Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 925 Stop eating and get to work

Noah: "..." If Jiang Xia's body has another consciousness control. So what are those two people you pulled in just now?

...It can't be that there are three consciousnesses squeezed into one body, right? The AI ​​outside is living in such a tight life?

If it were a complete machine, now it might fall into an infinite loop due to insufficient information.

But "Noah's Ark" is a piece of artificial intelligence that can grow.

It quickly cut off the meaningless thoughts and returned to its temporary territory - the "late nineteenth century" London.

Although there are many things that puzzle the AI, it’s okay, Noah thought: at this time, the two consciousness bodies are still trapped in its territory. If you have any questions, just ask them and it will be clear.

Without psychics and murderous intent, the influence of ghosts on the real world has always been weak.

Although Noah's Ark has technological bonuses, it is still a bit blurry when it comes to reality.

It calmly slowed down for a moment before returning to the small building that was regarded as "Moriarty's Stronghold".

Noah put on the body of "Professor Moriarty", pulled out a high-backed chair, and sat down again.

It looked at Matsuda Jinpei and Miyano Akemi opposite, imitating the tone of human communication, and said straight to the point: "Who are you? What is your relationship with the detective outside?"

The two ghosts were very uncooperative and remained silent.

Instead, there was some strange movement above Noah's head.

It sensed something was wrong and quickly raised its head.

I saw a circle with a diameter of two meters cut out by a sharp weapon at some point on the ceiling directly above my head.

A huge stone rolled up the fallen earth and dust, and hit him head on with a terrifying momentum that was about to crush it into a data cake.

Noah lunged to the side.

But before that, Matsuda Jinpei raised his leg and kicked a high chair.

Noah was hit head-on by a stool and could not escape. The boulder crashed down on him.

"Moriarty's" body instantly shattered like a piece of crushed plaster.

His head rolled to the side.

There was no blood on the broken part of the neck, and its eyes had not lost their luster.

Noah controlled what was left of his head, raised his head with all his strength, and saw a strange young man.

The man stepped on the stone that crushed "Professor Moriarty", with eight sharp spider spears spread out behind his back, the tips of the spears glowing with a faint cold light - this is Miss Spider's skill, the effect of "Q\u0026A in Heaven" one. If the three questions are asked at the end and are rejected, eight sharp spider legs will grow from the back of the questioner.

"They are not humans, they are my ghosts." The uninvited guest actually heard Noah's question just now and answered politely.

But his next sentence no longer had anything to do with "politeness".

The young man sneered coldly, like a gangster who robbed civilian ghosts, and whispered viciously: "——You will be one soon."

Noah couldn't understand the meaning of his words, and looked at him incomprehensibly. There was a slight fluctuation in his steady voice: "I have never opened access to you... Who are you?"

"You caught me, and you ask me who I am?" Jiang Xia bent her spider legs behind her and blocked a few bullets.

At the same time, he squatted down, picked up the gun that fell from "Moriarty" from the boulder, and thoughtfully looked at the head in front of him that was talking to him: "In fact, I should ask you this question - -Who are you? You look..."

"Not normal."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and fired.

The NPC guy who just shot at Jiang Xia suddenly leaned back as if he was pushed on the forehead by a huge force, and his head exploded in the air and scattered into a cloud of dust.

Jiang Xia looked at the headless foreign man in silence: Although this man looked dead, a piece of "artificial jellyfish skin" in his body seemed to have been secretly transferred to another place.

"..." It's a bit magical.

...Watch it a few more times.

Bang, bang, bang——

Jiang Xia looked like he was firing an air rifle at a night market stall, raising his gun and sweeping away.

The group of "little brothers" seemed to have finally come to their senses and fled in all directions.

But before they found enough cover, bullets caught up with them one by one, and each shot accurately blasted the "people" into powder.

Noah looked at this scene with his remaining head, and his voice became cold: "Don't destroy this place anymore, murderer."

...The information collected is indeed correct. This detective is not as "good" as society evaluates him to be.

"Who are you calling the murderer, friend robber." Jiang Xia finished shooting the last moving target and looked down at Noah, "Your 'invitation' was so sudden and scared me - it's not normal for me to react violently. "

"If you want to talk peacefully, of course I am willing." He walked up to the head calmly, squatted down, and pressed the hot barrel of the gun against Noah's remaining head. "But the current scene is so disturbing. I feel very insecure - everything is 'no access', and the diligent guests have to find their own way out... Before we talk, why don't you give me some permissions first?"

Jiang Xia soon discovered that this wonderful space that combined consciousness and information was still controllable to him. But his ghost was particularly affected.

During the target practice just now, Jiang Xia originally wanted to take some time off and take his two ghosts back into the pattern space.

But as soon as his thoughts changed, he realized that trying to do this was as difficult as trying to fit a physical city block into a computer host.

——Here, the soul seems to be solidified.

The way out of here is also blocked by a steady stream of energy.

If you want to leave here with two adult ghosts who are no longer capable of shooting, you don't know how long you will have to trek with spider legs.

In addition, apart from the way of leaving, the most concerning thing is indeed the one in front of me...

An artifact that probably has a bit of a "ghost" quality to it.

Based on the known situation, Jiang Xia roughly guessed that this pile of "broken jellyfish skin" should be the legendary artificial intelligence - Noah's Ark.

Judging from the artificial jellyfish skins that flowed freely after killing the NPCs just now, it seems that catching this ghost is not an easy task...

Jiang Xia squatted in front of Noah's head and was studying this new "ghost" when a sudden flash of light from the corner of his eye occurred.

A fleeting black shadow was reflected on a fallen decorative copper jar next to it.

——Someone came in from the window on the other side of the small building and walked along the beam like a shadow.

When he reached diagonally above Jiang Xia, the man jumped down quickly, a cold light flashed across his sharp blade, and the tip of the blade was directed towards Jiang Xia's back.

Almost at the same time, another figure jumped up from the side.

The onlookers finally stopped eating. Matsuda Jinpei jumped up from the long table, bumped into the approaching attacker from the side, grabbed his knife-wielding wrist, and slammed his knee into his chest.

The attacker's perfect trajectory was suddenly knocked aside. The two "people" with good skills fought together and fell into a pile of debris two or three meters away from Jiang Xia.

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