Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 908 I really didn’t mean to hit anyone.

"...It seems that I am still too uncool."

Yue Yexue stood frozen for a long time and laughed sadly: "There are still too many differences between acting and reality. Any random behavior may expose his fatal flaw, and there is no way to reshoot... Thank you, I learned a lot.”

It's a pity that I won't be able to use it in the future...

Yue Yexue suddenly turned around, pushed open the window, raised her long legs, and stepped on the edge of the stage.

I was about to face the night wind and take a leap to bring everything to an end.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed her ankle from behind and pulled her back.

Yue Yexue lost her balance and fell to the ground. Jiang Xia looked at the person lying in front of him, instinctively stepped on it, and held the stick in his pocket...

Jiang Xia: "..." Huh?


...It doesn’t seem like this is the process.

Although he had rehearsed it many times in his mind, unfortunately, Yue Yexue did not have the murderous intention to be used as a "silent detective". She seemed to be obsessed with committing suicide...

Jiang Xia calmly took back the foot that had stepped on her and looked away apologetically: "Um... are you okay?"

Yue Yexue: "..."

Although she failed to jump off the eighth floor just now, she was suddenly pulled back from the window and she still fell hard.

She sat up with a sore back and was a little confused. She didn't know whether to continue committing suicide or to find a way to deceive the blocking detective first. Both seemed to be very difficult. Yue Yexue's mind went blank and he couldn't think of a proper plan for the moment. In the end, I had no choice but to stretch out my hand and do the most convenient thing first - straighten the clothes that had been thrown and trampled just now.

Jiang Xia stood nearby, looking down at the rare marshmallow making machine, and sighed with regret. Although it is not an orthodox marshmallow, it is sweet and tastes good.

After a while, thinking of the actors he met on the Japanese TV station, Jiang Xia suddenly had an idea in his mind and suggested: "If you don't want to face what's coming next... then I can actually provide you with a little help. .”

Yue Yexue: "...?"

She raised her head in confusion, remembering Jiang Xia's successive attempts to stop her from committing suicide, her eyes became suspicious, and she didn't know what the detective wanted to do.

After Jiang Xia finished speaking, he thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

He then added: "In the future, whether you enter or escape, I hope you can change your acting style - occasionally play the role of a murderer or something, and then take on that role sincerely."

...According to Jiang Xia's experience, when he went to the Japanese TV station in the past, he could occasionally get some murderous aura by surprise.

There are indeed some real murderers on TV. But there are also some outstanding veteran actors - when the actors enter the play with real emotions, there will often be a real murderous aura coming out of them. When the filming is over, the murderous aura that was created out of nothing will naturally fall away again...

The studio is Jiang Xia's third favorite place besides the organization and detective dens.

When Yue Yexue heard this, her expression became a little complicated - was Jiang Xia mocking her?

"..." The murder failed, the suicide failed. Now, she seems to be unqualified even to play the role of detective assistant, and is only qualified to play the murderer... The world in Yue Yexue's heart is in a haze.

She suddenly rushed to the kitchen counter, grabbed the kitchen knife, and wanted to stab herself.

But someone got there first and slashed the back of her neck with a knife.

Yue Yexue was blocked for the third time and fell to the ground.

The kitchen door was pushed open with a crash.

Someone came over.

As for the group of people in the living room just now, who was the first to notice that Jiang Xia had slipped away...

That is undoubtedly Vodka who is on tenterhooks.

Vodka stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at Yue Yexue lying at Jiang Xia's feet, and then at Jiang Xia's pocket with a pointed stick...

Thinking of Uzo's little hobby of knocking people behind their backs, and then thinking of his idol with a delicate body, soft skin and tender flesh, Vodka let out a shrill scream in his heart: Stop——! !

"..." However, think about the people who came with him behind him, and the terrible fact that "fear will only arouse Uzo's interest."

Vodka once again suppressed his feelings.

The muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly, and he forced himself to remain calm, knowingly asking: "...What happened?"

Several other people who had followed were startled when they saw their friend fell down again, and ran in: "Xiaoxue!"

"Ms. Yue Ye seemed to be feeling unwell. She just took out a bottle of medicine. But before she could take it, she suddenly fainted."

Jiang Xia told the truth.

Then he shook the medicine bottle in his hand, adding a golden edge to the authenticity of the whole sentence: "Although there is medicine, if you don't know the dosage, it may be dangerous to take it directly - while her breathing and heartbeat are still stable , send the person to the hospital first."

"Okay!" Terumi Hoshino responded first, dialing 119 to find an ambulance.

A group of people were busy "first aid" and focused on the fainted Yue Yexue.

Jiang Xia walked out of the kitchen, found the greeting card signed by the party members, put it into a clean envelope, and sealed it.

This case is very different from other cases encountered in the past.

--The victim rarely survived.

Therefore, in addition to evidence, testimony is also important.

If the person involved, Kaoru Kusano, wanted to pursue the case, then with her testimony and this greeting card, she would certainly be able to pursue it successfully.

But if she doesn't want to pursue it...

Jiang Xia thought of Kaoru Kusanagi's overly active brain circuit.

"..." I always felt that even if she handed over the evidence to the police, as long as Kaoru Kusano was willing, she could easily overturn the evidence - the bloody fingernails, the blood droplets in the lipstick mark on the greeting card, and maybe even the raincoat. The hair and dander... can all be explained.

For example, when Yue Yeyue came to play with Kaoru Kusano, the props raincoat and gloves she wore were reused by "Stalker".

As for the nails, it’s because Yue Yexue likes to pick her nails into a sharp shape to make it easier to open express delivery.

Then when Yue Yeyue came out to change out of her gi uniform, she went to the bathroom and played with Kaoru Kusano who was nervous about her upcoming engagement. During this period, her fingernail accidentally scratched Kaoru Kusano, so Yue Yexue licked the wound with her mouth - some people have the habit of "licking the skin twice to try to stop the bleeding"... Later, the accidental injury Teammate Yue Yexue felt so guilty that she bit off her nails and rushed into the sewer. After she left, the "stalker" appeared and attacked Kaoru Kusano. Yue Yexue is innocent...

Jiang Xia: "..." In short, rather than messing around randomly, it is better to let the parties involved make their own decisions.

He didn't understand the friendship between women, so he got involved rashly. The happiness was all the idol's, and only the trouble was his own.

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