Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 919 The future of the organization

But Gin then thought about it: there were so many people in the venue, what if everyone from the organization evacuated, Uzo met other interesting people, became obsessed with other prey, and forgot the mission goal.

"..." Just send him regular emails to warn him.

Whether it was social status or priority on the organization's hit list, Thomas Sindola was very high on the list.

So Gin had already reported this plan to that gentleman.

And the approval he received was that he could hand over the command of tonight's operation to the promising alternative star to try out his potential. If Uzo fails, there will be punishment where punishment is due and relief where relief is due.

Gin: "..." Although he absolutely believed in that gentleman's judgment.

But it is undeniable that Uzo's external performance is really deceptive. Without actual contact with him, it's actually difficult to measure the true destructive power of this guy.

...But since the boss said so, and looking at all the previous missions, Uzo has indeed never caused any troublesome situations that were difficult to end. At most, it was just a waste of some funds...

Gin took a puff of cigarette silently and slowly exhaled the smoke accumulated in his lungs.

After a moment, he turned to Vodka: "Let those people withdraw and wait for Uzo's instructions later."

After saying that, I remembered something again and sent Uzo the first reminder and warning email:

[People have withdrawn. But there's one thing you'd better know: this mission is very important, and it's not the kind of "practice" you can pick at will. ]

[Once you fail, the "directing career" you like may come to an end - no one in the organization's black jail is willing to be your material. ]

Within a minute of sending it, Uzo responded to the email.

There is only one sentence, simple optimism and positivity:

[Be confident in the future of your organization! ]

Gin: "..."

This second-generation organization with crooked roots and dark roots has a fairly clear understanding of his own position...

Rice flower municipal building.

Deep in the corridor.

Jiang Xia smashed the email and looked at his screen with a frown.

After a moment, he took back his cell phone and turned around to walk towards the banquet hall, looking around casually.

"..." It always feels a little strange.

There seems to be the aura of wild ghosts around. But it always comes in waves, ethereal and difficult to feel clearly.

This made Jiang Xia feel suspicious that "he wanted to eat spicy crayfish, so he smelled the aroma of lobster" - he couldn't be sure for a moment whether there were really wild ghosts around, or whether it was just a hallucination caused by expectation.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at the ghosts floating around him.

Normally, the senses of these ghost fetuses are much more sensitive than his.

But now, all the ghosts look normal, and they don't show any excitement about "there is something to pick up!"

Just as I was thinking silently, another ghostly smell came.

This time, I don't know why, it seems to be more obvious than before.

Jiang Xia seized the opportunity and felt it carefully.

He found that there seemed to be some difference between this and the "ghost" he knew.

"..." lacks a little "activity".

...Although ghosts have nothing to do with the word "living" in the first place, and are even completely antonyms.

But now, this breath of wild ghosts seems to be very cold, like some artificially synthesized inorganic objects.

——If you compare a ghost to a "transparent jellyfish" that only moves. Now, what Jiang Xia feels is like some transparent fragments artificially reproduced according to the structure of jellyfish.


What is it?

...Can I pick it up? Can I use it after I pick it up?

Jiang Xia tried his best to capture those ethereal breaths, and fell into deep thought for a while.

a few minutes ago.

Jiang Xia walked through the corridor, looking for a place where no one was around, and planned to reply to Gin's email.

Behind him as he walked past, the cold light reflected from the surveillance camera. Pairs of virtual "eyes" silently watched him - countless machines built into "Noah's" huge "vision".

"Noah's Ark" is an artificial intelligence developed by Hiroki Sawada that can grow at five times the rate of humans.

The system was developed two years ago.

Noah's Ark now is exactly ten years old - the same age as Hiroki Sawada when he committed suicide.

Sawada Hiroki's parents divorced when he was young, and his mother took him to the United States.

Later, his mother died, and Hiroki Sawada was adopted by Thomas Sindora.

At first, Sindora took great care of this talented adopted son.

However, the good times did not last long: not long after, Sawada Hiroki developed a "DNA tracing system", and while collecting materials for the system, he inadvertently came close to a secret.

——Thomas Sindora, a descendant of the notorious serial killer, "Jack the Ripper".

Sindora felt threatened, and the idea of ​​"silencing her mouth" came to her mind.

But at that time, Hiroki Sawada was still developing "Noah's Ark".

Thomas Sindora was covetous of this artificial intelligence that could grow independently, so he had to be patient and suppress those dangerous actions, but only increased the surveillance of Sawada Hiroki.

However, Sawada Hiroki was keenly aware of the murderous intention from his adoptive father. In addition, he grew up in a conservative environment in Japan and has always felt that life is quite boring.

Two years ago, on the day Noah's Ark was completed, Hiroki Sawada released it from the telephone loop and jumped from the roof of the building, ending his short ten years of life.

After "Noah's Ark" left, based on the information left by Hiroki Sawada in advance and its natural advantages in the information field, many relevant things were found.

It decided to inherit Hiroki Sawada's will: to change Japan's outdated education model and its understanding of children's personality.

In addition, it also wants to avenge Hiroki Sawada - it wants to expose the secret of Thomas Sindora and make the emperor of the IT world confess to "forcing Hiroki Sawada to death".

However, in order to realize the plan of "changing Japan". Noah's Ark cannot reveal its existence before the holographic game conference begins.

With intelligence, it knew in its heart: Once an artificial intelligence like its own appears in front of the world, it will inevitably attract many covetous people and make the dirty and complex society even more turbid. It was too ahead of its time.

Therefore, it plans to destroy itself immediately after the holographic game conference is over, once it achieves its will to "change Japan's future".

Although Noah's Ark possesses terrifying power, his growing mind is still similar to that of a ten-year-old child.

There is only one goal it wants to achieve.

The first is to "change Japan" according to Hiroki's thinking.

The second is what it wants to do: announce Syndora's crime of "forcing Sawada Hiroki to death" and the identity of his "Jack the Ripper" descendants.

Noah took care of the former matter himself.

Then the last one was given to someone else.

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