Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 414 The growth path of a cross-dressing boss (supplementary update)

Jiang Xia coughed lightly and quietly stepped back a little.

Then he showed the same sharp gaze that Kudo Shinichi had when staring at prisoners, looked directly at Asai Narumi, and suddenly said: "The community activity center exploded."

"Ah, is that so..."

Narumi Asai was a little nervous when she was stared at by the high school detective Masayoshi, and the gentle smile on her lips became slightly stiff.

"She" didn't know the purpose of Jiang Xia's visit, so she had to slow down her speech and collect her thoughts while saying:

"Actually, I vaguely heard the explosion just now. But it was already dark, and I was a little scared to go out alone, so I didn't dare to go and check. It turned out that there was an explosion..."

Asai Narumi's words were half true and half false.

It was true that I heard the noise, but it was also true that I didn't dare to go out to check.

He hid a batch of gasoline near the community center in advance. Just now, Narumi Asai was surprised when he heard an explosion occurred in that direction, but he did not dare to look at it - he was worried that the explosion happened to be the gasoline he had hidden. If so, he would be easily exposed if he rushed over hastily. After all, as far as he knew, anyone who appeared at the scene of the accident before and after the incident could easily be noticed by the police.

And the reason "it's a bit scary to go out alone" is of course false.

Although "she" does appear to be a beautiful, intellectual and weak girl, in fact, Asai is a serious male, even stronger than the average man.

——Twelve years ago, the pianist "Keiji Aso" on Yueying Island wanted to wash his hands of the drug trafficking industry, but was locked in his home by several accomplices and set on fire to "commit suicide." His wife and daughter also died in the fire, and the family was almost wiped out.

I say "almost" because Keiji Aso actually has a son.

His son Aso Minoru had been in poor health since he was a child. When the tragedy happened, he was receiving treatment at a major hospital in Tokyo.

After the death of his family, Aso Minoru in the hospital was adopted by the Asai family and renamed Asai Narumi.

Time flies, Asai's health improves and she is admitted to medical school.

After he graduated, he remembered the tragic death of his family again - according to colluded "eyewitnesses", they saw with their own eyes that Keiji Aso locked the door, killed his wife and daughter, and released a gun on a full moon night. Fire, and then while playing the piano, laughing wildly and running to death under the flames.

... After much thought, Asai Narumi felt that his father was not such a lunatic. There may be another hidden reason behind the deaths of his family members, and he is determined to find out the truth.

So two years ago, Asai Narumi looked at her androgynous appearance, slim figure, and the unisex name on her medical license. She had an idea, grew her hair long, bought a batch of small skirts, and pretended to be a woman. .

The doctor's license does not indicate the gender, nor does the pronunciation of the name specifically indicate. And if the same Chinese character is read with different kana, the meaning of the name will also change accordingly.

Asai Narumi's "Narimi" was originally pronounced "せいじつ", but after arriving on the island, he told others that the name was pronounced "なるみ", and it sounded like a cute girl.

After becoming the "female doctor" on Yueying Island, Asai Narumi did not dare to contact the people she knew in the past. It was said that she was unfamiliar with the place, and the investigation was difficult.

Originally, "she" was already prepared for a long-term investigation.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the investigation to make a breakthrough.

——The then Kameda Village Chief saw that the new female doctor was beautiful, quiet, and spoke elegantly and decently. In addition, the "woman" came alone from home and looked like she was easy to bully, so Kameda Village Chief did not He couldn't bear to extend his evil hand to Asai Narumi, and invited "her" to the community activity center in the middle of the night, trying to do something illegal between adults.

Kameda Village Chief was also a member of a small drug trafficking gang on the island, and also participated in the annihilation of Aso's family.

He made an appointment with Asai Narumi and thought it would be a pleasant night. Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was closed and the light was turned on, the gentle female doctor in front of him suddenly turned into an out-and-out man. What was even more frightening was that she was stronger than him.

The name is written as "Naruto", the gender is male, the age is right, and the anonymity is very suspicious... All these characteristics were combined, and the twisted and terrifying death of Aso Keiji suddenly appeared in Kameda Village Chief's mind, and what he was said to have left behind Son of Tokyo.

The sudden change in painting style caused the frightened Kameda Village Chief to have his heart stop and he was unable to survive that night.

Before his death, he revealed the truth about the tragic death of Aso's family.

Asai Narumi was confused for a while looking at the corpse. After digesting the huge amount of information, he gradually came up with a series of murder plans. He decided to kill all three remaining enemies - Nishimoto Takeshi, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and Kawashima Hideo.

But this is murder after all. Even though her heart was full of hatred, Asai Narumi still hesitated.

So the next year, the anniversary of the death of Kameda Village Chief, it was originally a good opportunity to take action, but Asai Narumi did not take action after being entangled.

This year, it was almost the time again, and Asai Narimi finally decided not to let go of this opportunity for revenge.

But he still felt something was wrong.

So before taking action, Asai Narumi did some research on the Internet, picked out a detective who seemed to be more powerful and had a good relationship with him, and sent a letter asking that detective to come to the island to investigate.

If the detective realizes something is wrong before killing all his enemies, it's God's will that stops him.

Asai also prepared his own punishment if the detectives solved the case later - he hid some gasoline near the community center, and if the incident was revealed, he would go there and set himself on fire.

And if the detective finds nothing, and the three people who died really committed suicide... Asai Naomi decided to leave Moon Shadow Island, go far away, and start a new life.

Just now, when he heard the sound of an explosion coming from the community activity center, Asai Narumi did not rush over to check, in order to reduce his suspicion as much as possible before taking action.

But he didn't expect that even if he didn't go, someone would still come to the door...

Asai Narumi carefully looked at the young detective in front of him.

Although she pretended not to know him just now, in fact, "she" certainly knew who the person in front of her was - it was "she" who had hand-selected him from various dazzling detective directories to judge her rivals.

When sending the letter to Jiang Xia, Asai Shimi knew that Jiang Xia was quick in thinking and quick in solving crimes.

But "she" never expected that Jiang Xia would be so quick to come directly to his door before the plan started... Is this really something that was deduced, or was it an accident and was entrusted by the police? I was looking for the doctor on the island, so I found "her"?

Asai Narumi's mind was racing and he decided to hold on tight and not expose himself before everything started.

"She" looked up at Jiang Xia and tried to stay calm: "You specifically told me about the explosion. Are there injured people who need my treatment?"

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