Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 928 Uzo vs. Kudo and his sons

When Noah's worldview was refreshed.

Outside the tattoo space.

The messy changes in the conscious world have not affected reality.

People near the Mihua Municipal Building are ignorant of the unscientific things around them.

It’s time to enjoy the banquet, and it’s time to be busy preparing for the press conference. The reporters squatting outside also continue to stay beside the red carpet and work hard to take pictures.

Another car stopped in front of the red carpet.

This time, those who came down were Kudo Yusaku and Dr. Agasa.

On the next street, among the black Porsches.

Vodka tapped the notebook on his lap, checked the pre-installed camera opposite the Mihua Municipal Building, and watched the VIPs enter.

Seeing the new arrival, Vodka said "Hmm" thoughtfully: "Kudo Yusaku... isn't this the father of the famous detective who was killed by us?"

"I remember that after Kudo Shinichi's death, Uzo was reported to be 'possessed by the undead soul of his classmate'... huh?" Vodka suddenly remembered something, and there was a hint of schadenfreude in his tone:

"Brother, maybe that day when we met Kudo Shinichi next to the amusement park, it was Usa who instigated him - in this case, if Kudo Yusaku enters the venue now, can he still come out alive? He is more famous than his son, Usa I definitely don’t want to let him go, and maybe I’ve already planned to put together a set of ‘parent-child donburi’, hahaha——”

The car was silent for a moment.

Vodka noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, and the remaining half of his laughter gradually got stuck in his throat.

"..." He cleared his throat, straightened his face again, and pretended that nothing happened.

After a while, Gin snorted coldly:

"Uzo is not really a perverted murderer. Besides, he has more important tasks today."

In fact, Gin didn't remember much about the day he killed Kudou Shinichi - after all, he had killed too many people, and there were even more things to remember. He needs to forget about unimportant things at all times and face new information and tasks.

However, Vodka's words were almost like saying: They had been controlled by Uzo and killed people a long time ago.

"..." Gin knocked the cigarette in his hand disdainfully, and had only one comment on vodka's new idea:


——Even if it’s Uzo, don’t try to control him like those “actors”.

What's more, Jiang Xia didn't have much contact with them at that time. As a peripheral member of cannon fodder, Jiang Xia couldn't grasp their mission and whereabouts, so naturally he couldn't use them as knives.

Gin: "..." However, that afternoon, before rushing to trade, he seemed to have actually met Uzo in a nearby game arcade.

At that time, since Jiang Xia was Kudo Shinichi's classmate, it would not be difficult for him to have some influence on Kudo Shinichi's schedule...

Could it be true...

The veins on Gin's forehead jumped. He exerted some force on his hand unconsciously, and the cigarette butt in his hand crunched and deformed.

In the back seat, Belmode exhaled a puff of smoke, and also ignored Vodka's unintentional sowing discord.

She had also imagined the situation of "Kudo Shinichi was killed by Uzo".

However, as early as when she first met Jiang Xia and completed those complicated tests, this assumption had been eliminated by her.

But now, I hear Vodka talking about the "death" of the cool guy in this theatrical tone...

Belmod's face had no expression, but his eyes silently became colder.

Vodka's instinct moved and he suddenly shivered. Although I didn't know what happened, I felt a slight chill behind me.

Vodka: "..."

Has Uzo become a taboo topic in the organization? Why don’t eldest brother and Belmode react quite right...

"..." Forget it, it's better not to watch this guy's show. Just concentrate on your work...

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