Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 930 The advantage is mine

Dr. Ali saw Conan's hesitation and thought he was not interested in games.

The doctor whispered the spoiler: "You will regret it if you don't go. This is a game set in London a hundred years ago, at the end of the 19th century." ...and Shinichi's favorite Sherlock Holmes will also appear and interact. In addition, there are some little easter eggs regarding the identity settings of Holmes, Watson and Irene.

"London at the end of the 19th century?" Conan muttered helplessly, "Dad really likes that era. But as a game for children, this is not appropriate..."

The surroundings suddenly became dark.

In the entire banquet hall, only a beam of light remained on the stage.

At this time, Kudo Yusaku's speech has ended. The press conference has moved on to the next stage.

——On the stage, an egg-shaped game cabin slowly rose from the ground.

The staff began to introduce this magical machine:

"This is the epoch-making game console - 'Cocoon'!

"After the player enters it, it will take over the player's various senses. Whether it is sight, touch, smell or smell, all the feelings are very real. The player will be in a 'different world'.

"This way of realizing 'time and space travel' is to use weak electric current to stimulate the user's central nervous system. It is not only harmless to the body, but also relieves brain fatigue."

The staff responsible for the introduction didn’t know if this was true.

However, since it says so in the instructions and the device has passed the safety inspection, it shouldn't be a big problem.

When everyone admired the "cocoon" in the light pillar.

Thomas Sindora, who was dormant in the darkness, opened his eyes.

He held the stopwatch and walked quickly towards his destination.

A few minutes later.

in the real world.

In the lounge on the first floor of the Mihua Municipal Building.

Hui Yuan Ai sat at the door of the bedroom, leaning in front of the ashtray, holding the cigarette case, and kept lighting up obediently.

This boring and repetitive work made her feel sleepy.

She yawned and was about to stand up and jump around a few times to wake up.

At this time, the door behind him suddenly opened. Hui Yuan Ai was caught off guard, lost his balance, and fell on his back.

Halfway down, he was supported by a hand from behind, picked up, and placed back on the ground.

"!" Hui Yuan Ai woke up completely.

She turned around and looked at Jiang Xia, looking up and down for a moment: "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Not only is everything fine, but I'm also quite happy...

Jiang Xia took the cigarette and lighter from Hui Yuan Ai's hand and disposed of the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

Then he restored the lounge to its original state and took back the puppet clay stuck in the gaps: "Let's go, it's time to go back to the banquet hall."

Hui Yuan Ai responded and subconsciously followed Jiang Xia and took a few steps towards the door.

Halfway through, he suddenly remembered something and stopped.

She hesitated: "Otherwise... I'd better stay here."

——Although there is Dr. Ari's hair dye, since there may be members of the organization around, it is safer to find a place to hide than walking outside. If something happens, it won’t drag down the people around you...

When Jiang Xia heard what Hui Yuan Ai said, she didn't open the door immediately and looked back at her.

After thinking for a moment, he reached out to Haiyuan Ai's head, and before she could react, he struck out like lightning and pulled out a hair.

"..." When Haiyuan Ai covered his head in pain, Youyou looked over.

Jiang Xia pretended not to see anything and looked at the black hair in her hand.

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