Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 926 Uzo’s Gun Please vote for me

Chapter 926 Uzo’s Gun Please vote for me (〃〃)~

Jiang Xia stood up from Noah and watched the fight scene.

Then it was discovered that the one who came to attack was a young man in ninja uniform.

The man was wearing a fishnet top and pants that were tightened around the ankles, and his long light-colored hair was tied into a ponytail behind his head. When he grinned, he revealed two rows of inhuman fangs.

This seems to be the final villain in the game Cocoon - "Jack the Ripper".

Jiang Xia remembered that according to the setting, classmate Jack had a superb force value that "could knock Mao Lilan down and tie her into a rice dumpling in just a few seconds."

"..." The "consciousness space" of Noah's Ark seems to rely not entirely on its own abilities, but also on some "cocoon" information frameworks.

Jiang Xia: "..." Although this ghost is a little fierce and unreasonable, it also likes to rob innocent psychics who pass by. but……

……want to.

Moreover, if such a dangerous ghost is not secured by a contract, even if he leaves today, he may be harassed by Noah from all aspects in the future... He also has to be busy picking up murderous auras and ghosts, and cannot always follow a ghost. Wild ghosts battle wits and courage.

In other words, instead of guarding against giant tiramisu every day, it is better to bravely pick up the knife and fork when you encounter it and eat it clean.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia looked at the top combat power here, "Jack the Ripper", with a more serious look than before.

Jack the Ripper had just attempted a sneak attack, but it failed, and he was held down by Matsuda Jinpei halfway.

Now, the two are still fighting back and forth next to each other.

Jiang Xia: "..." I don't know if the people he met were too strong, or if he developed some strange attributes after becoming a soul. Every time Matsuda Jinpei fights, he seems to be at odds with others...

Jiang Xia secretly shook her head and shook away the strange thoughts.

Then he raised the gun, took a brief aim, and pulled the trigger.

A cloud of light dust exploded on Jack the Ripper's shoulder. He shrank back suddenly and roared in pain like a beast in pain. But he didn't stop moving immediately, he just moved a little slower... very different from those NPC guys just now.

"Hold him down." Jiang Xia called to his accomplice.

Matsuda Jinpei nodded, grabbed Jack the Ripper's forearm and twisted it hard. At the same time, he kicked the crook of his knee and skillfully forced the man to kneel on the ground.

Jiang Xia approached and aimed at his head.

Bang, bang, bang——

After a few shots, Jack the Ripper turned into a brilliant cloud of light and dust.

"In the game world, what's more important than fists if you have a gun?" Jiang Xia touched the ground nearby, grabbed a gun that his younger brothers had dropped, and patted it generously into Matsuda Jinpei's hand, "Use this."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

Miyano Akemi looked at Jiang Xia, then at the gun in Matsuda Jinpei's hand, and a small light bulb seemed to light up above her head.

She lowered her head and found an NPC's body lying next to her. She immediately stepped on her high heels and happily walked closer, picked up the man's gun and held it in her hand.

Jiang Xia nodded with satisfaction: Look at the consciousness of the former organization members.

...It’s just that I woke up a little late and the enemies fell, so I thought of fighting.

But, speaking of this...

Jiang Xia: "..." In my impression, Noah can actually interfere with this space to a certain extent.

——For example, the ground suddenly collapses, or some NPCs have the ability to teleport.

In comparison, isn't the current scene too normal, too close to reality... too "fair"?

Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at the ancient gun in his hand that had knocked down many NPCs.

——Noah didn’t suddenly twist the gun into plasticine when he fired it. Perhaps he could still use the excuse of “this space applies some rules of the real world, so Noah must also abide by it.” past.

But the chandelier above Miyano Akemi's head, the heavy solid wood wardrobe next to her... these are all factors that can fall down and interfere with them, but just now, Noah had no intention of using them.

In addition, it can obviously allow some important NPCs to teleport, but just now, Jack the Ripper lurked in very martially, shortening the distance on his own, and then pounced down to attack.

——In other words, there should obviously be some more twists and turns, but now, they are inexplicably successful.

Jiang Xia: "..." What does Noah mean?


While he was thinking, he casually shot the head of the strong "Moriarty" on the ground.

In the moment before the shooting, "Professor Moriarty" showed an unwilling look, like a villain who was forced to end his life.

But in Jiang Xia's perception, after it shattered into dust, the "jellyfish skin" fragments contained in it did not disappear, but quietly flowed to other parts of the hall.

Jiang Xia: "..."

According to this flow speed, and the direction of escape in all directions. It is not an easy task to intercept the fragments of artificial jellyfish skin before they escape.

However, the synonym for not easy is "you can do it with a little effort."

"..." If you really want to get this ghost, there is nothing you can do.

Jiang Xia was playing with the gun in his hand and thinking secretly.

At this time, Miyano Akemi's voice suddenly sounded from the door leading to the corridor nearby: "Master, the 'no access' sign has disappeared! You should be able to leave normally now."

Jiang Xia was shocked: "!"

...In this space, ghosts can actually talk?

"..." That's right. The characteristic of solidifying consciousness here seems to be able to greatly increase the strength of ghosts within a certain period of time.


I didn’t feel anything during the Q version, and the ghosts were mumbling when they spoke, but they were actually communicating through contracts.

And now, the adult version of Miyano Akemi suddenly said this... It was as if she was playing some weird game, which was a bit shameful.

"..." Jiang Xia stopped talking and decided to get down to business, "Don't leave in a hurry."

"Huh?" The two ghosts who arrived at the door were startled.

They turned around and saw Jiang Xia turning around and looking towards the corner.

——In the corner of the chaotic hall, a mouse was hiding there quietly, with a pair of small eyes as dark as beans.

It was waiting for a few people to leave.

However, at this time, as Jiang Xia turned around, a man and a mouse suddenly looked at each other, and the calm expression on the mouse's face froze slightly.

Noah possessed by a mouse: "..."

Noah hasn't given up on body snatching yet.

——There seemed to be something wrong just now. Instead of pulling out the soul of "Jiang Xia", two other strange things were pulled in.

But now, there is no doubt that the soul controlling Jiang Xia has appeared - the brutal guy who broke countless of his bodies.

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