Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 918 The Dirty Detective. More updates to the leader [Yue Gucheng]

Haiyuan Ai was feeling a little emotional when a red dress suddenly flashed across his eyes.

She raised her head and saw Suzuki Sonoko, who was wearing a rare backless evening dress, walking over from nowhere.

Conan is hiding next to Jiang Xia, taking refuge from three naughty boys from the young detective team who are hurting him.

When he looked up and saw Suzuki Sonoko, he was startled for a moment and his eyes fell on her clothes: "You also have experience badges?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Suzuki Sonoko glanced down at the badge on her chest and flicked it nonchalantly, "The Suzuki Foundation sponsored this game, and the organizer sent one to my home - —I was the only one who was of the right age to experience it, so the family gave it to me.”

The Young Detective Team originally stayed far away.

At this time, attracted by this extremely rare badge that symbolizes "qualification for holographic game experience", they couldn't help but get closer and tried to hint: "It's great, I really want to play 'Cocoon'."

Without waiting for Suzuki Sonoko to answer.

Next to him, a childish sneer suddenly came in: "That's not okay - not everyone is worthy of experiencing this game."

Jiang Xia took a sip of grape juice, looked around in boredom, and saw several children of seven or eight years old.

——It was the second generation that Mouri Kogoro recognized just now.

Even in this banquet hall where celebrities gather, their family background is considered prominent.

The young second-generation students wore experience badges on their chests and were bathed in the envious eyes of the Junior Detective Team. They couldn't help but feel proud: "A person's status and the height he can reach have been determined since birth - you are worthy of it." If you don’t want this badge, don’t think about it, just wipe your saliva and watch from the side.”

This is a very unspeakable statement.

While the young detective team was angry, the label "Bad Boys!" instinctively flashed through their minds. The three of them slapped it on the foreheads of the children opposite. Then he looked at Jiang Xia expectantly.

Several second-generation men followed the young detective team's eyes for help, and their eyes also fell on Jiang Xia.

I thought that these civilian children wanted Jiang Xia, the "famous detective", to support the show.

The second generation suddenly sneered with disdain: "Don't you think that he is the kind of person who has 'changed his background through his own efforts'? What about the famous detective? It just sounds glamorous. In fact, they Or you can only come into contact with those shady and shady people, take over dirty jobs from those people, and earn dirty money..."

As they were talking, several shadows suddenly fell behind them.

Several second-generation people were startled and turned back menacingly.

I originally thought it was another civilian who didn't look at me and came to make trouble.

However, before they began to curse, they suddenly saw the person behind them clearly, and their faces suddenly turned pale:


"……elder sister?"


Jiang Xia held the juice cup and looked at several clients' wives who often came to see cats, and their eerie gazes: "..."

One minute later.


Several children, with ears that were swollen and shiny like light bulbs, with tears in their eyes, bowed humiliatingly to the hateful civilian detective and apologized to him.

The ladies stood nearby, covering their lips elegantly and smiling: "I'm so sorry, I usually spoil them so much..."

Just now, when they saw their children gathered around Jiang Xia, their eyes lit up and they thought they could come over and have a chat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they got closer, they heard the naughty child scolding them and Jiang Xia.

...Why can’t the client come to the forefront?

Why is it so dirty to find a cat?

Deserve a beating!

"It's okay." Jiang Xia was regretting that the guardians would not risk murder.

At this time, the mobile phone on his body suddenly vibrated.

"..." Judging from the location, it seems to be the organization's mobile phone.

"Excuse me." Jiang Xia left more space for the ladies and naughty children, then turned and walked to the bathroom.

Arrived in a deserted corridor.

Jiang Xia took out her phone and glanced down.

Inside was an email from Gin:

[All the helpers you need are here]

Attached are some photos.

——These are some of the "elites" selected by Ginjiu to come to help at Jiang Xia's request.

Although Gin, Belmode and Vodka will also participate in this operation, it is not convenient for them to appear in public.

So now, the three of them are waiting in the car on the next street as Jiang Xia said.

And these selected "elites" have already blended into the venue.

Jiang Xia swiped the screen to view the attachments.

I quickly matched the numbers of the men in black in the photo with the passers-by I just happened to see.

Then I realized dully that the quality of these people was not very good.

——There is no one with murderous intent, just a few ordinary people who look a little fiercer.

"..." How stingy. Can't we send a few more gins or those of Belmod's level?

Jiang Xia lamented for a while about the number of talents in the organization.

And then ruthlessly shut out these "elites":

[The quality is average, let them wait outside. When the operation begins, I will send them directly to the control room - in the meantime, everyone will leave the ballroom. Don't follow me, don't disturb me. ]

——If you don’t have murderous intent, why don’t you take part in any action? Go out and stay.

After all, Haihara Ai was still present at the venue. Jiang Xia thought, what if some man in black happened to catch the fake child's fallen hair while he was playing a holographic game and passed by Hui Yuan Ai later, and then those burgundy hair were seen by Gin again...

There might be a sudden explosion party here, which will cause headaches.

at the same time.

On a street nearly a thousand meters away in a straight line.

Ginjiu looked at Jiang Xia's reply email, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was not quite right.

——Uzo’s words actually seemed like he was clearing the place.

"..." Could it be that he wanted to break up the organization and run amok inside alone? Thinking about it carefully, the glamorous celebrities in the banquet hall seemed to be in line with Uzo's taste in picking prey.

Thinking of this, Gin's eyes narrowed slightly and he became alert, but did not reply "yes" immediately.

Instead, ask cautiously:

[What do you want to do? ]

After a while, the phone vibrated and Uzuo's reply came:

[Those people staying here will only arouse the target's vigilance. People's sixth sense can sometimes be very accurate - occasional eye contact, the direction of other people's attention, repeated unfamiliar faces... may cause changes in his mentality. ]

[Those people you found are not up to standard in tracking. Rather than letting them stay and cause trouble, it would be safer to stay outside and wait - I am not familiar with the target in the first place, and we just met today. The plan is risky, and clearing the site is just to reduce the difficulty of your mission]

Gin: "..."

...Looking at it this way, it does make some sense.

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