Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 924 London in the Nineteenth Century

Those foreign "people" who look like younger brothers look very tough.

At this time they had climbed up from the ground. There were people standing around with guns in their hands, and they kept a distance from Matsuda Jinpei and said in a cold voice that was close to a machine: "Please wait where you are."


The appearance and design of the gun were clearly that of an old-fashioned flintlock gun. But regardless of the operation method or recoil, it is similar to a semi-automatic pistol.

Matsuda Jinpei frowned and looked at the old guns, which were more like works of art than weapons, and he became more and more confused about the rules of this space.

After a few glances, his eyes couldn't help but be attracted to the man holding the gun.

He looked at this group of "little brothers".

As a ghost, its sensitive senses told it that these foreign men all had a bit of ghost aura about them.

But they are all very light, like a ghost that has been divided into countless pieces, with a piece of it placed inside each one. And the "Professor Moriarty" just now is the biggest piece of it.

In addition, although the ingredients are very similar, from the perspective of breath, these fragments do not feel "alive". They are almost like synthetic creations... To be precise, they are a bit like shikigami that have lost their activity after the obsession is achieved. , but the level is higher than Shikigami.

However, there seems to be something wrong with using the word "active" to describe ghosts...

Matsuda Jinpei fell into deep thought for a moment.

Miyano Akemi also went through a similar mental journey.

The two ghosts followed the contract and tried to pass on the observed situation to Jiang Xia.

Just like when I first landed, those messages had just been sent out, as if they were stuck in thick mud, blocked by an unfamiliar space, and unable to communicate.

But I don’t know if it was an illusion. This time, the direction in which the contract was sent seemed to be different from before.

at the same time.

It was dozens of meters away from the small building where the two ghosts were.

When Noah is not at home.

A psychic who came to look for ghosts happened to break in.

Just now, Jiang Xia wrapped up her body, and then just like a possessed puppet, her consciousness escaped from her body and plunged into the nearest machine.

With a violent spin like a vortex, he realized that he seemed to have succeeded.

It seemed like a long time passed, but it also seemed like a short moment.

The feeling of swimming along an unfamiliar channel suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Xia found that she had an "entity" again.

He opened his eyes and appeared on a shady stone side street.

The surroundings look like London at the end of the 19th century, with leaden clouds hanging on the sky, heavy smog hanging in the air, and an oppressive and unpleasant smell drifting away. There is also a pool of almost black water under the feet.

Jiang Xia took back the toe that stepped on the water.

Following his movements, a layer of water waves spread slowly. All phenomena and body sensations seemed to be exactly the same as in the real world. He seemed to have suddenly traveled forward for more than a hundred years.

But no matter how realistic the environment looked, Jiang Xia knew it in her heart.

——This is not the real world.

It is a consciousness space more similar to the imprint space. However, compared with the pattern space, this space relies on more realistic frameworks.

"..." A "holographic game" that is nearly a hundred years ahead of its time and is like time travel. It turned out to be this kind of thing...

Still busy looking for ghosts, Jiang Xia didn't think much about it.

He looked around, and his eyes quickly fell on the other side of the stone street.

——At the end of the street, there is a small church-style building. It has white walls and pointed tiles, and the main body seems to be made of heavy stones. Several windows made of colored broken glass are scattered on the walls.

In this dark and gloomy neighborhood, as if someone was sleeping before going to work, that building was the only one glowing with dim candlelight.

That seems to be the center of this conscious space.

"..." It should be right there.

Jiang Xia looked at it for a moment and planned to find the ghost.

Just as he took a step forward, his eyes suddenly became distorted.

Immediately afterwards, a reddish glow gradually appeared in the originally dark eyes.

"...Why are you so excited?" Jiang Xia stopped for a moment, and then continued to move forward as if nothing had happened. He spoke softly, as if he was talking to some annoying thing that could not be seen, "No matter how much trouble I throw at you, it's not your turn to play. …”

in the real world. The ghost mint smoke drifted into the bedroom along the crack in the door, and penetrated into the pattern space left on the body, and finally replenished the soul continuously.

To deal with the ghost snatchers, you don't need much murderous energy, but internal friction is quite necessary. The connection between the pattern space and the psychic master is much stronger than the connection between it and the ghosts. The murderous energy can still be transported, but the delay is a bit high.

Jiang Xia took a sip of murderous intent, and the strange red light in her eyes slowly faded away.

He calmed down and walked towards the small building where there was a high probability of hiding a ghost.

Just after taking two steps, the air in front of him suddenly rippled, as if he had hit some invisible barrier.

Immediately afterwards, something like a text box appeared there: [Access Forbidden]

Jiang Xia was startled, turned around and walked back.

[No Access]


A few seconds later, after several trials.

Jiang Xia discovered that this strange "air wall" was not just on one side, but everywhere. Even the top of your head can touch it.

It is like an upside-down crystal fish tank, which locks the guests in unkindly. No matter where they go, they are "unauthorized".


After a moment of silence, Jiang Xia turned her head and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe next to her.

He stared at himself in the mirror and spoke skillfully: "Do you think there is heaven in this world?"

the other side.

Noah, who sneaked into the real world, didn't know that there were uninvited guests in his "home".

He followed the path Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei took and returned the same way.

He originally planned to enter the famous detective's body and drive this "borrowed" body to rescue people - he had even planned the fastest route to intercept Sindora and was just waiting to go there.

However, the next second, Noah, who was full of expectations, plunged into the air.

Noah: "...?"

...where is the body? !

His consciousness was caught in the space, and his body should still be in the same place...

The consciousness boosted by information flow cannot stay in the real space for too long.

Noah didn't find the body, so he had to rely on his intuition, gritted his teeth and rushed around the corner to see if Jiang Xia's body took a few steps forward by inertia after his soul was taken away.

However, the corridor was empty, with no sign of Jiang Xia at all.

Two seconds later, the consciousness disintegrated unwillingly in the air.

Noah was forced to retreat into his conscious space.

In its eyes, data flashed like a long river, and it recalled the data in the museum, especially the cameras in several key passages nearby.

Several scenes captured Jiang Xia's figure and were quickly spliced ​​into a complete message.

Noah looked at the picture, after he "captured the conscious body", the body was steadily leaving, and it was obviously still controlled by someone, and his mind was stuck for a moment.

"……"how so?

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