Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 912 The friend you mentioned

the other side. Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan also returned home successfully.

Although the high school students experienced two cases in a row tonight, perhaps because there were not so many enemies in the air, the mental state of the three of them was better than that of Vodka who only experienced one case.

After washing, Conan pretended to lie down and sleep.

In fact, under the purring sound of Kogoro Mouri, he secretly opened the door, slipped downstairs, and took out his mobile phone.

Conan: "..." Unknowingly, the power of the black organization has penetrated into places so close to him, and Vodka has actually become Jiang Xia's assistant...

If the vodka was directed at him, Conan planned to try to solve it independently.

But now, this is obviously not his problem alone - if he is not careful, it may cost the lives of an entire street.


Using the light coming from the street lamp, Conan pressed the phone, flipped through the address book, and found the number of his father, Kudo Yusaku.

Although last time, when Kudo Yusaku came to see him, Conan proudly refused help from his elders in order not to return to the United States with his parents.

But after so long, the proud high school detective spent so long beside Jiang Xia, the terrible spoiler machine... Conan's whole person has become Buddhist-like, and his bottom line has gradually become more flexible.

——Compared to the ending of group destruction, what’s wrong with hugging your parents’ thighs?

In any case, achieving the goal without killing people or setting fire is the best way to deal with it.

For such a big thing, instead of facing the dilemma of blind audition alone, it is better to try to contact Interpol or the FBI through Kudo Yusaku - maybe they will know more about this mysterious organization.

Thinking this way, Conan finally convinced himself.

He pressed the dial button. Call Kudo Yusaku.

The bell rang several times and the other party picked up.

Conan cleared his throat uncomfortably: "Dad, there's something important. Is it convenient for you to talk about it now?"

"Hold on."

The background sound from Kudo Yusaku's side sounded a little messy, like it was outdoors.

After a while, with the sound of the car door closing, the other side of the phone became quiet, and Kudo Yusaku entered the car.

Soon, an adult's reliable voice came from the receiver: "What's wrong?"

"It's just that... that organization may have its eyes on Jiang Xia."

Conan lowered his voice and told Kudo Yusaku in detail about the situation he encountered tonight, as well as his thoughts and speculations.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a long time.

Conan waited patiently for a while and couldn't help but said suspiciously: "Dad?"

"Well, I'm thinking." Kudo Yusaku came back to his senses and reminded his occasionally aggressive son:

"I happen to have a friend in Tokyo. I will ask him to find out the general purpose of the organization's contact with Jiang Xia. Don't act rashly - if those people's goal is not Jiang Xia originally, and your abnormal behavior arouses the vigilance of the organization, things will turn out differently. It’s very troublesome.”

Conan was not surprised by this result. He had long known that Kudo Yusaku had a wide network of contacts.

However, when I heard this sentence, I was still a little surprised: "What kind of friend? Which organization has penetrated the organization to this extent?" He was able to find out such details as "the organization's purpose of approaching Jiang Xia"...

Kudo Yusaku did not answer.

He laughed and joked: "I remember someone said before, 'Things can be solved by oneself without the help of parents' - I wonder if these things that can be solved include the source of intelligence."

Conan: "..."

... He originally thought that he had no moral integrity.

But now it seems that there is still a little bit left.

——When he thought of letting Kudo Yusaku reveal the secret through a phone call, and swallowing his previous remarks... Conan couldn't help but want to grab the ground with his head.

Moreover, it is undeniable that the questions he asked were indeed too sensitive - the identity of that "friend" might be an undercover agent who had infiltrated the upper echelons of the organization. Even if he really puts aside his face and asks, my father probably won't tell him...

Thinking this, Conan snorted and barely maintained his moral integrity.

He changed the subject, chatted for a few words, and then hung up.

Although I am very curious, but...

Conan looked at the darkened phone screen and sighed: Forget it. After all, he was his biological father. If the information was really important, he would probably tell him without asking.

But now, since dad won't tell me, I can't even ask.

Besides, even if the biological father is unreliable, isn't there still anonymity?

——Following the habits of anonymous detectives who trouble the organization and save high school students. If Vodka really has some conspiracy against Jiang Xia, Anonymous probably won't watch.

Conan: "..." However, Anonymous is not entirely a benign organization. Those guys shouldn't kidnap Jiang Xia and join them as a group of mysterious people who appear and disappear. It would be better to go to the United States...

Alas, the information we know is still too little.

Conan sighed gloomily.

At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and knocked on his head.

——Mao Lilan was just about to have a late-night snack when she suddenly found that the child was missing, so she searched for it all the way.

She looked at Conan's expression doubtfully: "What are you worrying about at such a young age? Don't think too much, I will take you to the press conference tomorrow - Yuanzi said that many celebrities will go..." At this point, she suddenly remembered that the child had The celebrity was not interested, so Mao Lilan cleverly changed her words, "There are also meals and desserts that you can take for yourself!"

Conan: "..."

…Is now the time to think about what to eat? Now is the critical time to snatch people from evil organizations!

...but indeed, there is no point in rushing.

Conan: "..." And speaking of desserts, he was indeed a little hungry - thinking about it carefully, in order to twist the murderer in the mask case to the scene, they didn't even have time to eat dinner.

Conan sighed and went to have supper with Mao Lilan.

On the other side, on the road outside the airport.

Kudo Yusaku hung up the phone.

Different from the relaxed tone when he faced Conan just now, he didn't know what he thought of, and his expression was a little solemn.

Dr. A Li put away his luggage, opened the car door and got into the driver's seat.

He just happened to hear the last sentence of the phone call between father and son, and couldn't help but laugh: "Xinyi would ask you for help? What's the matter? It's so rare."

"It's nothing, it's just that he met a member of that organization by chance again." Kudo Yusaku hesitated for a moment and suddenly said, "Let's go to your house for today's midnight snack - I feel like you have gained some weight recently, so the food should be good. "

Dr. A Li was startled and protested: "Nonsense! I have obviously lost ten pounds! - Xiao Ai always takes away my fried chicken. I occasionally hide some fried food, and when I eat it, I find that she has dripped it on it. After taking very bitter health medicine, it can no longer be used as food..."

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