Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 909 Vodka: Harm Bourbon

Kitchen door.

While looking at the kitchen floor in Vodka, observing Yue Yexue's condition.

Conan huddled a few meters away, looked at Vodka's back, then looked at Jiang Xia and Yue Yexue in the kitchen, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

——Just now, Vodka and Hoshino Terumi discovered that Jiang Xia was missing and followed them to the kitchen.

Conan, on the other hand, noticed that Vodka was leaving, so he followed him.

Seeing the scene in the kitchen, Conan immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

——Others may have been deceived, but Conan, relying on his terrible observation skills and his usual understanding of Jiang Xia, felt at a glance: Jiang Xia probably wanted to perform his skillful knocking action, but it was probably Because I noticed someone approaching the kitchen, or maybe I had other ideas, I stopped midway.

Conan: "..." Fortunately, that's the case. Otherwise, if Vodka breaks into the door, he happens to see Jiang Xia knocking on someone and discovers the violent side of the famous detective's heart. Then because of this one-sided scene, he forcibly thinks that Jiang Xia is "very suitable for the organization", or thinks that this is a black spot and can be used. Come to threaten... What should I do if I finally extend an olive branch to Jiang Xia?

If we really get to that point, it will be too late.

According to the arrogant behavior of that organization that dares to blow up anything, once they send an invitation to someone, that person will either join or be killed... The progress of the matter must be stopped before it deteriorates to that point.


Conan looked at the kitchen door warily:

I don't know why, but the vodka just kept standing there. Judging from the direction of his head, he was indeed observing Jiang Xia.

If he keeps looking at it, he doesn't know if this guy will really find something, such as Jiang Xia actually wants to hit someone...

Although the process was a bit confusing, the matter was somehow resolved.

The night was already very late, although Conan still wanted to observe more.

But in the end, he could only be dragged away by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko - because at this time, it was time for the elementary school students to go to bed.

Without Conan's urgent tracking, the communication between Jiang Xia and Vodka became much smoother.

The two of them finished dealing with the aftermath and planned to leave.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, Kaoru Kusano's manager, Atsushi Makuma, walked out of the corner and walked over quickly.

This agent came back from the hospital at some point.

He had been hiding in the corner before. When he saw Jiang Xia's figure, he immediately came up to him.

"Sorry, a good banquet turned into this." Jian Xiongdu looked much calmer than before. And I don’t know why, but I’m very happy:

"Xiao Xun woke up just now. She said that it was thanks to your help this time - when she saw a fierce strange aunt in the bathroom, she thought she was going to die this time. Fortunately, your assistant helped with first aid. So. this……"

Jian Xiongdu took out an envelope and handed it to Jiang Xia: "This is the thank you gift Xiaoxun specially asked me to give to you. I'm afraid she will have to stay in the hospital for a few more days and won't need this. I hope you like it."

Although Maxiong Atsushi was a little confused, the first aid was done by "Mr. Yamada", so why was the thank you gift given to Jiang Xia.

But at present, it seems that "Mr. Yamada" is Mr. Jiang Xia's apprentice, so it makes sense to thank the master. What's more, Kaoru Kusano's ideas have always been different from ordinary people.

Jiang Xia glanced at the envelope in his hand and vaguely understood - probably after Kaoru Kusano woke up, for some reason, he planned to protect Yue Yexue. But it may be because there is a detective in the party, and there is a risk that Jiang Xia will see through the truth.

So Kaoru Kusano immediately asked Atsushi Makuma to help and sent him this unknown "thank you gift", probably hoping that he would not tell the truth. Something like hush money.

"Thank you, this is what we should do." Jiang Xia let the ghost float over and looked through the mold to see what was inside. Then he took it and said, "I wish her a speedy recovery... By the way, give this to her."

Jiang Xia also handed over an envelope.

Inside was the greeting card with a bloody lip print. Of course, you can't tell from the outside.

Next to him, Vodka stared straight at the envelope that was getting further and further away from him, his eager eyes seeming to burn holes in it.

However, Jian Xiong Du seems to be a little slow in capturing other people's emotions.

In addition, his mind was not here, and he was all focused on the hospital. So he nodded without asking any more questions, and quickly took the envelope containing the greeting card without knowing anything under some gloomy gazes, and took it away. He ran towards the hospital with a dash of excitement.

Wait for the person to go away.

Vodka snorted sourly: "What's so happy about a loser who doesn't even dare to confess."

"This is already a comment from the past." Jiang Xia opened the envelope in a good mood as he walked away, "As for now... After experiencing such a 'life and death separation', no matter how cowardly the agent is, he will definitely confess - even if He still doesn’t dare. Kaoru Kusano has come back from hell, so I’m afraid he won’t be able to help but express his feelings.”

Vodka: "...?" Wait, he has a bad feeling...

"Coupled with Kaoru Kusano's dream of 'getting married at a young age' and the large number of reporters next to the hospital." Jiang Xia laughed, "Probably tomorrow, the news of their engagement will be published in the newspaper. Of course, if you are still impatient, A little, maybe the news of marriage.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia secretly glanced at Vodka:

"Although it went through a lot of ups and downs, in the end it was a happy ending where everyone survived - it's really romantic. I like this kind of happy and warm ending the best."

Vodka: "..."*@#¥%!

... I spent the whole night guarded with joy and worry, fully expecting that one of those two bastard men would die, or it would be best if they died together.

Unexpectedly, not only did one of them survive, but one actually got married to his idol.

"..." I have to say that among the countless possible endings, this is really the one Vodka least wants to see.

——The idol is actually with another bastard man.

Vodka's eyes twitched, suspecting that Uzo was targeting him, and felt that he already had evidence.

But, before the anger of being targeted surged up.

Vodka suddenly realized something and fell silent.

——Wait, if this is really the case, doesn’t this mean that in Uzo’s heart, his vodka is more important than those passerby murderers or even national idols? Is it more worthy of “appreciation”? ?

"..." Thinking about the fate of the "actor" who caught Uzo's attention... Vodka walked in the cool night and got goosebumps all over his body.

"Look." Jiang Xia's voice suddenly sounded next to him.

Vodka shivered and glanced over alertly.

Jiang Xia took the envelope Xiong Du gave him just now and poured it into the palm of his hand.

Pour out an oval egg-shaped badge.

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