Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 923 You are the AI

Although it's just an AI.

But after actually completing this move that seemed feasible in theory. Noah still felt "light all over".

——After taking away the indigenous people in the body, the next step is to prepare for invasion.

Noah had great foresight and calculated the optimal route to use Jiang Xia's body to intercept Thomas Sindora and prevent him from silencing him.

While keeping his attention firmly focused on the consciousness it captured. Remember the path that the other party has taken and the fluctuations in space from the moment the conscious body started to move... so that you can reversely pass through those barriers later and control the human body.

——Although I still know a little about many things. But in Noah's eyes, if you want to invade someone else's body, you probably have to deal with something similar to a firewall.

However, it was unexpected.

When returning to the conscious space and analyzing the memorized paths.

Noah was slightly surprised to find that the consciousness captured by it seemed to be directly exposed to the air without any barrier.

"..." It really takes no effort at all. No wonder the arrest just now went so smoothly without much hindrance.

During a short analysis.

Noah and the conscious body he captured have already arrived in this semi-conscious space built on the basis of the "cocoon".

Noah returns to the body of "Moriarty".

He raised his head and looked across the table - it "invited" the captured soul directly to this place. In this way, when he controls his body, he can trap Jiang Xia's consciousness to prevent him from causing trouble behind.

Under Noah's gaze, a stream of light crashed into the room from the void and solidified the moment it hit the ground.

Noah was about to say politely like those thieves: "Hello, young 'detective', I will borrow your body first."... something like that.

But before he could speak, he looked across the table and was suddenly startled.

——What materialized from there was not the "dark detective" he imagined.

But two people.

A man and a woman, with unfamiliar faces.

Among them, the woman has long black hair, a gentle appearance, and beautiful mixed-race facial features. The man has naturally curly hair...but no matter which one, their appearance does not match the body that Noah saw just now.

Noah: "..."

Putting aside the issue of appearance... why are there two people?

...The same body can actually have two consciousnesses living together?

in addition……

Noah observed for a moment, and used his mind that was close to human beings to think: it could not sense it before in the real space, but now that it was pulled in, it discovered that the structure of the two consciousness bodies on the opposite side was somewhat similar to it.

Although many details are different, they cannot be fully analyzed.

But...are the two "people" opposite us also artificial intelligence?

Moreover, it is even more special than the "Noah" made by Hiroki. He can actually act like a human for a long time, stay in a human body, and act like a human...

A flash of envy briefly flashed in Noah's eyes.

At the same time it realizes that this is better.

——The body customized for artificial intelligence must be very comfortable to use by yourself.

In normal times, Noah would probably be curious to study these two other people's "artificial intelligence". Maybe there will be some exchanges.

But now, he is still in a hurry.

Noah looked at the two "AIs" opposite, stood up, and bowed slightly like an English gentleman.

But what it said was not so gentlemanly: "——Just stay here for now, and lend me that body for a while."

As he spoke, he turned around and opened the door of the huge fireplace that was as tall as one person behind him.

Matsuda Jinpei and Miyano Akemi in the center of the hall: "...?"

The two ghosts were confused at this time.

Just now, they were sitting on Jiang Xia's shoulders. Suddenly a gust of wind blew. What followed was like being sucked into a drum washing machine, the world was spinning.

When they stopped again, they fell into this space, and they all had entities.

Moreover, after the two ghosts looked at each other, they were surprised to find that although they had both "turned into entities", at this time, the other's appearance was different from how it usually looked when they were "puppets".

That is to say...

They actually appeared in their pure true colors.

...What exactly is this place?

"..." Although I have no idea what happened.

But just now, Noah, who was controlling "Professor Moriarty", stood up.

Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei looked over immediately, with vigilance in their eyes.

Afterwards, when they heard the words "borrowing a body" left by Noah, they were instinctively startled:

...borrow what?

Then I realized that of course ghosts don’t have a “body”.

...In other words, the sinister "grandpa" opposite is probably talking about Jiang Xia.


The two ghosts looked at each other. Miyano Akemi rushed towards Noah.

Matsuda Jinpei suddenly stretched out his hand to the side - in the hall, in addition to them and "Noah" opposite, there were other group of strong foreign men holding guns and pointing their guns at them, probably Noah's younger brothers. .

While reaching out to grab the gun, Matsuda Jinpei raised his head and dodged. Avoiding the instinctive shot of the NPC.

The bullet grazed his cheek. Matsuda Jinhei twisted the foreign man's arm and threw him away, hitting the other two people who were aiming at Miyano Akemi.

The man flew away, but the gun was already in Matsuda Jinpei's hand. He raised his hand and aimed at "Professor Moriarty" in front of the fireplace, and pulled the trigger hard.


The bullet passed through Miyano Akemi's skirt and shot straight to Noah's knee.

At the same time, Miyano Akemi picked up the silver candlestick on the long table, raised it like Jiang Xia usually used a stick, and hit Noah from behind with force.

——Although the situation was unknown, innocent ghost fetuses were kidnapped in broad daylight. The "grandpa" opposite was obviously not a friendly party.

So no matter what he wants to do, he must stop it first.

Noah heard a noise behind him.

Before the bullet flew out of the gun and hit him with the silver candlestick, he smiled slightly and stepped into the fireplace. The next second, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, disappeared into the air, and disappeared.

Miyano Akemi ran into an invisible barrier.

She held the candlestick, stumbled back, and regained her balance.

The bullet failed to enter the fireplace and was suddenly bounced away.

Under their impact, the air in front of the fireplace swayed like water waves.

In the ripples, a cold dialog box appeared out of thin air, and a red prompt popped up on it:

[No Access]

At the same time, Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei raised their pistols one after another, pointing the muzzles at them.

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