Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 911 Brother, I am not contaminated by Uzo! Asking for monthly ticket ( )

Chapter 911 Brother, I am not contaminated by Uzo! Asking for monthly ticket(〃)

Vodka thought about it carefully and felt that since Uzo dared to call him out to perform the task blatantly, Uzo would not dig those fatal traps during this partnership.

——Because if you murder an innocent cadre without any reason, you will definitely be held accountable by the organization.

For others, the death may have been so confusing that it would be difficult for the organization to judge whether that person died at Uzo's clutches or because something went wrong on his own.

But Vodka believes that he will never be like this.

——According to his vigilance and understanding of Uzo, at worst he can send the death information to the organization before Uzo takes action, and Uzo probably knows this.

Vodka: "..." So, in this case, even if Uzo is not afraid of death for his perverted "art". Organizing the investigation after the incident will at least significantly interfere with Uzo's future actions and cause trouble for his entertainment activities.

Uzo is a smart man and must know that "murdering vodka on the way to partner up" is not cost-effective. So the best he could do today was to create a few scary but solvable traps to relieve his boredom.

In other words, Vodka feels that in the process of partnering with Uzo, he can be exposed to Uzo's traps without being easily killed - he can slowly understand Uzo's traps just like generating antibodies. The law of action will eventually stop all attacks...

——In short, this is a great time to gain experience.

Vodka nodded secretly:

Decided! Get "Mr. Yamada's" ID ready when you get back.

After that, if Uzo invites him to such a party again, he will think about it cautiously...

While I was thinking about it, the vodka had already gone away.

He glanced back around the corner and found that Jiang Xia was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly I felt relieved, and I couldn't help but look down at my "detective tool box", opened the cover, and secretly took a peek inside.

——Although he failed to get a lip-print signature, Vodka later took advantage of the chaos and asked for a few ordinary signatures.

In addition, during this trip, he also received gifts from Ms. Yoko, cigarettes from Ms. Terumi, and candies handed over by Ms. Ashue... Oh, and an out-of-print signed poster stored in the club. .

Vodka counted the harvest tonight, and his mood kept +1, +1, +1... He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Soon, Vodka fastened his bag again, walked out of the alley, and arrived at the place he had made an appointment with Gin.

When you get to the place, look around.

Vodka saw a black Porsche.

The car was parked in a dark area between two street lights. The branches on the street above were covered with leaves, casting shadows of claws on the car, which looked a bit eerie.

However, even this sight could not ruin Vodka's good mood, and it even made him feel better - he got rid of the bastard Uzo and returned to his reliable big brother again, who could not be happy!

Vodka walked to the car and said hello calmly: "Brother. I'm back."

Then open the door skillfully and get in the car.

Gin sat in the driver's seat and looked at him. His eyes paused slightly when he saw Vodka's expression.

He held the gun at his side, chewed on the cigarette and asked vaguely: "How is it?"

"In general, it went smoothly. We successfully completed Uzo's plan, but he doesn't seem to trust the organization..."

Vodka described and complained at the same time. Tell me in detail what happened tonight.

Of course, during this period, he skipped the unimportant details of getting along with his idol.

It focuses on Uzo's purpose, the numerous death traps this guy has set for innocent teammates, and Uzo's distaste for the badge from the organization.

Gin listened carefully to Vodka's dangerous experience.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "But why do I feel that you are happy after going through this?"

Vodka was startled and froze suddenly: "..."

...Tonight, he indeed had a long battle of wits and courage with Uzo, especially when Uzo was not in the apartment and had an "alibi".

But it is undeniable that during that period, although the sharp sword "Uzo" hung in my heart.

But Vodka has always been sitting among the idols. He is surrounded by at least two idols at all times, and he also sees the beautiful debut uniforms of the Earth Lady Team with sparse fabrics.

Therefore, when describing Uzo's behavior just now, Vodka's mind inevitably flashed through scenes of the wonderful experience at that time.


This was suddenly pointed out by Gin, and Vodka suddenly became alert.

His heart, which had relaxed because "Uzo was not around," was once again suspended.

Vodka: "..." I almost forgot that Brother Gin is also a truly murderous person.

And the eldest brother doesn't seem to be really that relieved about Uzo.

Vodka suddenly realized something:

While he was worried that Brother Gin would be contaminated by Uzo and suddenly shoot his innocent assistant to death...

Although the eldest brother never said it, in his heart... he might have thought about something similar.

"...Well, Uzo seems to have figured out my hobbies. I, sometimes I actually pay attention to cute celebrities..."

Vodka faced Gin's murderous gaze and hesitated for 0.5 seconds, deciding whether to lie or not.

Although it would be embarrassing to state these things openly.

But if he was caught lying, he might lose his life.

Only if you have destiny can you chase stars.

The vodka man lowered his head and exposed himself in shame: "Uzo brought me into a gathering of idols today, so although I was on tenterhooks, on the other hand, well, I was actually quite happy... But no matter what! I'm very It is clear that Uzo is an irrefutable murderer. Any overtures he makes are sugar-coated bullets, and we need to be vigilant. I will never step into his trap."

Gin looked at him for a while, then nodded uncertainly.

Suddenly he said: "Get off the car."

"!" Vodka was startled. He looked at the alley outside, and then remembered the number of lives Gin had harvested in such dark alleys. He broke out in a cold sweat, "Brother! Listen to my explanation..."

"Go take a psychological test and have them send me the results. I'll contact you afterwards."

Gin sneered with unknown meaning: "By the way, Uzo also sent a message just now and asked me to convey it on his behalf - he said that he likes to go out with you very much and hopes that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Vodka: "..."

...He will never go out with Uzo again!


We only met once and stayed together for less than five hours. He was actually kicked out of the car by his elder brother.

...If this continues.

Vodka packed up the package sadly, got out of the car, and watched Gin leave.

Then he silently took out his mobile phone and contacted other colleagues.

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