Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 902 Detective Vodka

Sato Miwako quickly understood the meaning of "Mr. Yamada", and she thought about it and said:

"In other words, the prisoner probably did not 'wear a blood-proof raincoat after committing the crime, fled from the bathroom to the outside of the house, and discarded the crime tools', but 'took off the raincoat after committing the crime, carried it from the bathroom to the outside of the house, and deliberately allowed blood to drip. On the ground, pretend that someone is passing by here, and then discard the tools of crime'.

"...Indeed, if it is an outside stalker, no matter from a psychological or practical point of view, he should wait until he leaves the apartment and leaves here before taking off the raincoat that can hide his body.

"But if you are an insider, wearing a bloody raincoat in the corridor where acquaintances may pass by at any time, not only is it difficult to effectively cover your body, but it will separate you from the current environment and make you feel insecure. Therefore, it is better to first Take them off and hold them in your hands - this way if you meet someone, you can quickly distance yourself from them, for example, if you hear footsteps, quickly drop them nearby."

"That is to say..." After hearing this, the Memu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief, "The murderer is among the people at the scene?"

...Find the murderer among the designated people. This is much simpler than casting a net out to catch a stalker.

Compared to the latter, the Mumu Police Department is still more familiar with the former process.

Especially if there are detectives on scene.

The Megure Police Department straightened their backs unconsciously, skillfully turned to several witnesses, or suspects, and began to ask about their alibi: "During the time Miss Kusano was in the bathroom, where were you all? Who can prove it to you?"

"We are all in the living room." A cold voice came from the side.

Hoshino Terumi frowned slightly, not wanting the murderer to be confined inside. She remembered that "Mr. Yamada" was not rigorous enough just now, shook her head and added: "Yoko, Ashue and I left when we were changing clothes. As for the other three, I didn't pay much attention. However, compared to our alibi, , what should be confirmed most now is another thing——"

Hoshino Terumi habitually raised her head mid-sentence and glanced at everyone - she often did this when filming, which gave a better camera effect.

While scanning, she paused for a moment, and suddenly found that Jiang Xia, like everyone else, was looking at her and listening to her reasoning attentively.

Hoshino Terumi: "..."

Originally this was just a common thing. But Leng Buding and her idol met their eyes, and for a moment, a pink mushroom cloud seemed to explode above Hoshino Terumi's head. She stopped talking, her mind went blank, and she forgot what she had just said.

Jiang Xia heard the interruption and recovered from the fragrance of a large piece of vanilla ice cream.

He focused his eyes, looked at Hoshino Terumi, and considerately helped her push the progress bar together: "Is it the murder weapon?"

"Huh?...Well, that's right." Hoshino Terumi nodded, cleared her throat nonchalantly, and tried to remember what she had just said.

After a second or two, I finally succeeded in continuing.

She looked away, looked at the vodka, and retorted euphemistically: "The assistant was right - the blood drops were so complete, the murderer probably didn't walk outside wearing the raincoat, but carried it and walked out.

"But this does not prove that the murderer is an insider. It may also be that the intruders from the outside are experienced and know that they will step on blood and leave shoe prints. Compared with mass-produced raincoats, shoe prints are more likely to be found and located. . So the man just didn’t want to leave bloody footprints, so he boldly took off his poncho in the corridor.

"In other words, if you want to determine whether the murderer is an insider or an outsider, you still have to rely on the murder weapon. When Xiaoxun's throat was cut, we basically stayed in the living room. Even if we left in the middle, we didn't leave for too long. . If we are the murderer, even if we have to throw away the murder weapon, it will be difficult to throw it away too far, and we will definitely find the corresponding items nearby. You might as well go find the murder weapon first."

Hoshino Terumi finished speaking carefully and instinctively reviewed what she had just said.

——Although there is still some distance from "perfect", and it is very far away from Jiang Xia's neat reasoning that directly answers the answer... But no matter what, Hoshino Terumi feels that her performance just now is at least not inferior to "Mr. Yamada" This assistant is being carefully cultivated by Jiang Xia.

Unfortunately, the vodka next to him, which was missing a muscle intermittently, failed to capture the idol's hidden competitiveness towards him.

On the contrary, because Hoshino Terumi looked directly at him in the second half of what she said, Vodka was elated and her heart was beating loudly - if there were not police and Uzo watching next to him, he would have already shown his happiness. smile.

Also, other than the "Miss Terumi is looking at me and talking!"

The content of Hoshino Teru's beautiful words also made Vodka quite happy.

——He just stepped on Uzo's trap, and was forced to narrow down the suspects among the three idols with his own hands.

And now, Miss Huimei has helped him get back together - the murderer may still be an outsider!

Although this statement also has some flaws.

But Vodka secretly prayed in his heart that "this must be the truth", and when Hoshino Terumi looked at him, he nodded and said: "You are right, I was not rigorous enough just now."

Hoshino Terumi remembered Jiang Xia's encouraging look at Vodka before. She glanced at Jiang Xia again and looked at her encouragingly... Her mood, which was gloomy because of the attack on her teammates, improved a little.

But immediately, Hoshino Terumi remembered one more thing. This made her feel good, and she fell back to her original position again.

——Jiang Xia has such a good temper, he shouldn't take the initiative to drive away his apprentice. In other words, the better Mr. Yamada is, the longer he will be working as an assistant to Jiang Xia and working with Jiang Xia on cases...

Hoshino Terumi: "..." Damn it, I really want to take Yamada Taro's place and experience what it's like to be an assistant to a real high school detective...

Unfortunately, with his current reputation, if he followed Jiang Xia out to solve the case, it would only cause chaos, and the company would not agree.

After thinking about it, the thoughts that Hoshino Terumi had just moved cooled down. She sighed and leaned against the sofa quietly, motionless sadly.

The police department could not hear the complicated heart sounds of a group of people.

Just what the detective and the detective actors said just now were enough to keep him busy for a long time: So after talking for a long time, we still have to consider the possibility of external criminals? ...No, according to the idea, now we need to concentrate our efforts to find the murder weapon, and then based on the results, we will delineate the scope. But in order to avoid delaying the best opportunity, those who should visit must do it now... Alas, it is so difficult to be a police officer.

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