Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 901 Vigilance Chain

The Megure Police Department did not find Takagi Wataru, so they called out again: "Sato, take someone to visit the area and look for traces of the stalker."

Conan: "..." Wait, this was probably not done by a stalker, but by an insider at the party...

...Unfortunately, there was vodka nearby, so he couldn't say anything.

Thinking this, Conan suddenly became confused.

——With Jiang Xia's insight, he must have discovered the anomaly. But why didn't Jiang Xia say anything?

Conan: "..." Was the bathtub of blood interfering with his thinking, or was Jiang Xia also aware of the abnormality in vodka, so he was secretly alert?

If it's the latter... Conan's eyes lit up: Even if the black organization is not exposed, Jiang Xia may be able to alienate the strong man in black with evil intentions.

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Jiang Xia expectantly.

As expected, Jiang Xia was looking at Vodka.

However, it is different from the "suspiciousness" and "wariness" that Conan imagined.

——Jiang Xia looked at Vodka with no negative emotions, but was kind and slightly encouraging.

Vodka raised his head and looked at him. Jiang Xia nodded slightly, like a mentor gently encouraging his students to have the courage to put forward opinions.

Conan: "..."

...Damn vodka.

Vodka: "..."

...Damn Uzo.

However, I cursed in my heart.

Vodka combined with the text message he received from Jiang Xia before understood what Jiang Xia meant now - this was to remind him, "Mr. Yamada", to maintain the image that a detective assistant should have.

"..." Vodka didn't want to enhance his presence in front of the police at all.

But then I thought about it, Uzo wouldn't blatantly trick him. Although it is very uncomfortable to follow Uzo's instructions, the safety may be higher than usual.

And the longer he stays here, the easier it will be for his fake "Yamada" certificate to be exposed... Rather than just sitting back and waiting for death, it's better to take the initiative and establish his identity as a detective. In this way, you can gain some credibility with the police and delay exposure.

Thinking this way, Vodka mentally beat up his colleagues.

While clearing his throat, he tried to imitate those detectives. He was so angry that he stopped Miwako Sato, who was about to lead people to investigate: "Wait a minute - the state of the blood drops is a bit strange. Compared with people outside breaking in to commit crimes, It was more like an insider committed the crime and then disguised it as a break-in."

Although Vodka is not very good at reasoning, he is often careless.

But now, certain existences have activated his full potential and desire to survive.

In addition, Vodka is a pretty good programmer after all, and he can skillfully drive a variety of high-end vehicles... He has enough IQ and can think.

——At this time, the blood drops in the corridor reminded Vodka of the scene when Gin was trying to kill someone in a place with poor soundproofing and it was difficult to use a gun, so he had to kill with a knife.

Vodka said professionally:

"Wearing a raincoat is to block the column of blood that splashes out when the artery is cut. In this way, the blood will definitely fall on the front of the raincoat. In other words, if you wear the raincoat and walk towards the door, the blood drops will follow the direction of the door. The clothes slipped off and the person was walking forward... In this way, it was easy to step on the splashed blood droplets. Or the falling blood droplets were blocked by the feet and could not splash directly to the ground.

"But in fact, the blood stains in the corridor are all complete, the intervals are relatively regular, and there are no bloody footprints at all. So..."

When Vodka said this, he suddenly realized something and was shocked.

"..." Wait, it's the words of an insider who committed the crime. Doesn't that mean that the murderer is among them? And that person must have left the living room after Miss Axun went to take a bath and before they found out that Miss Axun had her throat cut.

...But Vodka remembered that at that time, because he guessed that Uzo was going to attack the lonely Kaoru Kusano, for the safety of Ms. Kaoru, Vodka stared at the suspicious broker and Shu Kenzaki like he usually did during transactions. .

Therefore, Vodka was the most certain that the two men did not act alone during the process.

The only ones who had gone out were the other three lovely idols from the Earth Lady Team - they each went out alone to change their clothes.

Vodka: "..." Then, doesn't that mean... the murderer is his idol? !

There are only four treasures in the Earth Lady Team.

Now having one's throat cut is sad enough. If another one goes in...

Vodka: "..." How could things become like this?

It’s all Wu’s fault…

His dark eyes looked at Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia happened to be looking at him too.

Look at each other briefly, 0.5 seconds later.

Vodka looked away viciously and turned to look at Kenzaki Shu.

——It’s all because of Kenzaki Osamu and his manager, these two unsatisfactory bastards, that they let his lovely idol rush to the front line of murder!

If the murderers were these two people, Vodka thought, then he would have held them down on the spot when they took action.

In this way, all the idols can be saved unscathed...

"..." The pain of exposing the idol's crime personally, the sadness of losing two idols in a short period of time, plus the anger of wanting to beat Uzo but not dare...

In an instant, complex emotions gathered in the heart of Vodka, an outlaw, and turned into majestic murderous intent, rushing towards the two innocent men like a flood.

Conan froze and was keenly aware of the abnormality.

He followed Vodka's line of sight and looked over, his eyes falling on Kenzaki Shu, his eyes slightly stern: Could this be Vodka's real goal this time?

Speaking of which, Conan thought silently, Vodka's detective look just now was actually quite decent... and this man's observation skills are indeed keen. From this point of view, this cadre of the black organization seems to be seriously pretending to be a detective.

Conan: "..." To be able to make this group of violent men endure and do such a thing, they must have a big motive... What is the purpose of these guys?

The more Conan thought about it, the more he realized that things were not simple.

Vodka's mood fluctuated briefly.

Fortunately, he was covered by sunglasses, and Jiang Xia was standing next to him. No matter how his emotions fluctuated, they were only surging in his heart and not too external.

Therefore, the police's attention was still only focused on what Vodka just said, but not on him as a person.

Although Sato Miwako vaguely felt that something was not right, considering her previous record of judging "Mr. Yamada" by his appearance just now...

Officer Sato sighed and decided not to make random suspicions due to lack of evidence.

She touched her chin and also began to think about the analysis Vodka had just given.

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