Chapter 905 "Dad! The organization is targeting Jiang Xia!" Please vote for me (σ≧▽≦)σ

"Very good……"

Most people in the room breathed a sigh of relief. I'm glad my friend didn't die.

The police also felt that the burden on their shoulders was much lighter - first of all, no one was killed. In addition, when Kaoru Kusano wakes up, just ask her about the characteristics of the stalker, which will greatly narrow the scope and make it easier to find the perpetrator.

Vodka mingled among the group of people and also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

——Although when he was doing first aid just now, he felt that Miss Axun's injury could probably be saved.

But because in Vodka's eyes, it was Usa who tried to kill Kaoru Kusano, so he was still a little uneasy. There is always a kind of sadness that "the idol wife will die soon".

Who knows now...

Was he actually rescued?

Vodka was happy for a few seconds when he suddenly remembered something and glanced at Jiang Xia secretly.

Jiang Xia, like everyone else, showed an expression of relief, without the slightest surprise or displeasure.

Vodka: "..."

Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but become vigilant again.

——If you think about it carefully, Uzo rarely makes mistakes.

If what happened today was just a mistake by Uzo, it would be relatively easy to handle...

What a ghost!

Vodka suddenly remembered that he had given first aid treatment to Kaoru Kusano just now.

——At that time, I was only focused on saving the idol, and since Uzo was not at the scene at that time, Vodka did not worry too much.

But now it seems...

Vodka: "..."

If he really disrupted the plan, wouldn't "Vodka"'s already high hatred value in Uzo's heart be further greatly increased?

"..." What if it's so high that it exceeds bourbon? Bourbon, a tyrannical lone wolf, looked haggard and dangerous after going out with Uzo.

Change it to yourself...

Vodka guiltily pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and firmly crossed out the speculation that "Uzo made a mistake."

——Since Uzo dared to go out at that time, he must have considered the current situation.

So this was not a mistake, and he did not ruin Uzo's plan.

But the fact that "Kaoru Kusano is not dead" is the result that Uzo wants.

Vodka: "..." But in this way, there are also some doubts.

——Uzo’s obsession with murder is obvious to all.

But today, Miss Axun escaped and did not die. Currently, there are no signs of others dying...

Vodka thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason why Uzo was suddenly so "pacifist".

Finally, he suddenly realized that it must be because Uzo felt that there were other things that were more interesting or important than killing people at parties, important enough that he could endure the outcome of "a party, everyone survived".

Vodka: "..." So what exactly is that?

He touched his chin, looked at Jiang Xia, and fell into deep thought. There was always a bad feeling in his heart.

——It doesn't matter that Uzo wants to cause trouble. Anyway, this guy doesn't make trouble every day, and he is always concentrating on murder cases.

The problem is that I am too close to him now and can easily be affected...

When Vodka secretly observed Jiang Xia and tried to analyze his thoughts.

In the corner, Conan was still observing Vodka silently.

The change in Vodka's expression is really not obvious, and it is also obscured by sunglasses.

In addition, Conan did not dare to run directly across from Vodka and stare face to face, so he could only hide in the corner and peek. Therefore, Conan's scope of observation is inevitably limited.

...With all the unfavorable factors combined, even Conan, who was good at catching other people's subtle emotions, was a little numb at this time and couldn't tell what Vodka was thinking.

However, Conan is certain of one thing.

——He felt that this strong man in black had strange and changeable emotions at this time. And now, Vodka is still looking at Jiang Xia with a complicated and gloomy expression, as if he is planning something bad.

Conan: "..." Such an unkind look... Is it possible that Vodka, or the black organization behind him, really came for Jiang Xia? Or do you think Jiang Xia disrupted some of their plans?

…It’s really too dangerous if this continues. But if the situation is explained to Jiang Xia, it may become more dangerous.

Conan was anxious for a moment, and a figure gradually appeared in his mind.

——His father who lives far away in the United States, but is quite powerful.

Conan remembered that a while ago, when he had just become a child. The unreliable parents once disguised themselves as members of the black organization and came back to "visit their son and give him a surprise."

Conan: "..." At that time, my father seemed to have said that he had some friends in Interpol, and he seemed to know some people from the FBI... Maybe he could help me think of a way, for example, if there was a last resort. , send Jiang Xia, who is targeted by the organization, to the United States? Or ask someone to help protect...

It’s different from Vodka and Conan, who have their own thoughts.

The thoughts of others still simply stayed on the happy event of "Kaoru Kusano escaped from danger."

"That's great." Yue Yexue looked at Shu Kenzaki, Kaoru Kusano's fiancé, and smiled, "Why don't you go see her?"

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko was browsing related news with her head down, and also wanted to know the current situation of Kaoru Kusano.

Hearing this, she raised her head, shook her phone, and reminded in a low voice: "That hospital has been surrounded by the media on three floors and three outside. Every exit is full of people who came after hearing the sound. I'm afraid it's very difficult now." It’s hard to sneak in quietly.”

"That's it." Kenzaki Shu touched the back of his head, hesitated for a moment, and shook his head, "Then forget it. I'll go with you later, so as not to cause a commotion and be reported randomly by the media."

Vodka: "...?"

...Is this how your fiancé acts?

If this guy doesn't die, even a passerby will feel that the script is incomplete - what are Uzo waiting for, kill him quickly!

However, while Vodka was angry, he was also strangely relieved.

——According to experience, the worse Kenzaki Osamu is, the more he will have a dead look on his face.

Maybe tonight, I can go back and have a peaceful sleep, and when we come together the next day, we can happily see the good news like "Kenzaki Osamu was assassinated by his agent." Then everything went on the right track - the two redundant men died together, leaving Miss Axun to be loved by fans.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko didn't help in reasoning, so they had to stand in the corner and eat in silence.

Suddenly seeing Kenzaki Shu's casual attitude, the two of them were surprised, and their eyes became complicated.

After Kenzaki Xiu finished speaking, he looked around and felt that something was not right in the atmosphere, and gradually became a little confused.

Hoshino Terumi sighed and looked at Kenzaki Osamu: "You haven't given everyone an explanation yet - about the true meaning of this engagement ceremony."

In the corner, Yue Yexue seemed to be stabbed by the word "engagement".

She frowned slightly, didn't listen any more, and quickly left the living room quietly.


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