Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 927 Please be serious about fishing

Noah: "..." Although I don't know why, Jiang Xia's consciousness looks different from his body.

But now is not the time to dwell on these details.

——In short, Noah went out just now, but couldn't find where "Jiang Xia"'s body was, so naturally he couldn't snatch it.

Therefore, it decided to show its weakness to the enemy and lure people into taking the bait——

After Jiang Xia wins, he will definitely return to his body as soon as possible.

As long as he keeps an eye on Jiang Xia's whereabouts and notes his path back to his body... he can truly find the opportunity to take over that body.

The script is perfect.

Unfortunately, only the beginning was as Noah expected.

——After Jiang Xia won the battle, he did not retreat. Instead, he turned around and walked over as if he knew that "Noah"'s consciousness was in the mouse's body at this time.

The two ghosts asked in confusion: "...Master?"

"Don't worry, we'll leave later." Jiang Xia's voice was still calm.

He pulled up a chair cushion that had fallen to the ground, patted the dust on it, and sat down opposite Noah, the rat sign.

Noah: "...?"

Let’s go! What are you waiting for? ?

Noah was confused about Jiang Xia's actions.

But it didn't dare to act rashly, so it had to raise its head, look at each other with big eyes and small eyes with Jiang Xia, pretending that it was really just an innocent mouse.

The two ghosts watched all this silently. After a while, they suddenly started to make vague guesses.

——They can feel that there are more and more edible murderous auras gathered in the seal space.

Outside, the rest room on the first floor of the Mihua Municipal Building.

Haihara Ai was sitting at the door of the bedroom with her chin on her face, looking at the rising smoke in boredom.

As she looked at it, she was suddenly startled.

——The cigarette in his hand suddenly burned much faster.

She was startled, remembering Jiang Xia's instruction just now to "keep smoking, don't stop". She instinctively took out the remaining cigarettes from the cigarette box and lit them carefully one by one - Jiang Xia gave her a full six packs of cigarettes, which was enough. .

The unusual speed of these two packs of cigarettes made Haihara Ai a little strange.

But then I thought about it - these cigarettes are not brands sold on the market, but more like Jiangxia's homemade hand-rolled cigarettes. Perhaps to make the cigarettes more flammable, when Jiang Xia was rubbing the two packs of cigarettes, he accidentally put in too much accelerant... Anyway, this thing smelled refreshing and cool, not choking, and it didn't seem to produce much smoke. Since I can't ask Jiang Xia for a while, let's just follow what he said and keep lighting it...

With this in mind, Hui Yuan Ai simply set up a small bonfire on the ashtray and watched the smoke slowly burn with dedication.

The murderous aura followed the mark on the body, all the way to the mark space, and gradually gathered.

Noah was still "I won't move unless the enemy is strong", secretly trying to figure out Jiang Xia's intentions.

However, at this time, perhaps due to some kind of inspiration-like intuition, it suddenly had a bad premonition, curled up its paws, secretly shrank back, and wanted to slip away.

But just as he turned around, there was a sudden weight on his back.

——Jiang Xia held it down.

"You're here now, don't be in a hurry to leave."

"!!" Noah suddenly felt a shiver all over his body - he felt like something smooth was caressing his body. That soft yet terrifying touch was so vivid that it penetrated directly into the soul.

The bad premonition in its heart suddenly amplified.

The next second, Noah gave up on the mouse body, gritted his teeth, and planned to transfer to a cockroach in the crack of the wall - there were no other living things around. Just now, Noah disliked the cockroach body, so Don't want to go there. But now, it is no longer time to think about this!

...However, even this humble wish failed to come true.

——Noah, who was exceptionally free in this space of consciousness and could move anywhere instantly, was unable to break away from the mouse at this time.

The sticky thing behind him seemed to be holding not only its current body, but also its consciousness.

"..." Noah finally couldn't calm down.

It turned around quickly and met a pair of red eyes.

Jiang Xia is still Jiang Xia, a complete person.

But for some reason, the air around him seemed to suddenly twist. Countless transparent things twisted and squirmed, reaching towards Noah, piercing into the small fragments in his body, and then spreading out along with the fuzzy sensing in the distance. It's like a web of reverse tracking.

Noah: "..."

...What exactly did you catch? ! !

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