Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 907: You don’t want to fish anymore. More updates to the leader [Yue Gucheng]

Jiang Xia tightened the medicine bottle that Yue Yexue had loosened.

At the same time, he glanced to the side with his peripheral vision and saw several gleaming kitchen knives placed on the knife rack of the cabinet.

Those knives were not far from Yue Yexue and could be reached by reaching out.

Very convenient to use...

Silence some detectives who know too much.

Jiang Xia calmly looked away, suppressed the hidden expectation in his eyes, and said directly: "Are you the murderer this time?"

...Although Yue Yexue had a lot of murderous intention, at the same time, her mind was quite wavering.

——Just now, Jiang Xia followed the police back to this apartment. As soon as they entered the door, before they could start counting the vanilla ice cream brand murderous aura handed over from Miss Spider, they saw Matsuda Jinpei and Kiritengu pushing a fluffy murderous aura like a marshmallow rolling from the direction of the bathroom like a snowball. Come over.

When the murderous aura approached, Jiang Xia took a comfortable sniff.

He had already discovered that this handful of murderous aura not only looked like marshmallows, but also tasted like a hint of sugary sweetness. Before Jiang Xia took it into the pattern space, several ghosts hanging on him had already swooped down and planted themselves into the pile of sugar without restraint.

These murderous auras were dropped by Yue Yexue.

It may be that when she committed a murder in the bathroom before, she was splashed with real blood and was frightened, so her murderous intention was greatly reduced, and some of the murderous aura in her body naturally fell off.

Afterwards, news came back that Kaoru Kusano had been successfully rescued. At that moment, the remaining murderous aura on Yue Yexue's body also fell silently.

Xiaobai and the mermaid squatted at her feet for a long time, and their efforts paid off, and they successfully dragged back a large handful of fresh murderous energy balls.

However, the ghosts were shortsightedly satisfied.

The psychic who is trying to raise ghosts has other ideas.

——Even people like Vodka, who Jiang Xia once suspected "Don't have murderous intent?" can be squeezed out of a massive amount of murderous intent like a floodgate.

That Yue Yexue...maybe still has potential that can be used.

So after Yue Yexue left.

Jiang Xia couldn't help but follow him.

——Come here, it won’t hurt to give it a try.

According to experience, many murderers are exposed by detectives one-on-one without police guarding them. Often they will not just sit back and wait for death, but will instinctively come up with the thought of "killing this detective who knows too much".

Kaoru Kusano was Yue Yexue's former friend, so it was normal for Yue Yexue not to take action.

But the detective "Jiang Xia" is just a stranger to her.

Moreover, Yue Yexue clearly had suicidal thoughts, but she still tried hard to hide it from the police and detectives, not wanting her murderous plan to be exposed... Since she didn't even risk her life, maybe she would go to the extreme to protect her secret. Bian Sheng, have you ever thought about taking action?

Opposite Jiangxia.

Yue Yexue heard the sentence "You are the murderer" and her mind buzzed.

She tried hard to maintain a fake smile and subconsciously wanted to retort. However, thinking about Jiang Xia's reputation and his reports...

The defense was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say it at once.

But for my own perfect ending...

Yue Yexue felt that she should still struggle.

Because she suddenly realized something: Jiang Xia didn't say anything when the police were there just now.

Yue Yexue: "..." And if you think about it carefully, the traces and evidence you left behind are extremely difficult to find. Maybe this young detective just vaguely felt that the murderer was her, but he couldn't find conclusive evidence... So now, Jiang Xia came here with others on his back, unwilling to ask her for her full set of techniques?

Thinking of this, Yue Yexue felt a little relieved in mid-air.

In addition, although Jiang Xia snatched her medicine bottle... Yue Yexue glanced at the kitchen knife on the sideboard, and then looked at the high-rise windows without screens, and felt that there were still many ways to choose the curtain call.

Yue Yexue: "..." I will leave this world soon. Before leaving, leaving some new knowledge to the lovable little detective can also relax his mind to some extent, and his death may not be too ugly.

Thinking like this, Yue Yexue finally calmed down.

She turned around, leaned against the sink, and looked at Jiang Xia leisurely: "Let me guess - are you curious where I hid the murder weapon?"

"The murder weapon is the nail of your right thumb. It should be in the sewer now." Jiang Xia said in a more skilled tone than her:

"Fingernails are very hard parts. After you cut them delicately and polish them sharply, you can cover them with manicure sheets to prevent them from being seen by others.

"What happened next is what the police speculated - you took advantage of changing out of the gi, put on your raincoat and gloves, went to the bathroom, stunned Ms. Kusano with the medicine you prepared in advance, and then took action.

"In order to avoid getting blood on your hands, you did not expose your whole hand. You only made a hole on the top of the thumb of your right glove to expose the sharp 'murder weapon'. The other ragged holes on the glove are all to cover up That opening that had to be there.

"After killing someone, you gnaw off your nails with your teeth and flush them into the sewer. In this way, when the police are looking for the murder weapon and searching the sewer, it will be difficult to detect abnormalities - some people like to cut their nails while taking a shower, so the sewer The nails that appear inside are not easily noticed during inspection."

Yue Yexue: "..."

...This, this is obviously her line.

...How come this detective seems to have seen it with his own eyes? !

After Jiang Xia finished speaking, he secretly looked at Yue Yexue.

Then it was discovered that although this gentle and charming idol had not yet hissed murderous intent towards her, her expression was no longer as calm as before, but was obviously shaken.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He silently made reference to the vicious criminals he had encountered in the past.

Feeling... hopeful?

Jiang Xia continued tentatively: "When you bit off the extra nails, you didn't seem to be calm enough. You didn't notice a trace of blood on your lips. After returning to the living room, you signed the greeting card and printed it on the signature. A lipstick mark - a drop of blood from Miss Kusano was stained in the lip mark. At first, it was the same red as the lipstick and was very inconspicuous. However, unfortunately, as time went by, it only became darker and darker. …”


The more Yue Yexue listened, the paler his face became:

She actually left such a flaw... I thought before that even if I lost to Kaoru Kusano in life, at least as the "famous detective assistant" in "Detective Zuomonji", she would be more brilliant in cases... Unexpectedly, even this proud work is just a defective product in the eyes of a real detective.

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