Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 900 The Organization’s Beauty Trap

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko listened silently.

When they heard their throats cut, the two couldn't help but raise their hands simultaneously and touched their delicate necks. They were a little scared. After the owner of the house was having a party, he sneaked into the house and attacked a lone person, committing a cruel crime. Walking away... just like the legendary murderer, which makes people shudder.

Conan recalled the bloodstains he saw on the road, but he didn't think the murderer was an outsider - it was more like an insider committed the crime and then passed the blame to a "passerby".

His lips moved and he wanted to blurt out "How strange!"

But it's a pity...

Conan looked at the vodka among a group of suspects, and sighed in his heart, silently swallowing his words: The evil members of the organization have deprived him of the right to be an upright detective. In the eyes of the organization, "Kudo Shinichi" is dead. , now we must maintain this illusion, otherwise we will face a disaster...

However, speaking of Kudo Shinichi's detective career...

Conan glanced at Jiang Xia from the corner of his eye, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

Conan: "..." Think about it carefully, if he hadn't become younger and Jiang Xia suddenly became interested in the detective career. Then every time when Jiang Xia solved the case quickly at the crime scene, he stood beside him like an old ornament... Wouldn't that be even more embarrassing? Just like meeting Hattori from Eka...

"..." In comparison, being a primary school student is a lot less troublesome - in the eyes of most people, children can't solve crimes faster than high school students, which is really normal. Therefore, in this case, as long as I raise one or two doubts, I can not only participate in the case, but also accept the praise with my chest raised and my head raised...

Wait, what are you thinking about? !

Conan slapped himself on the forehead:

Now is not the time to lie down and languish... No, now is not the time to compete with teammates. The focus right now is vodka!


Thinking of this, Conan crossed his arms and focused his attention on the case again.

——In his opinion, the murderer was more likely to be an insider who participated in the party.

Among these insiders, facts aside - Vodka is clearly the most suspicious guy.

It's just a pity, if you don't put aside the facts...

Conan touched his chin and realized with regret that there were too many contradictions in the conclusion that "vodka is the murderer".

——From a technical point of view, if a cadre of a mysterious organization wants to kill an unarmed and naked woman, there are really many ways, such as poisoning as he did when dealing with "Kudo Shinichi", and the next one with no one. Poison that can be detected disguises itself as sudden death.

Another example is to simply fake a gas explosion and bring down everyone present - Conan believes that for these black bastards who almost blew up the Shinkansen, blowing up a mere apartment is really not a big deal. Something to struggle with.

...In short, there are too many methods.

In this case, how could Vodka risk using the method of "slitting the throat" without killing the person?

Conan thought: Unless Vodka has a special purpose - for example, he doesn't actually want to kill Kaoru Kusano, but is like some gangsters who let their friends harass girls and then go to "hero rescue beauties" to gain trust... Vodka may also want to use the same thing. The principle is to use this life-saving grace to achieve some unspeakable purpose - judging from the information just overheard, Vodka did do some emergency treatment for Kaoru Kusano.

Conan: "..." But if you think about it carefully, there are still loopholes in this statement.

——If these men in black wanted something from Kaoru Kusano, shouldn't they threaten and extort him? But now, this overly euphemistic approach is really not like the style of that organization.

Also, even if you want to use a beauty trick, you shouldn’t send Vodka, the majestic Di Baotian, over. They must have someone who is more in line with the aesthetics of young girls...

Conan: "..." In other words, based on the current situation: Vodka is neither here to kill people nor to perform a beauty trap.

If you don't touch either, vodka will naturally have no motive for killing. As for why we went to save Kaoru Kusano...

Maybe he didn't want a murder to disrupt some of his plans.

Or maybe it was to show off in front of the police and detectives and gain the trust of the naive detectives... Damn it, these cunning men in black.

Conan sighed quietly and thought in amusement: Looking at the current situation, the only gratifying thing is that since Vodka is still playing the role of a good detective carefully, it means that even if he has no feelings for Jiang Xia As shown in the picture, I won’t take action too quickly.

In this case, there is still time to observe and respond...

Thinking of this, Conan began to take stock of the resources in his hands, hoping to find a harmless passage that could save Jiang Xia from the clutches of the terrifying man in black as soon as possible.

When Conan wanted to lower his sense of existence, his sense of existence was indeed terrifyingly low.

At this time, other people in the living room knew nothing about the majestic brain in this child's small body.

Their attention is still focused on the current throat-cutting case.

I heard that the police felt that the murderer was more likely to be an outsider.

Kenzaki Xiu suddenly had an idea. He looked at his companions and asked for confirmation: "Do you think... could the murderer be the stalker?"

"Stalker?" Police Officer Memu's ears twitched. Hearing this sentence, he immediately turned around and looked over.

Only then did Kenzaki Xiu remember that he had not yet provided this crucial information.

He quickly added: "At this time, Ah Xun is always harassed by the prank doorbell. I heard that every time she opens the door, the people outside the door have run away, but a strange letter will be left behind. At first, the letter said 'I will come again', then 'I will come again next time', then 'I will come even if I die'..."

"Every time, the content is more persistent and terrifying than the previous one. Moreover, the letters were printed on a computer, so there is no way to identify the handwriting." Osamu Kenzaki sighed, "Because I often appear in detective dramas, Axun asked me to help her Think of a way... But I'm not a real detective after all, so I asked Miss Yoko, so today, she invited Mr. Jiang Xia over."

Kinoshita Yoko nodded and sadly confirmed what he said: "We originally planned to wait until the party was over before asking Jiang Xia to help with the investigation. Who would have thought that something happened in such a short period of time..."

After hearing this, the Mumu Police Department felt that they understood: "No wonder someone sneaked in by such a coincidence and was fully prepared... It seems that the stalker discovered that you didn't lock the door, so he came in and stabbed Miss Axun... Takagi. "

After shouting, he remembered that Takagi Wataru was not there.

——He is still dealing with the follow-up to the case just now.

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