Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 2552 2556 [Gin's Sniper] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2552 2556 [Gin’s Sniper] Please vote for me (づど)

After Conan finished speaking, he expected that several children would exclaim excitedly, but he was also ready to interrupt their voices and assign tasks.

However, unexpectedly, there was no movement in the detective badge for a long time.

Conan couldn't help but turn his head and look at the badge beside his ear: "...?" What's going on? The badge is out of power? Or were the kids so scared that they forgot to pay attention to the badges?

He had no choice but to lower his voice and ask again: "Hello? Can you hear me?"

Finally, Yoshida Ayumi's sneaky voice came from the badge: "Yes, but..."

Conan said happily: "Very good, from now on, you must act exactly as I said - don't worry, the bus is still in the tunnel, the light in the car is very dim, and the kidnappers will also know that success is imminent." And let your guard down..."

"Wait." A voice interrupted him, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya put the badge to his mouth and retorted in a low voice, "Although I don't know what your plan is, on the other hand, if the two kidnappers don't relax their vigilance, What to do if they find out about our operation? ——When there is a setback when it is about to succeed, their anger will be very terrifying. "

Ayumi Yoshida sounded so frightened that she was about to cry: "They will definitely draw their guns and shoot indiscriminately."

Kojima Genta also scratched his head: "Even if the kidnapper's marksmanship is poor, we will be settled by brother Jiang Xia for causing such consequences..."

Conan: "...?"

Why do you have so many worries at such a young age? Are these still his three simple-minded, impulsive first-grade classmates?

Conan had no choice but to take a deep breath and save the country. He followed Genta Kojima's words and said: "Brother Jiang Xia will not settle accounts with us - this is what he quietly told me just now."

After he finished speaking, he thought of something and held his breath nervously.

But luckily, the primary school students were really easy to fool and didn't ask questions like "How did you contact Brother Jiang Xia?"

They didn't expect that Conan would dare to falsely pass on the imperial edict. When they heard that it was Jiang Xia's order, the three of them looked at each other for a moment and asked nervously: "What is the plan?"

Conan was silent for a moment, feeling a little complicated: "..." You are also a high school detective, why do you just listen to Jiang Xia?

...Forget it, it’s not a big problem. And now is not the time to worry about the details - the focus right now is to deal with these three gangsters as soon as possible so that everyone in the car can be out of danger.

When the primary school students are seriously discussing the strategy against the enemy.

Next to them, a low sports car without headlights accelerated silently and passed them - a modified Porsche 356a with the same black shadow, drove forward close to the bus and quickly disappeared into the tunnel.

"Target confirmed." Chianti whistled, "Although I didn't see the face, there were two figures standing in the car. They should be the robbers this time - which one are you going to kill?"

Gin bit an unlit cigarette and said nonchalantly: "Kill them all."

"Not bad!" The butterfly wings at the end of Chianti's eyes flapped again because of laughter, "Give me one. When the time comes, you kill the one on the right, and the one on the left belongs to me."

Cohen, meanwhile, had no problem with having his job taken away from him. He acted as a temporary driver and drove the car out of the tunnel first, heading straight for the mountain forest on the diagonal side - there was a path connecting it to the opposite side. After shooting, they could directly enter the fork and evacuate smoothly.

Using his skillful experience to find the best sniping position, Cohen stopped the car and turned to look at the tunnel below.

In the tunnel, a bus is heading for the exit.

As it gets closer to the exit, the light in the car gradually returns.

The robber squinted his eyes and felt that what was shining in front of him was not only the sun, but also a dawn symbolizing victory.

——Thinking of his stand-in plan and the stupid police officers who were about to be fooled, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, wishing to tell the world about this perfect script of the golden cicada's escape... However, it is a pity that the evil wise man is destined to only walk. Yu Anming—he could only show off this matter to a few of his accomplices.

Thinking of this, the robber sighed and regretfully stopped his divergent thinking.

He returned to business and pushed his gun against the bus driver next to him, threatening this passer-by who was crucial in their plan: "You kid, don't let me use your brain - only by being obedient can we save our lives." All hostages, otherwise..."

"Hmph, that's nice to say!" Suddenly, a clear voice sounded in the carriage, interrupting the robber's words. "But in fact, even if the driver is obedient, you will not release the hostages honestly.

"To be precise, you don't intend to leave anyone alive at all - you dare to take off your scarf, hat and goggles in public, and openly reveal your appearance in front of us, because you don't treat us as living people at all. "

Conan loudly revealed the robbers' conspiracy to everyone in the car, reminding everyone of the need to resist: "If we don't think of a way, everyone will be killed by this bomb!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly bent down and together with his elementary school classmates across the aisle, they lifted up the ski bag on the ground.

In the middle of the yellow ski bag, there were four strange patterns written with oil-based pens at some point - "qOT2"

Text-like patterns with unclear meanings are often easily ignored by the human eye.

As expected, the two robbers didn't pay attention to the four fonts. Their hearts were beating loudly at this time: they had been thinking about it for days and nights, and the proud trick they finally came up with was actually seen through by a mere elementary school student. Already? !

"That's right!" Another little boy with freckles on his face also hid behind the chair and shouted in a fake and intimidating tone, "Brother Jiang Xia has seen through all your tricks, so let's arrest him without mercy!"

The Little Red Riding Hood robber without Little Red Riding Hood: "..." Jiang Xia, that famous detective? ! He was actually in the car too...

At this moment, instead of fear, he felt strangely relieved: It's okay, okay, it's better to be seen through by a detective than to be seen through by a few first-grade primary school students.

Little Blue Riding Hood glanced at him and immediately understood what his accomplice was thinking: "..." Idiot, what's the point? If it weren't for that damn detective, they wouldn't have been discovered at all!

When the two robbers were entangled, Conan stared at the driver through the rearview mirror and finally couldn't help but anxiously urged: "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up!"

The bus driver was sweating coldly. He looked at the rearview mirror: when reflected by the lens, the strange words on the bomb package flipped left and right, and suddenly turned into a clear instruction-"STOP".

"Stop...are you asking me to stop?" The bus driver looked at the two furious robbers, and then at the passengers who were said to be including famous detectives.

After a brief moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and stepped on the brakes hard.

There was a loud "crunch", and the bus slowed down and stopped suddenly. The huge inertia threw everything in the car forward.

"Grandpa, come here!" Ayumi Yoshida had already followed Conan's plan and slipped into the back of the bus in the dark.

Seeing the driver stop the car, she pulled hard and successfully made the hearing-impaired old man sitting in the middle of the back seat hide behind the back of the front seat.

Genta Kojima and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya lay on the ground and bravely held down the bomb to prevent it from sliding and colliding. Other passengers staggered forward and relied on the support of the seat backs to stabilize their bodies.

On Jiang Xia's seat, a fake cat dutifully pushed against the psychic owner to prevent him from knocking into the back of the chair in front of him.

In the chaos, the most unlucky people were those who had no seats.

The three kidnappers were caught off guard and fell forward. They quickly fell into a ball holding the guns in their hands.

Next to them, Shuichi Akai and "Doctor Shinde" were sitting on the ground according to the kidnapper's request, so they did not fall into too much embarrassment.

The sudden sudden braking of the bus made them slightly shocked, but neither of them reacted slowly. After the bus stopped, they immediately stood up and looked down at the robber at their feet.

"Ski suit, ski hat, scarf, goggles..." On the distant hillside, Chianti adjusted his gun and locked the bus that had stopped for some reason, and then locked the two men in ski suits on the bus. The robber said, "Oh, this costume is really tacky. I wouldn't have used this kind of thing as a disguise eight hundred years ago."

Cohen recalled it carefully and pulled out one thing from his memory: "If I remember correctly, you just bought a baseball cap for disguise two days ago. It's not much better than a ski cap."

"'No better than a ski hat'? What do you think!" Chianti said angrily, "My hat is a new model designed by an international designer. It is much more fashionable than the old-fashioned ski hat!"

"...Shut up." Gin wanted to shoot these two colleagues who were not doing their jobs properly, but the targets he was considering this time were only two minions. In the end, he didn't bother to say anything more, so he just took aim and said, "Then The gang of cops are coming soon, send these two guys on their way before they show up."

"I know, I know." Chianti stopped chatting and started to work, "I will count to 321 and shoot when I count to '1', so that one party will not alert the enemy and the other party will have to rework."

In the forest, two guns were silently raised and pointed at the bus below.

In the bus.

Belmode looked down at the robbers who were close at hand. Considering the safety of Cool Guy and herself, she wanted to quietly stomp all the guys under her feet and stun them to prevent these dangerous gun-toting and bomb-wielding elements from causing trouble.

But this is obviously not what the "new doctor" would do, and she has no clue about Uzo's script today. If she kicks Uzo's important actor off the stage in front of Uzo right now...

Belmode moved uncomfortably and silently retracted his feet. At the same time, she couldn't help but glance guiltily at the passengers.

Then at a glance, I saw the strong curly sunglasses.

The two sides looked at each other, and the curly-haired man's hand on the back of the seat in front moved slightly, and his fingertips pointed downward.

Belmore was slightly startled.

Is this asking her to... lie down?

Although the opponent was only a peripheral member, but thinking about who this guy represented... Belmod almost did not hesitate, instinctively bent his knees and lay down.

Not only Vodka, other smart people in the organization have obviously discovered some patterns in their tormented lives - for example, if Uzo wants to trick someone, he will never directly order the victim to step into the trap, but will only use his euphemisms A tortuous approach is politely hinted at.

On the other hand, if Uzo gives certain instructions directly, then it is safe to follow his instructions.

Belmode: "..." But...why did Uzo's substitute suddenly signal her to squat down?

She looked around in confusion, and saw that as she squatted down, the robber who had fallen to the ground next to her stood up with a gun in his hand, cursing.

Belmode's eyes immediately fell on him: "..." Could it be that the robber's gun would go off accidentally and shoot the person standing next to him?

This guess flashed through her mind, and before she could think carefully, suddenly, the correct answer fell from the sky and landed in front of her.

——With a "click" sound of broken glass, the kidnapper who had just stood up suddenly tilted to the side, and a blood hole appeared on the side of his head, splashing a lot of sticky liquid. He seemed to be pushed hard by someone holding his head, and fell to the ground with a thud, and never stood up again.

Belmode was stunned.

After being stiff for a few seconds, she slowly lowered her head.

Looking at the robber lying next to the corpse, and then at the warm blood gradually spreading on the ground, her back was suddenly soaked with cold sweat: This trajectory and angle... If she had hesitated for a moment and did not squat according to the instructions of Uzo's stand-in, then the one who was shot in the head and fell to the ground suddenly might be her.

... Why is there a sniper rifle? ? Who is shooting? !

In addition...

Amid the screams of terror in the car, Belmode gritted her teeth and looked at the car window, and then found that it was not an illusion - two windows were broken, which means that the one who fired at here just now was not one sniper, but two!

"Are those guys responsible for rescuing hostages crazy?" Belmode had this thought first, and then she felt something was wrong. "With the way those policemen act, how dare they rescue people in this way? This kind of reckless shooting at the chaotic carriage is even more outrageous than terrorists... huh? Wait?"

Sniper, criminals, Uzo's script...

Various keywords spun in her mind, and in the accidental collision, Belmode suddenly had an idea.

Belmode: "..." Could it be... Could it be that the two guys shooting outside the window were her unlucky colleagues who were controlled by Uzo.


"Tsk, that guy was so lucky, he just happened to squat down to pick up something and dodged my shot." Chianti cursed, "Now he's hiding behind the chair... What should we do? How about we drive by and throw a grenade in?"

As she was talking, she looked at the side and suddenly laughed: "You didn't hit it either?"

-When she made a mistake, she suddenly found that her colleague had made the same mistake, which obviously made people feel a little comfort in the loss.

Next to her, Gin ignored her and just stared at the bus from a distance.

After watching for a while, he slowly frowned.

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