Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 917 Holographic Game Please vote for me

Chapter 917 Holographic Game Please vote for me (〃〃)

Just now, Conan shouted loudly. The two people passing by the corner heard the sound and stepped back.

Jiang Xia and Kinoshita Yoko appeared in front of everyone.

When Mouri Kogoro saw the sweet-looking person in a long skirt next to Jiang Xia, his eyes lit up: Miss Yoko! ! !

He used the nearby corridor window as a mirror and quickly adjusted his tie and hair.

Then he walked up to Jiang Xia and Kinoshita Yoko seemingly calmly, nodded and said hello.

Afterwards, he scooped Jiang Xia up, turned around with his arms around his back, turned his back to Kinoshita Yoko and quietly condemned: "Miss Yoko is here, why didn't you bring her to me earlier!"

Jiang Xia also quietly explained: "I just arrived."

After speaking, he raised his voice a little and returned to the normal volume: "Here, let me introduce you." He gestured to Kinoshita Yoko and Mouri Kogoro, "I think I have said it several times before - this is Mr. Moori Kogoro. I My classmate’s father is also a powerful senior detective.”

Mouri Kogoro, who is a fan of Kinoshita Yoko: "!"

Suddenly facing his idol, he immediately stopped talking to Jiang Xia and straightened his back, maintaining the figure of a handsome uncle.

Kinoshita Yoko took the initiative to reach out to him and said with a smile: "Jiang Yang. Jiang Xia often talks about you. He seems to have learned a lot of valuable experience from you."

...Jiang Xia actually never talked about this, but often mentioned that the neighbor's uncle was also a fan of hers. Therefore, when Kinoshita Yoko sends peripheral items to Jiang Xia, he often sends an extra copy.

...However, since Jiang Xia said that Mouri Kogoro was a "senior detective", he was right to praise him so much.

Mouri Kogoro failed to see through his idol's little thoughts.

He happily shook hands with Kinoshita Yoko, and when he heard this, he was even more elated: "Hahaha, nope - it's what I should do to support the younger generations! And Jiang Xia is a smart child, and he can learn everything he teaches... "

The group of people walked and chatted, and arrived at the banquet hall in a harmonious atmosphere.

There is still some time before the official opening of the press conference.

Yoko Kinoshita did not stay long.

Others come to enjoy the party, but she comes to work.

She quickly said goodbye to a few people and went backstage early to prepare for the opening performance.

Mouri Kogoro was immersed in the pink bubble of happiness.

Kinoshita Yoko left for a while before he came back to his senses and turned to look at Jiang Xia.

"..." According to what Yoko Kinoshita said just now, Jiang Xia seemed to say a lot of nice things to him on weekdays. This made Miss Yoko have a very good impression of him, Moori Kogoro, and felt that he was a reliable and responsible senior.

However, Mouri Kogoro thought about it again and realized that he seemed to have never taught Jiang Xia anything.

...I suddenly felt a little guilty again.

Mouri Kogoro: "..." Fortunately, Jiang Xia is still young and has a long time - it doesn't matter if you haven't taught it before, it's totally time to start teaching now! It doesn't count as lying to Ms. Yoko.

Thinking of this, Mouri Kogoro raised his hand and patted Jiang Xia's shoulder appreciatively: "Not bad, boy! I will continue to teach you in the future - tell me what you want to learn!"

Halfway through his words, he caught a glimpse of a row of self-serve champagne on the long table. He was a little greedy, and his words changed: "...Why don't I teach you how to taste wine first."

As he spoke, Mouri Kogoro naturally stretched out his hand and picked up a wine glass.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He sniffed the aroma of wine that filled the air. While his heart was beating, he scanned the hall and carefully observed the environment.

There were many big names coming to this press conference. Therefore, the confidentiality requirements for the party were extremely high - the reporters were blocked outside, and when the red carpet process was over, they could not enter here and had to go to a specially prepared reception hall.

In other words, there is no need to worry about negative news like "a high school detective develops a drinking habit" tonight. In addition, the champagne and the white grape juice next to it are almost the same color. They are just a little bit different, but others can't actually tell...

A series of thoughts flashed quickly.

Jiang Xia withdrew her observation gaze and came to a conclusion in her heart.

Almost at the same time, Mouri Kogoro next to him handed over the cup with tacit understanding.

Jiang Xia reservedly reached out and took it, taking a sip expectantly.


And it doesn't taste like alcohol at all.


He was startled, took away the glass, and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, he realized that even though Mouri Kogoro was holding something to drink and what he was handed to him, they were both goblets filled with clear liquid.

But if you look closely, you will see that the cup Mouri Kogoro drinks from is an elegant flute-shaped cup.

The "wine" Jiang Xia received was a spherical cup with a short handle.

"..." Jiang Xia gradually discovered the problem, "Wait a minute, is this glass of white grape juice?"

Didn't you say you want to teach wine tasting?

"Men, don't care about the details!" Mouri Kogoro had already finished a glass of wine. He turned around and picked up a new glass of champagne. "They are all drinks anyway. What you drink makes a difference!"

Jiang Xia looked at his back with dark eyes: "..."

A cunning old detective who deceives his neighbors' feelings.

Next time I give him peripherals, I will definitely give him the incomplete signed version that he forgot to bring. Because men can’t care about details…

Mouri Kogoro was eating and drinking happily when he suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.

He raised his head alertly and looked around, but found no source of danger.

Instead, I saw a group of children running around in the banquet hall.

Mouri Kogoro was startled: at a glance, many children wearing formal clothes had egg-shaped badges on their bodies - which meant that they were qualified to enter the "Cocoon" experience.

"The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police, the son of a Noh musician, the grandson of a bank tycoon, the son of a politician..." Kogoro Mori counted in a low voice and clicked his tongue a few times in a complicated tone, "The second son who is responsible for the future of Japan. The three generations are almost here. This game is really amazing."

"..." Jiang Xia looked at the children who looked like passers-by, and glanced at Mouri Kogoro with slight surprise: They all recognized them, you are pretty good too...

Huihara Ai was playing with a child just a few meters away.

At this time, she walked over to Jiang Xia and found that Jiang Xia was holding a goblet and was distracted, so she took Jiang Xia's wrist and lowered her head to smell the cup in his hand.

It turned out to be grape juice, not the "wine tasting" that Kogoro Mori was shouting about.

Only then did Hui Yuan Ai let go of his hand and went to pick a glass of juice nearby.

Afterwards, while tasting the food slowly and gracefully, she looked at a few naughty kids playing football arrogantly in the banquet hall and murmured in a low voice:

"It is really the epitome of Japan's ugly hereditary system - with this kind of hereditary inheritance, human history's mistakes will continue to repeat themselves, and they cannot be changed no matter how long it takes."

The son of a politician becomes a politician and the son of a banker becomes a banker. And...the children of the organization, becoming the next generation of the organization.

Hui Yuan Ai thought of himself and Jiang Xia and sighed. The grape juice in his hand suddenly lost its sweetness.

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