Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 922 Noah: Catch Jiang Xia to suppress the shock. Please give me your monthly vote oo

Chapter 922 Noah: Catch Jiang Xia to suppress the shock. Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Hui Yuan Ai held the cigarettes and lighter given by Jiang Xia and nervously placed them on the ground while listening carefully to Jiang Xia's words.

Relying on the intelligence that made her a top scientist at the age of eighteen, she memorized those instructions word for word.

In addition, Hui Yuan Ai keenly discovered that Jiang Xia spoke faster than usual. So she immediately realized that although she couldn't tell from Jiang Xia's expression, the matter might be urgent... Although she didn't quite understand Jiang Xia's purpose and intention of doing this, Haiyuan Ai still suppressed her doubts and decided to do it first Let’s talk later.

After listening to it once, when you have recovered your senses and digested it.

I was about to try asking a question.

The bedroom door slammed in her face.

——Jiang Xia entered the house and left her in the living room of the lounge. Judging from the sound, the door was locked.

Hui Yuan Ai held the lighter: "...?"

It took her a few seconds to recover from the closed door, and then she remembered the "unwell" excuse Jiang Xia had used when he came to her just now.

"..." I wasn't sure if this was a real excuse or if it was true.

Hui Yuan Ai looked down at the burning smoke on the ashtray and picked it up.

Then he couldn't help but approach the cold bedroom door and asked in a low voice: "Do you really don't need to go to the hospital?"

No one answered.

"..." Haiyuan sighed.

Although I don't feel reassured. But remembering Jiang Xia's instructions just now and how reliable Jiang Xia had been in the past, she didn't say anything more.

Hui Yuan Ai hugged her knees and sat next to the ashtray, holding the lit cigarette and guarding it as dedicatedly as guarding a bonfire.

At the same time, I watched its smoke flowing through the cracks in the door and into the bedroom.

After watching for a while, the questions that I had just suppressed quietly emerged.

"..." What exactly is this "smoke" and why does it have to be lit all the time?

In the past, when Jiang Xia smoked ghost mint, Haiyuan Ai accidentally smoked second-hand mint. I don't feel any addiction.

Now hold it in your hand and smell it up close. She still felt that this cool but gentle breath was not like some dangerous drugs.

After smelling it for a while, I seemed to be a little more awake than usual. I don't know if it was an illusion. Seems to have some mental benefits.

in addition……

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the bright cigarette butt doubtfully.

——Originally, she thought that she needed to take a puff from time to time so that these self-rolled cigarettes could burn stably without going out.

But now it seems that even without artificial wind to assist combustion, Jiangxia's magical "smoke" is still burning steadily.

Huihara Ai: "..." This is indeed not tobacco. But other more flammable materials.

It is healthier than tobacco in terms of smoke, smell and all aspects...


Hui Yuan Ai suddenly thought: Could it be that a year ago, Jiang Xia's mental condition has been so stable since she was discharged from the hospital, and she continued to refuse her supplements, not because she disliked her medicine, but because she had this better "cigarette" to help her? ease?

Thinking of this, Haiyuan Ai stared at the cigarette in his hand, and his mood became a little complicated.

...There is a feeling of meeting a competitor.

What's even more worrying is that he is defeated by a mere cigarette.

When Haiyuan continued to work diligently on Ghost Mint.

In the bedroom.

Jiang Xia summoned some shikigami and used the fastest speed to solidify them from ethereal shikigami into solid puppet clay.

Then wrap the body with clay to form a cocoon.

By the way, block all the internal and external doors, windows, joints, and various electronic devices.

The ghost suddenly disappeared, and the flow of information between Jiang Xia and them was greatly blocked.

But after all, he is a ghost who was signed seriously.

As soon as they and the contract entered the realm of jellyfish skins, Jiang Xia suddenly knew a lot more about those "jellyfish skins" than before.

Now, Jiang Xia plans to follow those vague perceptions, touch into the suspicious consciousness space connected by electrical appliances, and try to find the lost ghost.

According to Jiang Xia's induction, the intensity of that space was still within the controllable range.

But anyway. This is still a risky move.

So you have to make some preparations in advance.

——Jiang Xia remembered the "draft" that pushed him when he lost his ghost just now.

Combined with what happened before and after, especially since only two ghosts were lost, not all...

Jiang Xia intuitively felt that besides the situation of "someone robbing ghosts in broad daylight", there were other possibilities.

For example, that bastard Jellyfish Piper who is dormant in the dark may not be here for these ghosts who already have masters.

But it was directed at Jiang Xia herself.

——It wants to use some method to pull Jiang Xia's soul away. But he underestimated the strength of this soul and failed.

So accidentally, the two ghosts closest to the head were swept away.

If this is the case……

In Jiang Xia's opinion, jellyfish skin has two purposes.

One, of course, is eyeing "Jiang Xia's" body and wants to drive away the resident soul so that he can use it for himself.

It was in order to prevent this situation that Jiang Xia wrapped the body with puppet clay - the puppet clay with the mark of the psychic master was undoubtedly the best isolation material for other soul forces.

In this way, you can prevent your soul from leaving and running to find ghosts. His body was suddenly picked up by strange things, and then he did some strange things.

And if it was another situation: the jellyfish skin was not targeting his body, but his consciousness...

Jiang Xia: "..."

...No one should think so hard about it.

Same goes for ghosts.

While busy hiding the real body with puppet clay, Jiang Xia quickly sorted out various possibilities.

As the last gap closed in front of my eyes.

He closed his eyes and let his consciousness leave his body like he usually possessed a puppet. He went straight to the place where the ghost was lost just now and plunged into the surveillance camera.

a few minutes ago.

In the semi-conscious space constructed by Noah's Ark with the help of information flow.

In an old stone building.

Noah sat at the head of the long table, wrapped in the shell of an elderly NPC.

- It has no entity of its own.

So now, it borrows the data of "Cocoon" and adopts the appearance of "Professor Moriarty" in the game.

The old man was sitting in a high-backed chair, wearing a finely tailored tuxedo. He was energetic, his cane was leaning on his side, and his silver hair was shining with the luster of time.

There was dead silence in the hall. Apart from him, there are only a few NPC boys who behave stiffly.

Noah's dark eyes flashed from time to time with a stream of light that was extremely inconsistent with his appearance.

——In the world of data and the semi-conscious space derived from it, Noah has very strong abilities.

But in the purely real world, its power will weaken exponentially.

Just now, Noah concentrated all the energy he could mobilize on one point, rushed out from the device closest to Jiang Xia, and rolled all his strength towards the consciousness in the body.

It felt like it had caught something, and with that consciousness, it quickly returned to a space where the artificial intelligence could feel safe.

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