Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 916 The target appears

"Xiao Xun has been discharged from the hospital. Although she looked very weak in front of the media and the company. But we went to visit her and she was actually alive and kicking. She also confirmed the wedding date with Mr. Ma Xiong... Although the process was a bit scary, it was okay. It’s a blessing in disguise.”

Yoko Kinoshita remembered what happened yesterday and helped her teammates to report to Jiang Xia that they were safe. External reports basically did not mention Kaoru Kusano's physical condition. They only mentioned it in terms of "looking haggard" and "life after death". of words. Yoko Kinoshita didn't want this enthusiastic little detective to worry too much.

Jiang Xia nodded.

He suddenly remembered something and took out the egg-shaped badge from Kaoru Kusano from his pocket: "This is the experience badge Miss Kusano gave me yesterday - since you came here for her, shouldn't you come and participate?"

Kinoshita Yoko smiled and shook his head:

"Xiao Xun and I are different - the age requirements for the fifty experience participants this time are 'high school students and below'. Xiao Xun has just grown up and looks very young, so there is nothing wrong with going in to experience it together. But I if……"

She gathered her chestnut wavy hair: "I'm afraid I need to completely change my hairstyle first. The image is too different from usual, and it's weird to be mixed in a group of children... Anyway, this time, the game experience screen will not be released to the public. I can only describe it orally, but I watched it from the movie theater, and my field of vision became more comprehensive. It just so happens that I’m not very good at playing games.”

"Speaking of this..." Kinoshita Yoko smiled and winked at him, "I heard that among the several game modes given this time, there is a 'detective' game - you are always very good at games. , it would be a pity not to go in and give it a try.”

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden commotion outside the building, and the shutter clicked like a tidal wave. The media squatting on both sides of the red carpet suddenly became active, as if they were waiting for some big shot.

Jiang Xia and Kinoshita Yoko were startled and turned to look outside the house.

I saw a foreign man walking along the red carpet to the lobby of the Civic Center.

The man is tall and burly, wearing a high-cut suit that fits his body, and has an authentic European and American appearance. His chin is raised proudly and his steps are steady.

Yoko Kinoshita glanced twice through the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows and quickly recognized him: "This must be President Thomas Sindora... He is so powerful."

Jiang Xia carefully looked at President Sindora and the secretary who entered the hall later than him, and kept his curiosity about them to the limit of a normal person.

Sindora, his assistant and his bodyguards quickly passed by the hall and entered the office area.

Outside the door, the introduction voice of a reporter from TMS floated in: "According to the information released in advance by the game manufacturer, this holographic game called "Cocoon" can put players in the game cabin into a hypnotic state and have voice recognition. system's game dialogue and enjoy traveling in the virtual world.

"——It brings together the world's top technological essence. Unfortunately, the specific game content is not disclosed to the public, but today, fifty lucky people will be selected to experience the game. Let us look forward to their comments!"

...The essence of the most cutting-edge technology.

Is it really the essence of “technology”?

Jiang Xia turned around and paused for a moment at the security checkpoint and the surveillance camera in the corner.

"..." After entering the door, there is always a strange feeling. Especially if you're too close to the pre-installed electronics in the lobby...

Jiang Xia looked at the instruments, and then at the ghosts floating around him, trying to find murderous intent, thoughtfully.

Rice Krispies Civic Center.

On the other side of the passage.

The Maori father and daughter also brought the young detective team to this grand press conference. They came earlier than Jiangxia.

——The Suzuki Foundation is also one of the investors in this game. Therefore, Suzuki Sonoko can invite many people in.

The Maori father and daughter took five children, and a group of seven people walked through the corridor, intending to go to the banquet hall and meet Suzuki Sonoko.

On the way, a few people accidentally glanced aside and saw the "cocoon" experience hall below through the glass windows in the corridor.

——On the stage in front of the hall, there are fifty egg-shaped game cabins. Many workers are walking back and forth, debugging equipment. Outside the game cabin is a circle of elevated viewing seats, separated by a detection device.

Yuantai took a look and couldn't help but lie on the window with envy:

"That's the 'Cocoon', I really want to go in and try it."

Mitsuhiko was also envious, but considering that there were two beauties standing next to him, he did not stick to the window like Yuanta, but gracefully took a step away to watch.

At the same time, he inevitably sighed sadly: "Don't think about it, we are not qualified to experience it - there are only fifty places in the world."

It was rare for Haihara Ai to have the same interests as several children.

She remembered the content in the brochure, looked at the "cocoon" and sighed softly:

"It's really fun to recreate historical events in the game. Coupled with this unique holographic experience... it's like a fascinating time travel."

Next to her, Conan folded his hands and glanced at her disapprovingly: "I can't go anyway, so the better I talk about the game now, the more greedy the children will be."

With this in mind, he comforted his friends:

"It's just a game, nothing fun. Watch the movie a few more times and make up for it."


Haiyuan Ai's forehead jumped, but he vaguely understood Conan's intention and said nothing.

But the other three children didn't think so much. I only tasted it literally, and immediately felt that I had been ridiculed.

Genta snorted: "Conan, it's better not to talk about games with us - you haven't even finished "Space Dragon Quest" yet."

Mitsuhiko smiled and finished his attack: "Speaking of this game, the day before yesterday my three-year-old cousin stepped on it randomly and accidentally cleared the level."

Ayumi still liked Conan a little bit in her heart, and secretly helped to smooth things over: "There is no way, Conan's mind is too smart, so God closed a window for him, and his hands became very inflexible!"

Conan: "..."

These naughty kids just keep talking, why do they suddenly attack them personally!

Just as he was thinking about it, a figure flashed in his peripheral vision.

Someone was passing by the corner ahead.

Conan saw the man clearly, his eyes lit up, he waved his hand and said hello loudly on purpose: "Brother Jiang Xia!"

Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko: "!"

The three children froze, and the remaining taunts that they had not had time to express were silently swallowed back in their stomachs.

"..." To put it bluntly, although they were fighting back against Conan, they were still "bullying the few with more".

If Brother Jiang Xia, who likes fishing and knocking people out, hears it, he will seize this point to make a big fuss...

The corridor fell silent for an instant.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Conan, her eyes stretched into half-moons: "..." The despicable fake kid actually used Jiang Xia as a suppressing talisman...

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