Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 913 Riddle Artificial Vine Yusaku

As he spoke, bitter things arose.

However, this is also a beautiful thing - although Xiao Ai has strict control over her diet, she cooks delicious food, and even vegetables can taste good.

Dr. A Li looked at the time and muttered: "I don't know if Xiao Ai has slept. If not. We should be able to have a meal together - if she sleeps, I will go to the convenience store on the corner to buy you some lunch."

Speaking of this, Dr. A Li suddenly remembered something: "How about I call Shinichi over? You haven't seen each other for a long time."

"No, he doesn't know I'm here yet." Yusaku Kudo smiled, "Let's wait until the press conference tomorrow to give him a surprise."

The car drove from the airport to Mihua Town.

On the way, Kudo Yusaku was silent for a while, sorting out his thoughts.

After a while, he rummaged through his travel bag, pulled out a souvenir, placed it in a convenient place for easy access, and then zipped it up again.

Soon I returned to Dr. Ali’s house.

The two pushed the door open and met Haiyuan Ai, who was passing by the living room carrying coffee.

Hui Yuan Ai originally planned to go back to the underground laboratory, but suddenly saw someone entering the door. He was slightly startled, then nodded and said hello.

Dr. A Li was suddenly pleasantly surprised, as if he could smell the sweet aroma of the food: "Xiao Ai, you're not asleep yet."

The fake child groaned: "I woke up late today and couldn't sleep."

Kudo Yusaku glanced at the coffee in her hand: "..." Being unable to sleep is probably not a problem of waking up late...

Haihara Ai is quite sensitive to sight.

She quickly looked away from Dr. Agasa and looked at Kudo Yusaku. While Kudo Yusaku looked at her cup, she looked at him slightly.

Dr. Agasa patted Kudo Yusaku on the shoulder and introduced her cheerfully: "It seems like this is the first time you have met - this is Kudo Yusaku, a famous mystery novelist. He is also Shinichi's father."

Haibara Ai poured the coffee cup from her right hand to her left hand, freed her hand, and shook hands with Kudo Yusaku politely.

Then she glanced at Dr. Agasa and Kudo Yusaku's suitcases, as well as the doctor's hungry eyes, and sighed: "I'll make you some midnight snacks."

...It just so happened that the lights were on over there in Jiangxia, so I had an excuse to give him a copy and remind him to go to bed early.

Hui Yuan Ai put down her coffee cup and turned to the kitchen.

"Haha, I'll trouble you then." Dr. Ali was in a good mood, and at the same time secretly fought for his own welfare, "We have guests, please put more meat!"

Dr. A Li happily put down his luggage.

Then while waiting for the midnight snack, I walked around the experimental bench.

I just wanted to introduce my new invention to an old friend.

When he turned around, Kudo Yusaku was not behind him - he didn't even follow.

Dr. A Li looked around in confusion: "...?" Where are the people?

...On second thought, this is Kudo Yusaku's old residence. He probably went out to wander around.

Dr. A Li then ignored this old friend.

His attention quickly turned to his invention, he picked up the tools next to him and started repairing it.

At the same time, Dr. Ali is next door.

Jiang Xia's home.

Jiang Xia is pruning potted plants and harvesting the latest crop of ghost mint.

Suddenly, the door was knocked twice.

Xiaobai poked his head out to take a look and found that the visitor turned out to be Kudo Yusaku, who had lived in the United States and rarely appeared in public.

Jiang Xia was startled when he heard its real-time broadcast.

It’s not surprising that Kudo Yusaku appears in Japan at this time.

——At tomorrow's game conference, among the games "Cocoon" to be announced, there will be a detective-themed copy. Yu Kudo provided some design ideas for it. So tomorrow night, he will also give a speech at the game conference.

"..." But the strange thing is that the big Kudo didn't even see his son, so why did he suddenly come to him?

Jiang Xia fell into deep thought for a moment: Could it be that Yukiko Kudo has gone missing again, and Kudo the big one has learned from the past and wants to come directly to him to find someone?

Jiang Xia opened the door with slight doubts, not knowing whether to say, "Aunt Yukiko is not here with me."

But soon, he discovered that Kudo Yusaku was not here for this matter.

Uncle Kudo was standing at the door wearing a windbreaker.

Seeing the door open, he naturally handed over the thing in his hand: "I went to Dr. Ali's place for a late-night snack and found that you still had the light on, so I came over to take a look - I brought you some desserts. This is Your share. The new donuts that have become popular in New York recently. I heard that children love eating these."

As he spoke, Kudo Yusaku glanced into the room out of the corner of his eye, and all kinds of details came into his eyes instantly.

No trace of other people's presence was found, only a black cat with white claws lying at Jiang Xia's feet.

When the stranger came to the door, the cat didn't scare away. It looked up calmly, as if looking at him with slight curiosity.

The cat looked really cute, and kept looking up at him in a friendly manner, looking very easy to touch.

Kudo Yusaku just wanted to create a more relaxed atmosphere, so he leaned down and stretched out his hand in a common manner.

Before it could touch the cat's head, the dark clouds and snow cat suddenly dwarfed, slithered through the gap at Kudo Yusaku's feet, and ran outside.

"!" Kudo Yusaku was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him, but failed - the cat dodged his hand as nimbly as liquid, slipped out through the crack of the door, threw himself into the grass in the yard, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

Kudo Yusaku who lost his neighbor’s cat: “…”

"It's okay, no need to chase." Jiang Xia showed a considerable degree of friendliness towards the large Kudo, "It's not a domestic cat, it just likes to wander around this area, and every house will go in and have a look - it will just run away if there is a chance. Will be back."

"...That's it." Kudo Yusaku paused and stopped trying to catch the cat.

Seeing Jiang Xia open the door, she seemed willing to invite him into the house.

Kudo Yusaku then walked in.

The house is quite tidy, and no cat hair can be seen in some dark places. There is indeed no trace of keeping a cat for a long time.

There are only Jiang Xia's own shoes in the entrance hall, and there are no other potential shoe or footprints on the floor. Only one cup on the table is in use, the others are upside down, and there are no water stains on it... It seems that only Jiang Xia lives alone. There are no traces, no one has been here recently.

Kudo Yusaku glanced around the room and quickly looked away.

He put the dessert gift box he brought on the table and took out his cell phone to look at it.

No strange signal sources or monitoring devices were found.

Kudo Yusaku turned to look at Jiang Xia and asked naturally: "Are you very busy at work now? I heard that you rarely go to class."

"It's okay. It's almost the same as before, except that I have some part-time jobs as a detective." Jiang Xia looked at Kudo Yusaku, a little confused. He always felt that there was something in the neighbor's uncle's words, as if he was hinting at something.

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