Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 904 There must be a conspiracy

Conan: "!"...Why are you talking to him? This "Mr. Yamada" is not a good person!

Vodka was suddenly spoken to, and the fluctuation in his heart was no less than that of Conan.

But right now, the idol is still so close...

Vodka showed no fear. Facing Jiang Xia's chat invitation, he nodded calmly.

"..." But he nodded, he didn't want to speak.

——Who knows what kind of hole Uzo is digging for him.

Jiang Xia saw that Vodka didn't want to talk, so she didn't force him to speak.

——Vodka has ears anyway. Just listen.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xia asked Kinoshita Yoko:

"I remember that the first version of the TV series 'Detective Zuomonji' where Miss Kusano and Mr. Kensaki fell in love' you were talking about started filming three years ago. Mr. Makuma was already Miss Kusano's agent at that time. ?—But I remember just now, Ms. Kusano and Mr. Maxiong broke up on bad terms and said he was useless... I always felt that her attitude was not like treating an agent who has been working with her for many years."

"This... it's a bit complicated to say. In fact, Xiaoxun doesn't hate Mr. Ma Xiong that much." Kinoshita Yoko sighed, "Mr. Ma Xiong was also an actor originally, and he was in the same office as us. Who would have thought that later, he suddenly He gave up his dream of acting and became A-Xun’s agent. Since then, A-Xun has always been angry with him and often said some condemning words. But since then, the two have been working together. Never separated."


Vodka filters out the parts he doesn't want to hear, and only picks out the parts he wants to hear and plays it again and again: A crazy man gave up his career to chase stars...ah, what a sad tragedy of unrequited love. And in the end, because I asked for it, I couldn’t get it, and love gave birth to hatred...

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Kinoshita Yoko lowering her voice and quietly said to Jiang Xia: "Several times, the company also proposed to change Xiaoxun's agent, but she never agreed... So I always felt that Xiaoxun actually I attach great importance to Mr. Jian Xiong, but I have been reluctant to say it."

Vodka: "..." Miss Axun pays attention to that idiot?

...Fake, it’s fake.

When several people are chatting happily.

On the other side, the police officers who were busy inside and outside the house also came to the conclusion of the search one after another and rushed to report to the Memu Police Department:

They found no weapon that could have been used to slit the throat.

Although there were indeed some sharp tools such as scissors and knives, most of them did not match the shape of the wound, and the few that did match had no blood reaction detected at all.

In other words, no murder weapon was found in the apartment or in the places around the apartment where the murder weapon might have been discarded.

In addition, according to feedback from the medical staff, Maxiong Atsushi, who left with the ambulance, also did not carry or discard the murder weapon.

After hearing this, the Megure Police Department sighed: "It seems that Ms. Hoshino is right - it should be an outsider who committed the crime?"

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Xia uncertainly.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and said a few words that couldn't be faulted:

"It's possible. However, if it's an outside criminal, he came at a perfect time - there are many people coming to the party today, which can be seen from the number of shoes placed in the entrance before - usually, 'stalking' After Kuang' entered the door and saw the shoes and found that there were so many guests at home, he should have left immediately. But the man found the bathroom smoothly, and the assassination was successful without alerting other people in the house. This sounds like ... It was almost as if the attacker knew what was going on in the house."

As soon as he finished speaking, several policemen held up a rag doll, as if they had made some important discovery, and ran over quickly to report to the Memu Police Department: "We found several bugs in the rag doll in the victim's home!"

At the same time, they handed over a simple floor plan, which marked the locations where several dolls were found.

The Memu Police Department took a look at the distribution of bugs. I compared the testimonies of the witnesses just now. It was discovered that when Kaoru Kusano said he was going to take a shower, there was indeed a rag doll equipped with a listening device placed near the conversation place where a group of people were.

"It seems that the perpetrators used this to grasp the movements of everyone in the house, and then boldly broke in and waited for the opportunity to kill." Police Department Mumu nodded, feeling suddenly enlightened and everything was straightened out - this was also Just in time to collide with the doubtful point pointed out by Jiang Xia just now.

Mumu Police Department took out his mobile phone and dialed, and felt that his thinking became clear: "The fact that there are so many bugs here means that the perpetrator has sneaked into the room before. In this case, after he heard the situation, he went straight into the bathroom to commit the crime. It makes perfect sense... Hello? Takagi, oh, there’s no need to come over, please contact the victim’s office and look for fans who have shown fanatical words and deeds.”

Vodka, who watched everything: "..."

...something's wrong.

——According to Uzo's style, the murderer cannot be just a random murderer passing by... But now, how did things develop in this direction?

...There must be some other purpose.

Vodka: "..." Speaking of which, as soon as Uzo raised the "doubtful point", the police found evidence that could be used to explain... He read the script in front of the police so straightforwardly, and the police actually didn't arrest this guy on the spot. Instead, his eyes showed admiration, as if Uzo was their guiding light... Tsk, what a bunch of idiots. That is to say, these guys have done something good to deal with the aftermath, otherwise they would have been fooled to death by Uzo one by one.

Every time I stand with such a person, Vodka's depressed mood will always subtly improve a lot.

He Vodka is different from these idiots - he knows Uzo's true face and can consciously take precautions, and so far, it seems that those precautions are quite effective.

Compared with this group of policemen whose lives are completely in Uzo's hands, it is difficult for him not to feel superior.

Happiness really comes from comparison... Vodka looked at the policeman with some sympathy and let out a see-through sneer in his heart.

As soon as the police's attention was diverted elsewhere, many of the officers in the room withdrew.

Only some people were left to collect traces and examine physical evidence, while others stepped up their efforts to search for the "stalker" and his traces nearby.

The living room was quite empty.

Well-known celebrities also gradually calmed down from the incident where their companions had their throats cut.

They were about to call the hospital and ask about Kaoru Kusano's current condition.

But at this time, the landline phone placed in the living room suddenly rang.

——The call came.

The phone call brought good news - Kaoru Kusano was out of danger.

Her previous coma was not entirely due to excessive blood loss. More likely, he was dazed by the drugs on the handkerchief. According to the doctor, it won't be long before she wakes up and identifies the murderer.

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