard my voice and saw Uzo's phone-in Tokyo, knowing too much is never a good thing."


When a black car quietly approached the bus in front along the tunnel.

In the bus.

The robbers had no idea what was about to happen.

At this time, they were pointing guns at the lucky hostages they had picked, and telling the driver: "When you get out of the tunnel, you are not allowed to stop, and you must speed up immediately until you have distanced yourself from all other vehicles."

"When there are no other cars around, we will take this hostage off the bus. At that time, you are not allowed to stop or contact the police, just keep driving forward until the gas runs out - as long as you do it obediently, we will definitely let this passenger go as promised, but if you dare to play tricks..."

He sneered and crushed the face of the woman chewing bubble gum with the muzzle of the gun: "I will kill her, and you and your bus company will be fully responsible for her death."

The driver and the woman chewing bubble gum were both horrified: "I, I know."

In the back row, Conan looked at this scene from a distance and snorted in his heart.

"That 'unlucky hostage' chewing bubble gum is probably not a hostage at all, but an accomplice of the robbers who is among us."

Conan finally saw through everything and muttered to himself: "Her righteous and bold words when the robbers confiscated her phone were just to make an example of her accomplices and establish their prestige - only in this way can they intimidate so many people in the car and make everyone cooperate honestly until now."

Thinking of this, Conan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He glanced at the two long ski bags connected end to end on the ground: "This should be a bomb. No wonder they took off their goggles and hats easily - these three cruel guys probably didn't intend to let any living people go. They must want to detonate the bomb after leaving the vehicle and blow us all to death.

"The three of them don't need to flee in the mountains at all. As long as they pretend to be 'three lucky passengers released by the robbers in advance', they can find the police and get their protection.

"Dr. Shinde and the suspicious man are similar in size to the two male robbers. They were forced to change into the robbers' clothes just now - if the vehicle really exploded, their bodies would probably be mistaken by the police as the bodies of the two robbers because of those clothes.

"Next, as long as the three 'only survivors' unify their statements, the outside world will naturally think that this tragedy was caused by a conflict between the robbers and the passengers, and the bomb was accidentally detonated, resulting in the death of both parties.

"In this way, they can successfully escape punishment and pursuit, meet up with their accomplice who is responsible for selling the stolen goods, and then live a rich and happy life... Damn it, I will never let this happen!"

The righteous Kudo clenched his fist angrily.

While it was still dark before he got out of the tunnel, he picked up the detective badge and quietly connected with several of his classmates: "Can you hear me? - Don't make a sound, listen to me. I have a plan."


Thanks to the big guys for the [Monthly Ticket] (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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