Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 413 Night visit to Narumi Asai

Vodka watched silently as his gin brother rented a new boat; when it was dark and the store couldn't see him, he quickly used instruments to check the boat; he checked the satellite phone; he rented two extra rubber boats and put them on the boat... and then calmed down. Got on the boat.

Vodka hurriedly followed.

After some silent and rapid maneuvers, the ship finally set off.

Jiang Xia finished signing a bunch of ghosts, and her mood temporarily returned to calm.

He found the boat prepared by the police station on the island at the pier, and together with the police, took the boat to Yueying Island.

On the deck, the sea breeze was quite strong.

Jiang Xia wrapped her scarf tightly and looked in the direction of Yueying Island. She saw the blurry outline of the island and the spot of fire on the edge of the island that grew bigger and bigger as the ship approached - the community activity center on fire was a wooden building. Bungalows are relatively flammable and are built near the sea, making them very conspicuous.

Although according to the news he just heard at the police station, the target he wanted to pick up was probably 80% attached to Gin with hatred at this time. It would be difficult to eliminate their obsession and pick up the ghost.

But the so-called coming has come... A trip to the island should bring you other rewards.

——For example, the three drug dealers who were silenced must have done other things like silencing others before.

As far as Jiang Xia knows, at least twelve years ago, drug dealers burned to death their associates, Keiji Aso, and Keiji Aso's wife and daughter who wanted to wash their hands in a golden basin... Now the drug dealers suddenly died tragically, and the shikigami obsession on them Once the thoughts dissipate, they will naturally become wild shikigami that are easy to pick.

In addition, the anonymous person who sent the invitation letter is the son of Aso Keiji, his accomplice who was silenced 12 years ago, Aso Minoru. After he learned the truth about his family's death, he always wanted to kill the drug dealer to avenge his family.

And now, since the drug dealer is dead, Aso's murderous aura should have been completely dropped and can be picked up along the way.

Soon, the ship docked at Yueying Island.

Firefighters from the main island also arrived with usable equipment.

A group of people followed the light of the fire and hurried to the burning community activity center.

The island's firefighters and several islanders were gathering next to the community activity center and were busy.

According to them, there was an explosion and then it burned. Perhaps because the entire house was made of wood, the flames rose quickly.

When the police and firefighters went to put out the fire, Jiang Xia watched nearby.

Then he stopped outside the cordon and let the ghosts who were not afraid of fire float into the burning house and circle around.

At the same time, he temporarily shifted his vision to the ghost's body, borrowing the ghost's perspective to observe the fire scene at close range.

Through the charred wooden walls, you can see thick smoke and a sea of ​​fire inside the community activity center. Visibility was extremely low, and the ghosts followed the breath of the shikigami and drifted all the way to the main hall.

I saw several people lying on the floor who had died long ago. Their bodies were curled up and slowly turned into charred corpses.

There are more than three people. In addition to the target drug dealer, there are also a few unfamiliar faces... probably because of the sudden increase in silence targets during the mission. This is a common occurrence for the organization...

Jiang Xia didn't look any further, and instead let the ghost look around, his eyes scanning the ground carefully.

On the floor of the hall, you can see some leg-striking shikigami, they are slowly moving around under the cover of firelight and thick smoke.

These shikigami were transformed into people who were killed by drug dealers during their lifetime.

At this time, the enemy died suddenly, and the obsession of a group of shikigami ended. They had no target for the time being, so they followed their instincts and slowly drifted elsewhere, preparing to slowly dissipate after many years.

...or be picked up by a passing enthusiastic psychic.

Jiang Xia quickly divided the tasks among several ghosts, and one ghost was responsible for picking up in one direction.

Send one more on the sea side.

Make sure to catch all the shikigami crawling around before they crawl far away.

After a while, with the help of a fire boat sent from the island, the fire was brought under control.

The outer walls of the community activity center had been burned through, and several charred bodies were dragged out from the smoke-y fire scene.

While the police and firefighters were busy, Jiang Xia took a few steps back, then turned around and silently turned into a street.

There are not many residents on Yueying Island, and the night is already very deep. Not long after walking to the street, there are no traces of people around.

Jiang Xia stretched out his hand towards the ghosts who floated back holding the shikigami.

Then he brought up thirteen new and old leg-scratching shikigami - two of them were extremely talented and could crawl relatively quickly, and had already squirmed into the sea before he came. Then the thrifty mermaid plunged into the bottom of the sea and fished it out.

After putting away the new shikigami, Jiang Xia spread out the faster-moving ghosts and let them roam around the island map, looking for any shikigami or ghosts that had slipped through the net.

He himself identified the direction and walked towards the dock where he stopped when he came.

But Jiang Xia did not go to the boat, but turned to the right midway.

He walked half a street and came to a two-story apartment with a wooden spire near the coast.

Just now, Jiang Xia had just set foot on Yueying Island. On the way from the pier to the community activity center, the ghosts felt a strong murderous presence nearby.

Although it was too far away to know the murderous smell for the time being, it should be of a rather high-end variety.

Considering that the murderous aura doesn't crawl around like a shikigami, when passing by here just now, Jiang Xia just turned his head and glanced at the source of the murderous aura and remembered its location.

But now, the leg-picking shikigami has been put away, and it's time to pick up the murderous aura...

Jiang Xia followed the smell of murderous intent all the way to the second floor of the apartment, stopped in front of a room with the door sign "Qianjing", raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Judging from the house number, this is Aso Minoru, the son of Keiji Aso who was murdered by drug dealers because of the golden basin. After the death of his family, Aso was adopted by others and changed his surname to "Asai".

After a few bangs, through the door, a rapid and small sound could be heard in the room - the people inside seemed to be packing something in a hurry.

After nearly a minute, the door was gently opened a crack.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw a neatly dressed, slender young woman.

The "woman" carefully peeked out through the crack in the door. When her eyes fell on Jiang Xia's face, "her" expression changed slightly.

After a while, Asai Narumi's complicated expression settled into a smile, and a slightly neutral female voice sounded, gently saying: "Hello, what's the matter? I feel like you are very unfamiliar, um... you are a tourist from outside? "

Jiang Xia glanced at the murderous aura lingering on the "woman" and sniffed it gently.

Then I reflexively held my breath.

...It turned out to be the murderous aura that smelled of disinfectant? ?

Although it is also a high-end murderous aura, as a food, the taste is really exciting...

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