Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 914 I can only help here

Before Jiang Xia could figure out what the big Kudo was thinking.

He heard Kudo Yusaku say in a casual manner: "During this period, Shinichi's personality has changed a lot. He actually lowered his head to me before. It's really strange... But if you think about it carefully, you are all just children. Sometimes if you encounter something that is difficult to persevere or you don’t want to do it anymore, giving up is actually an option.”

"...That's it." Jiang Xia followed his words and responded perfunctorily.

He was not going to speak rashly until he understood Kudo Yusaku's hint.

——Although I don’t have much contact with Kudo Yusaku, from the perspective of Kudo-san’s thinking, I’m afraid the big Kudo is not far behind in this regard. If you talk too much, who knows what they will come up with without permission.

When dealing with the Riddler, the main thing is to listen.

Unfortunately, although Jiang Xia wanted to hear it, Kudo Yusaku did not continue.

The two sat facing each other in silence for a while.

After a while, Kudo Yusaku looked at the portrait at the end of the corridor and sighed. Then he actually stood up, said goodbye and left.

"..." Jiang Xia looked back at the portrait and looked at his back thoughtfully.

Kudo Yusaku returns next door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Dr. A Li hastily put on his coat and was walking out.

Seeing Kudo Yusaku, the doctor sighed: "You eat first - there seems to be a bug in that character program, I have to go and debug it."

"I'll go there too. I happen to be staying nearby. I can go directly to the venue tomorrow so I don't have to worry about traffic jams." Kudo Yusaku didn't take off his coat, so he picked up his luggage by the door and followed him.

After the two left.

In the kitchen, Hui Yuan Ai held a kitchen knife and stuck her head out doubtfully: "...?"

Are you all leaving?

...The vegetables are all cut.

...a fickle lord.

She walked to the window, tiptoed and looked out the window. I found that in Jiang Xia's house, the lights were still on and people were still there.

So Hui Yuan Ai returned to the kitchen with peace of mind.

There were still people eating it, so she kept doing it.

next door.

Jiang Xia curiously poked at the snack box left by Kudo Yusaku, and asked Xiaobai to go in and take a look. Then I discovered that there were just ordinary desserts inside, nothing else.

He opened the package again, took out a piece and sniffed it from a distance...well, of course there was no fatal bitter almond smell.

However, I don’t know if there is any tasteless narcotic or something like that... If you meet vodka tomorrow, you can ask him to taste a piece of it.

Jiang Xia thought as he recalled Miyano Akemi, who was visiting next door, to the pattern space.

Then he released it again and asked her to return to him with one click.

Jiang Xia and Dr. A Li's house are not far apart. This ghost will sneak next door to see his sister when he has time. Just now, Miyano Akemi was also there with Haibara Ai.

"Did Big Kudo do anything strange?" Jiang Xia asked her, "I just saw him going to Dr. Ali's house."

Miyano Akemi thought about it carefully and shook her head: Apart from staring at Xiao Ai's coffee cup for a while, there was nothing unusual about Kudo Yusaku. But he left immediately as soon as he entered the house, both times.


Jiang Xia went up to the second floor and looked into the yard of Dr. Ali's house.

I saw the little Beetle that was parked outside the courtyard before and drove away at some point.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...even more suspicious.

It was impossible for Kudo Yusaku to race against time to give him specialties.

Or is it that Big Kudo is like Little Kudo: He heard about the vodka tonight from Conan, and then he didn’t want to reveal the situation of the black organization to Jiang Xia, but he wanted to confirm safety, so he found an excuse to come over for a walk?

"..." I always felt like something was not quite right.

But forget it, we will meet again soon anyway.

At that time, we will find an opportunity to test it out and figure out the situation.

As for now, instead of analyzing the Riddler's mind, let's prepare for tomorrow's holographic game... Well, let's prepare for tomorrow's mission first.

Jiang Xia was stabbing the Riddler in her heart.

Late at night, Dr. Ali and Kudo Yusaku drove all the way to the Mihua Municipal Building.

On the way, Kudo Yusaku took off his glasses, wiped them, and sighed:

"I thought he had given up, but I didn't expect that what was supposed to come would still come - the heavy inheritance between parents and children is really difficult for outsiders to interfere... To be honest, I regretted the promise I made before, and I didn't know this choice. Is it right or not?”

"...?" Dr. Ali, who was driving, was a little confused.

Although I didn’t quite understand it, after all, I had been friends with Kudo Yusaku for many years. Dr. Ali has his own way to deal with the Riddler.

——When you don’t understand, just find the key words and understand them according to your own meaning. If you get it right, the chat can proceed smoothly. If you are wrong, Kudo Yusaku will take the initiative to explain.

Thinking this way, Dr. Agasi quickly "understood" and started chatting with Kudo Yusaku without any obstacles:

"I think Shinichi is actually doing pretty well. Since you promised not to interfere with taking him to the United States before, but to let him handle these things by himself. Then let him do it by himself. But, haha, I really I want to see the scene where Shinichi comes to you to act coquettishly and ask for help, it must be very memorable."

"...That's right." Although Kudo Yusaku knew that he and Dr. Agasa were not talking about the same thing. But when he thought of his son's frustrated tone when he asked him for information just now, he couldn't help but feel happy.

After enjoying himself, he thought of business.

Kudo Yusaku took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Conan:

[I asked a friend. Their goal is not Jiang Xia, they just want to temporarily use Jiang Xia's reputation and identity to achieve their goals. ]

[In fact, organizations like this that focus on concealment rarely use illegal identities to contact famous detectives - the risk is too great, let alone a "high school student" detective. ]

[You kids have often not been exposed to the real dark side, and you don’t have much pressure in life to threaten. If we reach out to you rashly, it will easily lead to an unhappy ending because of the concepts of "preferring death to surrender" among the middle school boys. They don't want to see this, and there is no need to take such risks for an uncontrollable talent. ]

[——You did a good job this time. If something similar happens, you can ask me first like you did today. To avoid being impulsive and doing bad things. ]

Kudo Yusaku finished writing it carefully and read it again. After a long silence, press send.

The other side of the airwaves.

Although Conan lay down, he actually didn't fall asleep at all - as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the nightmare of gin and vodka carrying heavy machine guns, washing out the rice flower town with blood.

As soon as the phone screen lit up, he opened his eyes quickly, grabbed the phone, and turned over to check.

After carefully reading the above words, Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

"..." Since the organization's goal is not Jiang Xia, Vodka should leave on his own after achieving his goal.

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