Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 915 Gin, please give some more people

In this way, there is no need to worry about telling Jiang Xia about the existence of the black organization, and Jiang Xia will follow in the footsteps of "Kudo Shinichi". There is no need to worry about the black-clad organization extending a deceptive olive branch to Jiang Xia when he knows nothing about the dark side of society.

But then again...

Conan thought of the phone call he made to Kudo Yusaku just now, and his eyes narrowed into half-moon eyes: Dad's connections are too strong, so he can actually find out the purpose of vodka?

"..." Damn it, I really want to hug my thigh. That way, the process of bringing down the organization, getting the antidote, and turning back into Kudo Shinichi might be much faster.

But equally, if he does this, his parents may bring up the past again and persuade him to leave here and go to the safer United States...

Conan thought about Jiang Xia when he solved the case and wanted to leave.

But when I thought about Mao Lilan again, I felt that it would be better to stay.

After struggling for 0.5 seconds, Conan regained his confidence.

——Stay in Japan and work hard to investigate on your own.

Although it is easy to hold the thigh, what dad can do, he may not be able to help with his current childlike appearance.

In other words, if he attached himself to Kudo Yusaku, then his excellent source of clues as "Kudo Shinichi" would be completely wasted.

"..." As expected, the father and son should each take care of their own affairs, and let's collect the clues in the end.

Maybe when the time comes, it will be on my side that the progress will be further forward.

Conan read the email one last time before shredding it.

Then I felt that Kudo Yusaku talked a bit too much today, and he typed such a long list.

Conan: "..." Probably his father was keenly aware of his tendency to hug his thighs, so he gave more communication to seduce him to continue walking in this direction.

Thinking of this, Conan snorted proudly: He is an independent high school detective with his own thoughts. How could I keep hiding under the wings of my parents?

He has to fight on his own.

"..." Of course, it doesn't hurt to ask about something like today that concerns many lives.

With this thought in mind, Conan simply replied [I understand].

Then shred the email and erase the record. Sleep soundly.

the other side.

Jiang Xia doesn't quite understand the mysterious conversation between the Riddler and his son.

Although I am a little concerned about it, considering that the lethality of Kudo and Kudo is not great, the ability to cause trouble is still within the controllable range.

After Kudo Yusaku left, Jiang Xia quickly put away the box of snacks and decided to deal with the holographic game conference tomorrow night first.

When I have time, I'll ask Yusaku Kudo, or just make some insinuations about Gin to find out the situation...

the next day.

As usual, Jiang Xia finished giving away the cat and sat in the detective office for a while.

Wait until evening.

He packed up what he needed and set out for the Rice Flower Municipal Building.

This time, the task assigned to him by the organization was to assassinate Thomas Sindora. The difficulty is that the silencing operation must be carried out before the target sends information to the outside world.

——Thomas Sindola is a giant in the international IT industry.

A few years ago, Sindora adopted the talented programmer Hiroki Sawada, and since then, he has cooperated with the organization privately.

But two years ago, Sawada Hiroki suddenly committed suicide by jumping off a building. The growth-type artificial intelligence "Noah's Ark" developed by this genius was not left to Sindora. Instead, he passed "Noah's Ark" along the phone loop before his death. , released.

Without the genius of Sawada Hiroki, Sindora's other generals can still support his IT empire.

But at the same time, Sindora also lost those advanced technologies.

He is incapable of continuing to cooperate with the organization. Naturally, we can only keep doing what we promised before.

...and then he continued until he was on the organization's assassination list.

——Because the two parties have cooperated before, and Thomas Sindora knows too much.

However, Sindora also had a trick up her sleeve:

Based on his limited understanding of the organization, he set up the organization-related information he had in a mode that could be sent to various places with one click when necessary. His confidants also had the same authority.

This level of threat did make the organization restrain itself a bit. It makes safe assassination much more difficult.

However, Sindora usually operates in the United States and does not know that the island country is the headquarters of the organization.

This time he came to Japan, and the Angry Organization, which had been dovetailed for a long time, never thought of letting him go back.

In Jiang Xia's impression, there were many people attending the game conference this time, but there were not many outlaws among them.

The craziest one among them is Thomas Sindora himself - the head of R\u0026D who he plans to silence who knows his secret.

"..." In short, it is unlikely to kill Sindora on the spot.

However, being a good employee requires flexibility.

Anyway, the organization has only two purposes, one is to get rid of Sindora; the other is to prevent the information about the organization in Sindora's hands from leaking.

So in the final analysis, as long as these two goals are achieved...

The press conference of the holographic game "Cocoon" was held at the Mihua Civic Center.

As we approached the door of the magnificent building.

Jiang Xia found his cell phone and sent a message to his temporary teammates to confirm the details.

There were not many teammates this time, and Jiang Xia ordered the three most popular items - Belmode, gin, and vodka.

Although I still want to trick more people into coming here to see if there are any new flavors...

But unfortunately, judging from the current feelings of the ghosts, the other people Gin found were not as high quality as himself - there were no other high-end murderous spirits around the venue.

Jiang Xia sighed slightly disappointedly.

While he released Miss Spider, he asked her to go to Belmod and Gin and bring back some murderous intent.

While walking towards the entrance of the municipal building, preparing to enter tonight's game conference.

Jiang Xia burned the invitation letter given by the organization when he returned home - even a puppet could not use this thing. After all, it’s not hard to get admission.

And a few days ago, as "Jiang Xia", he had received one.

——The game to be released this time is, after all, an epoch-making holographic game. Both Syndora and the Japanese cooperative game developers are very dedicated to this.

This time the game also includes a crime-solving theme.

So they invited some detectives to the town.

The entrance of Mihua Municipal Building. There are many people, many cars, and it is bustling.

Jiang Xia got off the car in advance and walked through the crowd to the entrance.

Looking up, on the more than ten-meter-long steps, on both sides of the red carpet, a large group of reporters gathered - this holographic game conference attracted much attention, celebrities gathered, and there was even a red carpet event.

Jiang Xia quietly walked around the crowd, came to the entrance, and passed the security check smoothly.

As soon as he entered the door, a head popped out of the corridor next to him.

——Kinoshita Yoko waved to him and greeted in a low voice: "Jiang Xia! This way, this way."

Jiang Xia walked towards her.

For today's warm-up performance, Kaoru Kusano was injured and could not come, so she was replaced by Yoko Kinoshita.

Such large-scale events often have contingency plans, which of course also include situations where a hot spot star suddenly goes awry.

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